Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 47: 47

The Central State Great Zhou Dynasty, the capital's Zhaoge, the Great Zhou Academy, they were divided into the inner and outer court academies.

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Amongst them, the students of the 36 residences of the inner courtyard were all at least in the Soul Fusion Realm and below. The strength of the students in the 72 cities of the outer courtyard ranged from the Soul Transformation realm to the Soul Building stage.

The inner and outer courtyards, thirty-six Heavenly Dipper Sovereigns, seventy-two Earth Fiends, and a total of one hundred and eight courtyards were divided according to the Great Zhou Empire's corresponding factions.

And above the students of the two academies, there was still an extremely special existence. That was the core student of the royal family of the Great Zhou who was sending talents directly into the cradle of the royal family. Once a student entered the Royal Courtyard, they would be automatically assigned to work for the princes. To be able to enter the Royal Courtyard as a core student meant that he would definitely be one of the favored students of the past generations of the Great Zhou Academy. Furthermore, each of them had a clean record and would definitely be loyal to the Imperial Family …

The Great Zhou Academy, within the outer court category. Among the many residences of the outer courtyard, there was a quiet and secluded courtyard.

At this moment, Wu Hen, Jian Nameless, Ji Ruxue, Liu Shuang'er, and the rest were all blankly looking around them. A faint fragrance slowly dispersed into the cool breeze.

"This is my residence, Star Seizer Academy. The three of you will be living here for a period of time! Now, I'll tell you about the rules here. Later, you can choose a room and settle down! " Instructor Su had already twisted her enchanting waist and slowly said to the people in front of her: "As for that girl, you choose one for yourself!" With that, Su Chen pointed at Liu Shuang'er and added with a faint smile.

"Thank you, Instructor Su!" Wu Hen cupped his hands and said gratefully to his teacher, Su Chen. To the side, Jian Wuqing and Ji Ruxue both nodded slightly but did not say a word either.

"There are no rankings for the outer court's 72 residences. All of you are free to enter and exit the Outer Academy. The Inner Academy is a forbidden area that you are not allowed to enter! " Three shining jade plates with the words "Great Zhou Academy" engraved on the front and the word "Great Zhou" engraved on the back appeared silently in the hands of Su Cheng.

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"Hehe, let me do it!" The mischievous and adorable Liu Shuang'er was extremely quick-witted, and she hurriedly ran forward to receive the jade medallions, passing them one by one to the three of them.

"The outer courtyard can be divided into the study hall, the Hidden Hall, the Martial Arts Practice Grounds, and the Exchange Hall. The academy was the place where the students of the outer courtyard passed down their scriptures. Every day, different instructors from the outer court will take turns to explain all of your basics like profound strength, profound formations, profound medicine, Xuan Core, Xuan Artifact, and Martial Spirit. The school system does not force students to study. You can choose classes based on your needs! " Su Chen smiled as he walked in front of the three of them, and a fragrant aroma unconsciously entered into Wu Hen's mind. A wave of dizziness followed, followed by a scorching pain that spread through his entire body. Formless finally regained consciousness.

To the side, the sword around Jian Wuming could not stop resonating, and the iciness on Ji Ruxue's body became increasingly stronger. In a short moment, the two of them recovered from their brief period of absent-mindedness.

"The Book Reserve Hall is the academy's place for storing martial dao manuals. You can enter the appropriate halls to learn the scriptures, depending on your own cultivation. " Teacher Su seemed as if nothing had happened. As she continued to smile charmingly, she introduced the three of them in a gentle voice.

"The Library?" Hearing that, Wu Hen's eyes lit up. Now, Wu Hen's internal body was not only cultivating the Eternal Heaven Art, but other cultivation techniques were also officially passed down by the Liu Family. In fact, all of them were moves that Liu Wuhen had learned according to his own understanding. Coupled with the fact that he had been reincarnated without a trace and had gained some insights from his past life, he was able to create the current Nine Willows Swords. It could be said that Liu's Nine Sword Technique was still in the process of improvement. He had no idea what level it would reach in the end. Therefore, right now Wu Hen urgently needed some martial skills to defend himself in case he needed them.

"The martial arts training grounds can be used for the students in the academy to practice martial arts." It was forbidden for students to engage in private duels. This was an unwritten rule of the academy. However, within the Martial Arts Practice Grounds, students can exchange pointers with each other, and they can also gamble with their lives on the line. These academies will not intervene, after all, you live in the world of martial arts! " Su Yun blinked his eyes seductively, and spoke to the three people in front of him who were listening attentively.

"Hehe, as for the last exchange area …" It was the place where school credits were exchanged, as well as where missions were issued for resources of equivalent value. Every student that entered the academy would get 100 points! You can exchange for the items you need through handing in your beast cores, challenge bets, contribution manuals, pills, and so on. You can earn points by exchanging them all for the items you need! "

After listening to their teacher Su Chen's general introduction, Wu Hen, Jian Wuming, and Ji Ruxue all silently nodded their heads. They had a deeper and comprehensive understanding of the Great Zhou Academy.

