Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 467: 467

Boom boom. Boom boom

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The violent and turbulent sound of terror resounded through the void one after another. The two sharp swords collided violently, which made all the students and tutors of Penglai college who were watching the battle unconsciously step back quickly. Each one was pale. Obviously, they were more or less affected by the aftereffects of the collision of the two swords.

"Brush!" There is a sense of horror of the sword filled out, jiannantian Dean instantly gave birth to the territory of the body space will be in front of the area. The violent collision between the sword and the mind disappears in an instant. The two figures of sword nameless and sword Youdao are shrouded in the field space released by them.

"Hehe, no one will disturb us now! Nameless cousin, you shouldn't, you shouldn't. You shouldn't go back to Laizhou! Now that you have appeared, brother Wei will have to kill you with the sword of the emperor! " Sword Youdao, which has always been extraordinary in bearing, shows its original shape immediately after being isolated by the space field. Jian Youdao's eyes flickered with cold light, staring at the sword not far away from him with a cruel sneer.

"Hum, only your father and son's blood can repay the debt of father and Emperor! Today, I will clean up the door for my ancestors of Jianshi in beizhou! " With a cold hum, the momentum of sword nameless became colder in vain. Then, the Epee behind the nameless sword trembles in vain and turns into a virtual shadow sword array, and the guard wanders around the nameless sword.

"Eh, the magic sword is matchless..." in the distance, outside the domain space, Jian Nantian, the head of Penglai University, had a red eye, and almost rushed into the domain space with excitement. But fortunately, even if jiannantian came back to God, it didn't make others aware of its own gaffe.

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"Hey, today's Penglai Dynasty is our father and son's world. This is the northern state where we are in a hurry. Your swordsman has no name, so you don't have to struggle to death! " The sword has a cold smile, the momentum on the body becomes more violent. The horror of the sword with the tyranny of the emperor, a head of the sword will impact on the unknown body.

"Hum!" The sword array of Epee is accelerated to hover and rotate, and the heavy meaning of sword blocks the violent meaning of sword released by Dao Youdao. Then, I saw a thick light of Epee released from the body of epee. Instead, it turned into sharp sword Qi and rushed to kill the whole body of the sword.

"Son of Heaven Sword!" Feeling the sword of crisis, Youdao suddenly roared and saw a golden sword light flash in front of him. The sword light of golden light is dazzling, and it turns into a golden sword. Then the golden sword flashed out. The golden flash is like destroying the wood and decaying it. In a moment, it will devour the terrible sword spirit that comes from Dao's body.

"Boom!" Just a sword, the golden flash will flash away. A long golden sword slowly floats in the palm of Youdao's hand, and the terrible sword meaning just released by Epee is completely killed by it on the spot.

"Ha ha, I have the emperor's sword in my hand. The sword is nameless. I'll see where you're going this time!" Sword Youdao's eyes showed a fanatical flame, and he held the golden sword in his palm. Then, he saw that Jian Youdao's whole body and the golden long sword in his hand were slowly compatible, and a sense of terror and killing that had never been seen before was gradually converging from Jian Youdao's body shape.

"Matchless, give this guy some color to see!" Sword nameless face is still very cold, from its face can not see the slightest waves. The sword's nameless and deep eyes seem to have a bright golden sword emerging. The sword meaning released from the whole body suddenly rises several times.

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"Hum!" The empty shadow of the sword array turned into the unique Epee, and the unique Epee quickly fell back to the unknown palm of the sword.

"The sword of the son of heaven, the sword faces the world!" Sword Youdao's eyes flashed a fierce color in vain, and his whole body quickly turned into dozens of empty shadows of the golden long sword, which was the same as the emperor's sword in his hand. In addition, the horror of Xiaosha sword released by the virtual shadow of each golden long sword is exactly the same as the momentum spread from the body of the emperor's sword.

Whoosh, whoosh. Whoosh, whoosh

The shadow of golden swords diffuses in the void and becomes the flowing light of flying swords. The terrible and violent sword power seemed to destroy everything, and it appeared not far from the front of the unknown body shape of the sword.

"Sword three!" The sword that has been waiting for is nameless, and the Epee in his hand is unparalleled. He suddenly swings out quickly. There were three golden sword lights in a row. One was close and the other was fast. They were chasing each other and flying out of the void.

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Poop, poop. Poop, poop

Three bright golden sword lights flashed out and collided with the light of the golden sword. A golden sword light is invincible, which completely blocks the virtual shadow of the golden sword in the original place. The two golden swords were invincible, and all the empty shadows of the golden sword were destroyed on the spot. The three golden swords were so lawless that they flew out of the chaos. They went to the back of the sword and killed them."Boom!" A deafening roar burst out in the field space. The boundless golden light sword spirit is scattered in all directions, and the fierce momentum has the momentum of destroying the field space together. The fierce and fierce Xiao Sha's intention of sword spread and swallowed up the body shape of sword Youdao.

Gollum. Gollum

A clear and harsh sound of huff and puff came from the mouth of Penglai college students on both sides. All the students of Penglai University, including their tutors, look up in awe and amazement towards the rising sword storm wrapped in the field space.

On one side, Wu trace, Ji Ruxue, little fat Zhen Bucai, who retreated to one place, and Liu Shuanger, who was hiding in the dark to watch, all of them were smiling and looked very relaxed. They looked at the unknown figure of the sword standing proudly.

Tick. Tick

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With the gradual retreat of the third sword, the golden storm of sword will disappear in vain. Jian Youdao's whole body is full of blood. His face is very pale. He is shaking and holding the emperor's sword. His eyes are full of fear. He stares at the sword nameless with cold face.

"You lost!" Sword nameless holding Epee matchless, disdain of white, opposite sword have a way one eye. Then, the momentum of the sword's nameless body was released, and it turned into a pure sword. The meaning of the sword was oppressed and shrouded in the body shape of the sword.

"I. I give up! Don't. don't kill me. Cousin, I'm your only cousin! " When Jian Youdao was scared in his eyes, he begged for mercy in public.

On both sides, the students and teachers of Penglai college all saw the sword's action. They couldn't help rubbing their eyes in surprise and disbelief. Even Jian Nantian, the head of Penglai college, showed a look of disappointment to Jian Youdao.

"Suddenly When you hear Jian Youdao pleading for mercy, the killing intention of Jian Mingming increases instead of decreasing. The fierce and terrifying intention of the sword could not be suppressed any more, and it rushed out of the unknown body of the sword. The intention of killing and cutting the sword was fierce and fierce, and it hit the body of sword Youdao at once.

Jian Youdao's whole body suddenly flew backward and obliquely, and the emperor's sword in his hand was ignored. With the help of the aftershocks, he flew back to the edge of the field space, and looked at the nameless face of the opposite sword again like begging for mercy

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