Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 45: 45

The Divine Continent, Central State Great Zhou Dynasty, and the God of Zhou Mountain were thousands of miles away.

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On a vast expanse of land, several dozen teachers of the Great Zhou Academy were eagerly awaiting his arrival. Among the teachers of the outer courtyard, there was a skinny old man and a beautiful woman standing in the center. These two people were none other than the Dean of the Great Zhou Academy's outer court, Ji Wumianzhe, and the person in charge of the recruitment, Su Duo.

Today was the day of the end of the last Beast Hunting Exam, so he had to wait for an entire day. Out of the one hundred or so participants, only less than eighty had returned.

The sun was setting, and the sky was starting to darken. The reference staff who had returned were all filled with excitement and confidence. The followers who were brought in by the reference personnel that had yet to return all revealed anxious expressions of anticipation.

"Brother Wu Hen, why aren't you back yet!" Liu Shuang'er's eyes were filled with tears as she clenched her hands into fists. She gazed into the distant dense forest, her heart filled with anticipation.

"Shuang'er, don't worry. I believe that Brother Wu Hen will definitely return!" Shi Lei, who was battered and battered, walked quietly to Liu Shuang'er's side and comforted her in a low voice.

"Un, I believe Brother Wu Hen!" Liu Shuang'er bit her lips and silently nodded, minding her own business as she replied.

"Cough cough, there's still one more hour. Those who don't appear will be eliminated!" A brawny instructor swept his eyes across the empty field and announced in a clear voice when he received the orders from the dean of the outer courtyard.

"Haha, there's less than eighty people here." The top hundred students in the academy pass. This time, I'm definitely going to be qualified! "

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"Hehe, fortunately I was able to hide my body along the way and avoid many dangers! Although we did not obtain any powerful beast cores, we are still alive! "

"Haha, that's right, that's right! No matter how many beast cores we take, what use is there if we lose our lives!" Look at those amazing fellows in the exam, not a single one has appeared yet! "Seems like they must have been faking it for a while and fed all of them to the savage beasts!"

In the empty space, a wave of heated discussions could be heard. Some people in the crowd were secretly delighted, some people were complacent, some people were jumping in joy, and there were also some who were at a loss!

"Humph, anyone who fails to obtain a late stage wild beast core is considered as having been eliminated!" One of the instructors who was smiling coquettishly suddenly frowned, and angrily roared at the people around him.

The late stage of the Beast Core was the equivalent of a martial practitioner in the Soul Transformation realm. And most of the people present were at the early, middle, late, and late stages of the Soul Movement Realm. They were mostly hunting wild beast cores of the early or middle stages. As for the late stage wild beast cores, it was no different from killing a large number of people who were lucky enough to survive.

In the blink of an eye, there was complete silence in the empty arena. Those reference personnel who had been cheering happily and surviving with some secret glee had their expressions frozen to the spot, looking as if they had just eaten sh * t.

"Instructor Su, this is probably against the rules!" Hearing this, the teachers from the outer courtyard were all stunned. The teacher from before furrowed his brows as he asked in confusion.

"Humph, a person who covets life and fears death has no talent. What use does my Great Zhou Academy have of it?" This was the first time that the beautiful Su Yun did not reveal a charming smile, and replied with a serious expression and cold tone.

"Principal, what do you think?" The brawny instructor had some complaints as he asked Ji Wu, the dean of the outer courtyard, who was squinting his eyes, with a question of his own.

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"Teacher Su is fully responsible for this assessment. Anyone who objects will be punished according to the rules! " The skinny old man, Ji Wu, did not pay any attention to the muscular man's question.

Hearing this, the sturdy teacher quickly shut his mouth and gloomily returned to the midst of the team of coaches. The atmosphere in the large open area was extremely tense. Everyone tactfully hid to the side and silently waited.

As the night gradually fell, the people in the open ground began to lose their patience. In the end, out of the hundred or so referees, only ninety returned.

"The time is right, there's no need to wait any longer!" The dean of the outer courtyard, Ji Wu, waved his hand as he softly instructed the instructor by his side.

