Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 477: 477

On the platform, no trace looks like a light cloud. The light of the silver sword on his waist flashes in vain. A bright silver sword suddenly appears in no trace's hand.

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On the other side, the smile on Hongyi's face disappeared in vain. Instead, his whole body suddenly ignited a fiery rising flame, and there was a combination of Daodao's writing charm and the fiery flame.

"Why, are you playing with me?" No trace slightly a Zheng, the corners of the mouth show a touch of knowing smile. The Xuanli and Xuanqi of the fire in the body spread out slowly, and turned into the rising flame of the Tao, guarding around the body without trace.

"Brilliant Red mouth cold spit out a few words, all around the body lingering charm seal text in vain into blossoming red blooming lotus.

The lotus flower bloomed and bloomed like a colorful bubble.

The road of blood red light and shadow freely shuttle, carrying the hot red awn, galloping along the direction of no trace, like lightning and flint.

In the battle platform, the fire and red light and shadow contain the terrible Rune power, rushing towards the traceless body.

The flame of Wu trace's bodyguard was broken by the crazy flowing light of the seal script.

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The purple and gold undercurrent surges out of Wuchen's body, and turns it into armor containing the power of thunder and lightning.

The terrifying power of seal script breaks through the guard of the rising flame, and quickly turns into the terrifying mysterious power on Wuchen's whole body. The terrifying power of seal script explodes wildly, which makes the air of Xuanli in the void vibrate inexplicably.

The heavy earth scattered everywhere, and the explosive power brought by the terrible power of the seal script collapsed the purple gold armor which was full of lightning power in less than a moment.

Boom boom. Boom boom

The blooming lotus flowers exploded one after another, and the whole platform was instantly reflected by the flashing lotus light and shadow. And in the center of the terrorist group, no trace has been filled by the smoke of gunpowder at this time, so that people can not see his current situation again.

Gollum. Gollum

All the disciples of the outer gate's eighteen families were full of grief and indignation and did not dare to look directly at the battlefield. And all the disciples of the ninth hall around wanted to jump up on the spot when they saw this. If it wasn't for the presence of the strong people at the level of the main temple, I'm afraid these inner disciples would have been excited and jumped out to find no trace.

"Ha ha, is that all you have?" Burning red clothes approached the battlefield step by step, and his voice murmured with disappointment.

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"Hum!" A loud sound of the sword made the restless zongmen square quiet again. Then, I saw a bright silver sword light rising from the sky. The endless cold and gloomy sword meaning started from the most terrible area where the lotus burst in the middle of the battle platform.

Poop, poop. Poop, poop

With a dull sound coming, countless lotus virtual shadows which are still bursting in the future will disappear in a moment. Those who stay in the same place will have nothing to find except a trace of horrible sword Qi!

"Why, he is still alive!" Feeling the sudden terror, the sword burst out, and the red coat's face became very dignified. The lotus seal script on his whole body flew out again, turned into a flowing light, and rushed into the center of the battle platform again.

"The sword cage is in the south of the Yangtze River. The sword cover is endless!" A voice of "Ruo" or "Ruo" or "Ruo" or "Ruo" or "Ruo" or "Ruo" or "Ruo" or "Ruo" or "Ruo" or "Ruo" or "Ruo" or "Ruo" or "Ruo" or "Ruo" or "Ruo" or "Ruo" or "Ruo. Then he saw a long silver sword in his hand, flying dragon and Phoenix dancing up and down, and quickly gathered his pure sword Qi in front of him.

Bang bang. Bang Bang

A series of clear and crisp sound resounded, red later released the horror of lotus seal also all arrived in the regiment.

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"Oh, why!" A faint sigh, seems to be very reluctant to shake his head and sigh. Then, a blue shadow flashed out. Just a breath less time, no trace the whole person will be like streamer, ran to the red clothes on the heart stab away.

Liu style nine swords streamer and fly, and try to be spread out by no trace. No trace is as smart and light as a dragon. When you jump three times and two lengthways, no trace appears behind the red body.


"Be careful, elder martial sister in red!"

"Damn, this guy doesn't even know how to pity xiangxiyu!"

All the disciples of the ninth Hall of the inner gate were shocked and whispered one after another. Even the inner disciples who have reached the middle cultivation level of the infant soul realm, if they really fight against Wu trace at this time, they are afraid that they have no sense of certainty to fight blindly with Wu trace."The leaves are falling!" A sword cut through the sky and split all the floating lotus seal characters in the surrounding void.

A kind of sword Qi flashed out like a flying leaf. The light of the silver sword makes the flying leaves float away. With one sword, the lotus seal script hovering freely in the void is completely destroyed.

Immediately after that, the shadow of a long silver sword sped up several times in vain. The flying leaves quickly turned into the shape of a long silver sword, and ran to the burning red chest to assassinate quickly.

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"Boom!" With an extremely strong to deafening roar, all the enchantments of the seal script around the red dress burst at the same time. The woman red dress, who is good at spiritual power and magic attack, felt the terror threat brought by the flying leaves.

"Run away!" A feminine voice, which is like an indecisive voice, comes quietly from the platform where the terrible Xuanli rises.

I can only see the Taoist seal inscriptions flying out of the red body, and once again turned into lotus flowers.

"Puchi!" With a sound, the flying leaves were falling, and the sword Qi suddenly disappeared into the body of Hongyi. However, the figure of Hongyi who was penetrated by the sword Qi trembled slightly, and then quickly faded into nothingness and disappeared.

"Why, is that a cover up?" Now the spirit of the full sense of traceless, the first time to detect the opposite red clothes. After that, Wuchen quickly released his mental power to cover all around, and suddenly found the hiding place of Hongyi again.

On the rampant platform, we can see that the Taoist seal inscriptions float and gather automatically, while the flaming red clothes, dressed in flamboyant red costumes, turn into human form again under the gathering of the seal inscriptions, so that they appear in the eyes of the public once again... < br > all the time

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