Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 487: 487

Daddada. Dada

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On the silent platform, traceless and slovenly old people walk in front and behind without saying a word. All the disciples of the inner and outer gates around them looked solemnly at their bodies. They walked down the battle platform and slowly walked towards the inner gate in the distance.

"Cough, no trace boss, you're gone, what can I do?" On the battlefield, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, has a face of mourning. He looks at the shadowless figure and begs to come out.

"Er, the elder martial brother..." no trace obviously heard the little fat Zhen Bucai's words that he wanted to cry without tears. He looked forward to the sloppy figure in front of him with some uneasiness.

"Ha ha, my college is short of a cook. If this little fat man can cook a good dish, he can join us to practice in the Sutra Pavilion of the academy! " Hua Buyu's slovenly figure gives a slight meal and glances at Zhen Bucai, a little fat man on the rear platform. His turbid eyes quietly flash a touch of light, and then he whispers back to Wu trace as if no one else.

"Ha ha, thank you, elder martial brother. I'm sure you won't be disappointed by little fat man's cooking skill." Smell speech, no trace where still can't understand white flower not language of intention, hurriedly to the battle platform on silly Leng small fat Zhen not just waved.

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"Ai Mai, this happiness comes too suddenly!" On the platform, Zhen Bucai's eyes were full of disbelief, and his pace was extremely dull. Its fat body is light and incomparable. In the blink of an eye, it follows behind the traceless and wordless flowers.

Gollum. Gollum

Bursts of nervous panting, from the zongmen square around will gradually spread. No matter the outside or the inside disciples all instantly looked straight, looking at the ugly little fat Zhen Bucai cast envious eyes one after another.

"Ha ha, brother Ti Tang, this time your son-in-law is going against the heaven!" Outside the door of the team, Li Qiufeng chunfengmanmian, patted the side of the flower Ti Tang shoulder, excited said.

"Haha, it's the same with each other. You've got a good apprentice, too!" Hua Ti Tang obviously knew more about the strength of the Sutra Pavilion in the Academy, and his whole body was shaking with the rhythm of his heart.

On the other side, all the disciples in the direction of Yushu hall were excited and looked at the Lord Zhen Youcai. Zhen Youcai is full of refined demeanor, and his deep eyes flash with a flash of light.

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Daddada. Dada

With the sound of footsteps, zongmen square fell into a dead silence again. No trace and little fat Zhen Bucai follow in silence. With the sloppy Hua Buyu, they soon leave zongmen square and disappear in the eyes of everyone.

Out of zongmen square, you enter the inner gate temple area. In the distance, among the mountains, there are nine peaks full of Xuanli Qi, which are the holy land of the nine cultivation halls of the inner gate.

Hua Buyu didn't take Wu trace and little fat Zhen Bucai to the nine shrines of the inner gate. Instead, he went straight around the dense jungle towards the hinterland of the inner gate, a desolate and empty back mountain.

After walking for about half an hour, there was a dense purple bamboo forest in the distance, which was reflected in the eyes of no trace and others.

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"Eh, purple bamboo forest..." no trace a light exhortation, looking at the purple bamboo forest in front of me, even a similar feeling rose in my heart. The sky and the nine Xiao dragon Jue flash out of Wu trace's mind. This purple forest is very similar to the scene in the original dreamland.

"Ha ha, the purple bamboo forest is my favorite! Let's go. After this bamboo forest, we'll be home! " At the mention of master, Hua Buyu's tone was full of awe. And he looked at the purple bamboo forest in front of him with great awe. He seemed to have deep feelings for it. Even his turbid eyes became inexplicably clear at the moment.

Walking through the purple bamboo forest, there is an array power fluctuation. No trace and little fat Zhen Bucai said nothing and followed Hua Buyu closely.

Straight through the purple bamboo forest, there is wind blowing occasionally in the quiet bamboo forest. In the calm bamboo forest, the air of Xuanli is always fluctuating, but the seemingly calm bamboo forest actually hides a terrible opportunity to kill.

After the area of purple bamboo forest, several neat and clean thatched cottages came into view. On the side of the thatched cottage and the purple bamboo forest, there is a clear stream flowing by.

In front of the neat thatched cottage, there is a central area, which is very spacious. On one side, the upright platform stood high and stood out in front of the thatched cottage. Behind a row of clean thatched cottages, not far away, stands a towering 13 section exquisite pagoda.

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The towering and exquisite pagoda goes straight into the clouds, and each section of the pagoda layer is surrounded by a pure and incomparable Xuanli light. However, the terrifying and dignified momentum of the thirteen section Linglong pagoda made Wuchen feel confused after seeing it. His Qi and blood surged. Even his eyes were unable to extricate themselves. The whole person had difficulty breathing and could not breathe."Plop!" A dull sound, from no trace side resounding. Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, sits on the ground with his nose and temples full of sweat.

"Hoo No trace heavily breathed a breath, in the body forever the heaven and earth definitely crazy movement opens. Hongmeng's spirit of chaos filled his whole body, and he moved his eyes from thirteen exquisite pagodas.

"Ha ha, it's very good. It's able to withstand the prestige of the Sutra Pavilion Hua Buyu gave Wu trace a deep look, then gazed at thirteen exquisite pagodas and said with a sigh.

"Sutra Pavilion..." after hearing Hua Buyu's words, Wu Chen was shocked. It turns out that the pagoda that exudes the power of the magic weapon of terror is the Sutra Pavilion. Isn't it that all the magic books and records are extraordinary. Every day to keep such a big treasure to practice, just think about it, let no trace heart beautiful flowers. It's no wonder that all the disciples and elders of the inner gate looked at themselves and wanted to eat them alive. Put such a big pie, I'm afraid anyone will want to share a piece of it!

Whoosh, whoosh. Whoosh, whoosh

When Wuchen and others came out of the purple bamboo forest to the front of the thatched cottage. The doors of some of the thatched cottages moved in vain. There were four figures, including two men and two women, and four extremely handsome young men and women. They looked at Wu trace and little fat Zhen Bucai beside Hua Buyu. They were all slightly stunned. Then, two men and two women seemed to think of something in general, and a knowing smile appeared on their faces at the same time.... < br > there was a smile on their faces

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