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"Hehe, the academy's rules have been introduced!" "Now, it's time to talk about my rules!" Teacher Su had already abruptly put away the smile on his face, and his gaze swept towards the three people present in a slightly fierce manner.

"Gulp!" An invisible pressure started spreading out from Instructor Su Chen's body without any warning. A dry sound of breathing could be heard. Every part of Wu Hen's body was covered in sweat.

"In my Star Seizer Courtyard, all outsiders are forbidden to enter!" Other than that, I'll only give you three a year's time. If you guys don't reach the Soul Fusion Stage during this year and don't have the ability to enter the inner court, then all of you can scram. My Star Seizer Academy will not accept trash! " Instructor Su Chen's voice had clearly become much louder, and his tone actually faintly revealed a trace of indignation.

On the other side, Wu Hen, Jian Wu Ming, and Ji Ruxue were stunned at the same time. They looked curiously at their teacher who had an excited expression on his face.

"In addition, during this year, you two will have absolute freedom to enter and leave the academy's outer courtyard!" I will not impose any restrictions on you. On the contrary, I will not impart any martial arts techniques to you. In other words, whether or not you can break through into the Inner Palace within a year, all of this will depend on your own efforts! "

"Hmph, I will do my best to support you, as long as you don't disappoint me." Even if you kill people and set this outer courtyard on fire, causing huge leaks in the heavens, I, Su, will still take responsibility for all of you! " Teacher Su was already in a serious manner as he promised the three of them in a serious manner that he had never seen before.

"Hmph, just a Soul Formation cultivator. One year seems a bit long! " Jian Wu Ming, who had yet to open his mouth to speak, narrowed his sharp eyes, and slowly replied with a disdainful expression.

"If it's just stepping into the Soul Fusion Realm, I don't think there's too much of a problem with my side!" Ji Ruxue's expression was still cold and detached, yet she looked at the somewhat agitated Teacher Su who had spoken up.

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"Haha, then let's see who among us will enter the Soul Fusion Realm first! Teacher Su, this is what you said. If I really kill someone and set them on fire, I will have to rely on you to protect me! " Wu Hen's face was full of smiles as he responded confidently.

"Humph, as long as you don't do something that goes against the will of the heavens, as long as you don't do anything that goes against the morality, in this Great Zhou Academy, whoever dares to provoke you will be executed as well!" Instructor Su Chen's body suddenly burst forth with a wave of killing intent, staring tyrannically at Wu Hen as he coldly snorted.

"Cough cough, definitely, definitely!" Feeling the berserk aura of his teacher Su Chen, Wu Hen immediately became more obedient. He thought to himself, "Why is it that Su Duo, who was so charming just a moment ago with an appearance of a weak woman, suddenly seemed to have turned into a completely different person, violent and manic."

"However, I only have one request. Once all of you have successfully entered the Soul Fusion Realm, the decision to join the Inner Academy must be made by me!" Su Chen let out a light sigh, and said solemnly to the three people in front of him.

"Alright!" Ji Ruxue was slightly stunned for a moment before she gently nodded her head and said.

"I have no objections!" Jian Wuming also had an indifferent expression as he promised Teacher Su.

"Hehe, as long as you don't restrain us, you can arrange whatever you want with such a small matter!" Wu Hen laughed loudly, patting his chest as he promised his mentor.

"Hmph, remember today's agreement. If you go against it in the future, don't blame me for being ruthless!" Teacher Su gave a cold snort to Wu Hen before turning around and walking towards the exit of Star Seizer Courtyard with large strides. In the large courtyard, all that was left were Wu Hen, Jian Wuming, Ji Ruxue, and the somewhat dazed Liu Shuang'er, who stood blankly by the side.

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"Hehe, this is my little sister, Liu Shuang'er!" Wu Hen pointed to Liu Shuang'er beside him as he enthusiastically introduced her to Jian Wuming and Ji Ruxue.

"Ji Ruxue!"

"Nameless Sword!"

The two of them glanced at Liu Shuang'er, then swept their eyes over her, finding no trace of her. Then, two cold voices came out at the same time. The two of them ignored Wu Hen and headed towards the east and west side rooms of the courtyard at the same time.

"Hehe, Brother Wu Hen, these two companions of yours truly have quite the character!" Liu Shuang'er hopped around and patted the dazed Wu Hen, laughing as she helped Wu Hen dissolve the awkwardness.

"Hehe, let's go Shuang'er. Let's ignore those two fellows. Big brother will take you to pick a room!" Wu Hen shamelessly laughed and dragged Shuang'er away. They wandered through the empty rooms in the Star Seizer Courtyard.

"Yanyu, don't worry. I won't let you continue to be depressed!" I will not allow anyone to look down on you. In my heart, you will always be the best! As long as I can help you, I can do whatever I want! "

In the distance, a graceful figure quietly appeared on top of a tall pavilion. At this moment, there were two streams of hot tears flowing down her lovable face. She looked absentmindedly along the pavilion and towards the direction of a courtyard not too far away from her!

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