Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 473: 473

On the platform, two groups of completely different five elements Xuanli's Qi collided madly and fiercely. The five disciples of Shengzong Hall of the inner gate set out to attack, and turned into five streamers to attack Yingyan and others.

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They all tried their best to stimulate the Xuanli gas in their body, and madly resisted the violent waves of the terrible Xuanli gas from the front.

"Hum, eagle eye. Solve them..." the proud Jin Peng snorted coldly and whispered to the swordsman eagle eye. Then, the whole body of Jin Peng was shocked, and the spirit of Jin Xuanli was released wildly. Behind him, there was a virtual shadow of a golden winged ROC bird.

At the same time, the eagle eye hands in vain many a bright cold full knife. Immediately, the eagle's eye mask, which covered one eye, melted rapidly, and a red eye like a fiery blood moon was exposed.

"Brush!" The blood red light reflected from the eyes of the eagle, turned into the awn of blood evil, and instantly shrouded in the square platform.

Five like streamer like crazy galloping figure, in touch with the bloody light of the moment, all together a Zheng body shape. Under the influence of the mysterious force released by the blood red eyes of the eagle, the five figures all became extremely slow.

Click. Click

The sound of freezing started from the five disciples of Shengzong hall. I saw layers of frost like a sharp blade, Qi brush cut the clothes of five inner disciples.

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"Suddenly At the same time, the virtual shadow of the golden Mirs flashed by, and the golden streamer in the void instantly shrouded the bodies of the five disciples of the inner gate.

Bang bang. Bang Bang

A series of dull heavy noise, Qi Shushu from the zongmen square platform resounded. Five nearly frozen figures, the whole body of ice and frost burst at the same time, and all five people's chests were covered with a bright and sharp golden awn. Then, five figures heavily flew back, all collapsed on the edge of the platform.

"Win. Win!"


"Eagle eye..."

Shengyin, Dieyi and xuantu, who were very nervous at first. At this time, all of them were shocked and were stunned on the spot. The five disciples of the inner gate were unwilling to stand up, but they still fell to the ground and couldn't stand up.

"Ha ha, the soul of birds, the golden winged Mirs are really extraordinary!"

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"Ha ha, there's the swordsman. He has magic in his mind. If he is trained, he will become a sharp weapon!"

"The other three don't seem to have much in common. However, since their strength has reached the level of infant soul realm, they can naturally join our holy Hall... "

A group of elders in Shengzong hall, looking at the war situation on the platform, talked about it without any care. Obviously, they didn't pay any attention to the victory or defeat of the inner disciples. Instead, they were more concerned about the belonging of Tianzhi's outstanding disciples.

In fact, the world of martial arts is just like this. The law of the jungle. Only the real strong will get more resources and attention.

"Five of you, from now on, you can enter the temple of my holy sect!" With a faint smile, the Deputy master of Shengzong hall was extremely satisfied with his eyes on Jinpeng and Yingyan for several minutes.

"Thank you very much, master. I will obey you."

"Thank you, master. Thank you, master!"

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Jinpeng. Yingyan. And so on a group of five people to bow to salute, in front of the Shengzong hall location then gave a salute. Then, the power of restraint on the imprisoned platform disappeared in vain. Several disciples of Shengzong hall stepped on the stage and brought the defeated five back to the camp.

For a moment, there was a complete silence on zongmen square. Meanwhile, Jin Peng, Ying Yan and others quickly returned to the square array at the entrance of the five elements Dharma protection hall, waiting for the end of the assessment activities of the inner gate ceremony.

"Ha ha, the inner gate selection and assessment activities continue. Who else is willing to send disciples to check their strength?" As soon as this remark came out, all the other disciples of the inner temple were in front of their eyes at the same time. Looking at the outer disciples of each Tangkou camp, they all showed a playful look. Obviously, the defeat of the disciples of Shengzong hall just now is equivalent to losing face to the disciples of Neimen temple. This time, people heard that there was going to be a challenge from the disciples at the entrance of the outer gate. Naturally, the disciples at the inner gate of each family were holding their breath and waiting to vent.

"The spirit beast hall is fierce. Challenge the elder martial brother of the inner gate of the holy beast Hall..."

"Puppet hall, Purple Maple, challenge the elder martial brother of the inner gate of the holy puppet hall!"

"Danmen hall. Hualeilei, challenge the elder martial sister in Shengdan point!"

"Medicine refining hall. Li qiangshui, challenge the elder martial sister in the hall of holy medicine!"With loud shouts one after another, some of the powerful members of the eighteen outer gates all stepped out. All of a sudden, all of the nine inner gates were challenged by the disciples of the outer gate. Then, the air of Xuanli, which was so terrible, rose up, and the original complete battlefield was quickly divided into several independent battlefields.

Most of the disciples of the outer gate's eighteen entrances went out to challenge, and the whole outer gate square was filled with mystery and excitement.

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After a full hour of competition, all the outstanding infant soul realm disciples at the entrance of each hall entered the temple of mind. Of course, the vast majority of them are more victories than defeats, but they still do not delay the recruitment of new disciples in the major temples.

Today, the eighteen outer gates of the hall, in addition to the miscellaneous service hall, the houfang hall and the LiangFang hall, are left with the pre skill hall, which has no disciples to test their strength. All the others were successfully promoted and became disciples of the inner gate.

On the platform filled with smoke, the air of Xuanli waves again quietly dispersed. The battle platform, which was originally divided into several square arrays, was once again integrated into one, and an empty silent battle platform quietly appeared in the eyes of the public.

On both sides, the disciples of the outer gate and the inner gate of the ninth hall, all of them glanced over the pre skill hall and looked at the miscellaneous service hall, the Huofang hall and the square array of the two gates with disdain.

The mysterious and unpredictable pre skill hall is known as the strongest entrance of the outer gate. Although there are few disciples in the hall, they are absolutely powerful.

Therefore, even the present disciples of the inner gate of the ninth hall, some of the old disciples of the upper level of aptitude did not dare to despise each other. As for some of the mediocre disciples, they prayed silently in their hearts, but they should not point out that they went out to fight with the people of the pre art hall.

However, the miscellaneous service hall is quite different from the kitchen hall. Everyone naturally believes that they are the weakest of the two outer doors. Of course, choosing persimmons is a matter of picking up and pinching. After all, this is the majority of conformity psychology.

For a moment, I felt the bad breath of the disciples of the ninth Hall of the inner gate around me. All the disciples at the entrance of the two halls mentioned their hearts to their voices, and their eyes flickered one after another to avoid the pondering eyes of chiguoguo, who did not dare to look directly at the people on both sides... < br > all at once

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