"Yes sir!" Teacher Su was already unwilling to accept this, so in an instant, he once again put on that charming smile that could captivate the soul of anyone who saw it in the past.

"Everyone, enter the teleportation nexus!" On the side, the instructor ordered the people in the open ground with a gloomy face.

For a moment, the originally silent space was filled with noises once again. Under the guidance of many of the professors, the ninety people who had come to take the test walked into their respective teleportation nexus.

"Shuang'er, let's go back first!" Shi Lei was helpless and reminded Liu Shuang who was standing where he was in a soft voice.

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"Shi Lei brother, you go back with them first!" I'm waiting. I believe Brother Wu Hen definitely won't leave Shuang Er behind! " Liu Shuang'er smiled brightly at Shi Lei, she turned around and continued looking into the dark forest.

"This …" Shi Lei's tall and sturdy body trembled slightly, and he was at a loss on what to do.

"Go back to the place you should be. You don't need to worry about the matters here." An extremely seductive voice came to Shi Lei's ears. Shi Lei quickly lowered his head and walked into the teleportation array behind him.

An extremely alluring and charming figure, playing with her voluptuous figure, slowly wrapped herself in a fragrant scent and walked to Liu Shuang'er's side.

"Activate the transmission array!" Teacher Su had already lightly patted Liu Shuang'er's shoulder as he charmingly ordered the people in the eight transfer arrays behind her in a clear voice.

Suddenly …

Eight terrifying array ripples slowly rose up, and everyone within the eight transfer arrays revealed an excited look. At the same time, the sound of rustling leaves could be heard in the dark forest. Soon after, the three figures clashed, breaking through the dense forest in the blink of an eye and arriving at the empty field.

"Cough cough, I finally made it!" Trapped in dust and covered in dirt, Wu Hen lightly coughed a few times before floating to Liu Shuang'er's side.

"Brother Wu Hen, Shuang'er knew you would return!" Liu Shuang'er, who was at the side, instantly burst into tears. She jumped high and threw herself into Formless' embrace.

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"Hehe, silly sis, Brother Wu Hen is truly a wise man, how could anything happen to him!" Wu Hen grinned widely, touching the back of Liu Shuang'er's head lovingly as he comforted her softly.

The other two white silhouettes revealed their true appearances. Jian Nameless, who carried a longsword on his back and had an upright look on his face, and Ji Ruxue, who was covered in cold air as though they were fairies, were all silently standing by his side.

"Eh, why did the three of them come back at the same time?" Su Li looked at the three of them for a while. He felt that the Qi on their bodies was slightly different from before, but he could not find out exactly what was the difference.

Behind him, the people in the eight teleportation arrays, as well as the ten or so instructors, were all stunned as they looked at the three people rushing back. Only the dean of the outer court, Ji Wu, had his eyes tightly shut. Surprisingly, he opened his eyes and sized up the three people in the ring!

"Come on, let's talk after we get back!" Instructor Su Chen could feel the teleportation nexus behind him growing stronger and stronger. He quickly waved his hand and urged the people beside him to hurry up.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh. The moment the instructor Su already finished speaking, a few figures quickly jumped out from beside him. Jian Wuming, Ji Ruxue, and Liu Shuang'er, who was wrapped around Wu Hen, actually all charged into the nearest teleportation nexus in the blink of an eye.

"Yi, is this the profound energy fluctuation of the late stage of the Soul Building Stage? No, that's not right, how could they be so strong? They can simply be compared to the profound auras of the ordinary cultivators in the early stage of the Soul Fusion Realm. Impossible, impossible, definitely impossible! " Teacher Su shook his head fiercely and muttered in disbelief. Immediately after, a burst of pungent smell drifted out, and Su Yun's entire body disappeared into the teleportation array as if he had appeared out of nowhere.

Swish swish swish swish swish …

Numerous rays of light shot up into the sky as the might of the eight teleportation formations burst out. A wave of turbulence came from the quiet wide ground. The hundred over people in the eight teleportation arrays all magically disappeared into thin air …

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