Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 49: 49

Outside the Book Reserve Hall, tens of young men wearing outer court attire strangely surrounded and knelt in a circle towards a handsome young man in azure clothes and a cute and mischievous young girl.

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"Apologize!" Wu Hen's face was still as gloomy as before, his voice cold and impatient. A wave of pressure that was without anger and self-might pressured the dozens of young students present to the point that they were unable to breathe.

"I, I, I apologize!"

"I'm sorry, girl! We were wrong, please let us go! "

"Please spare me, young master!"

"Young Master, please be merciful!"

A wave of ghastly wails and howls came out from the mouths of the older students in the outer court one after another. The faces of the surrounding outer court students became unsightly, as if their dignity had been provoked. They were extremely indignant.

"Scram!" With a furious roar, the formless pressure vanished into thin air. Once again regaining their mobility, the students from the outer courtyard hurriedly fled the scene without even looking back.

"Kid, if you have the guts tell us your name. We, the Great Assembly, will take revenge on your behalf! " In the distance, one of the fleeing people, a young student with mid stage Soul Building Stage strength, bravely shouted out to the group behind him.

"Star Seizer Courtyard's Liu Wuhen!" Wu Hen calmly held Liu Shuang'er's hand and slowly spoke as they walked.

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"Swish." The crowd in front automatically parted on both sides, and a one-meter-wide passageway appeared in front of them.

"Eh, so it's the Star Seizer Courtyard?"

"Oh my god, since when did the Starpicker Courtyard start accepting students?"

"Haha, there's no need to look!" One year later, there will be another person expelled from the academy! "

"Hehe, even if it's just for a year, to be able to get along with that little demoness teacher, even if you want me to die, it's worth it!"

The surrounding crowd once again burst into heated discussion. It seemed that the rules of the Starseizing Manor were well-known. Wu Hen pulled Liu Shuang'er through the crowd, listening to the whispers behind them as they walked further and further away.

At noon, Wu Hen and Liu Shuang'er returned to the Star Seizer Courtyard. Ji Ruxue, who had always been alone, was still nowhere to be seen. As for the Mad Man Sword Nameless, he was still crazily cultivating his cultivation technique in the room.

"Shuang'er, for the time being, don't go out, lest you run into some danger!" Formless smiled at Shuang'er, then turned around and slowly walked back to his room. Feeling Wu Hen's concern, Liu Shuang'er's heart was instantly warmed. One of them looked at Wu Hen's disappearing figure and laughed dumbly in the yard.

For the entire afternoon, Wu Hen kept himself confined to his room. Wu Hen was currently in the later stages of the Soul Building Stage, but the boundless primordial chaos in his body, as well as his own power of ten thousand dragons, had reached the standard of the Soul Fusion Stage. However, for some reason, he was still unable to break through into the early stage of Soul Formation.

Ever since he had absorbed a large amount of Inferior Grade Profound Stones, Wu Hen's Martial Spirit, "Little Earth Dragon", had been sleeping inside his dantian. After consuming the Scarlet Fruit, Wu Hen's spiritual sense had reached the standard of the Soul Fusion Realm. And the 'little land dragon' that had been sleeping the entire time. Right now, it was completely covered by a layer of faint red glow. Wu Hen could only feel that the "little land dragon" was growing and changing every day. However, due to the obstruction of the red light, he was unable to see its true appearance.

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If you can't figure it out, then don't think about it for now. Otherwise, it would only backfire, causing him to feel vexed. Wu Hen, who always used this as a standard of conduct, had no choice but to give up all distracting thoughts and started to cultivate the Eternal Heaven Arts with all his might.

In the evening, the sky gradually darkened. Liu Shuang'er busily prepared an exquisite dish, placing it one by one on a stone table in the middle of the courtyard.

Although a warrior could use Xuan Energy to provide nutrition for their daily needs, it wasn't a problem even if they didn't eat. However, ever since Wu Hen and the rest entered the Star-Seizing Manor, Liu Shuang'er would prepare a sumptuous feast for them every night. This was also the only thing that Liu Shuang'er believed she could contribute to everyone. It was also an unwritten rule for people to gather in front of a stone table every night.

Dressed in a white robe that was as cold as frost, Ji Ruxue's figure flashed into the house and returned to the Star-Seizing Courtyard on time. Liu Shuang'er, who had just finished her work, was full of smiles as she called out to Ji Ruxue with a cold expression, "Elder Sister Ruxue, quickly sit here!"

"Alright!" Although Ji Ruxue's expression was still cold, she surprisingly responded to Liu Shuang'er. Following which, his body moved slightly, and he landed beside Liu Shuang'er.

"Hehe, you little girl, what good thing did you make today?" A light chuckle accompanied by an alluring fragrance drifted in.

The extremely charming and flirtatious teacher Su Tong appeared out of thin air like a ghost. Teacher Su picked up a piece of pastry from the stone table and began to peck at it admiringly.

With a "pa da" sound, the white robed Jian Wu Ming, filled with a murderous aura, quickly walked out of the room. Without any warning, he sat down on a stone chair in the courtyard, picked up his chopsticks, and started to wolf it down.

"Hehe, Brother Nameless, take your time and eat. Shuang'er has prepared a lot!" Looking at the hungry tiger that pounced on the nameless sword, Shuang'er thought back to her first meeting with the nameless sword in the wilderness. She could not help but giggle.

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"Bang, bang, bang!" A series of muffled sounds came out from the room. Soon after, an azure shadow flew out at high speed, and a faint draconic roar could be heard as the azure shadow flashed into existence. Wu Hen sat down firmly on the stone chair in the yard, the green Ascending Dragon Qi around his body gradually fading away. The raging and raging profound energy aura within his body gradually calmed down, and the irritable aura on Wu Hen's body returned to normal once more.

"Hu!" Wu Hen calmed himself down and heaved a sigh of relief. Looking at the shocked crowd on the table, he thought to himself, "This Ascending Dragon Fist is indeed extremely violent, even I, who have attained the strength of ten thousand dragons, can feel the restlessness in my body when I cultivate it! Fortunately, the grandmist chaos energy in my body is pure and majestic. If it were any other person who practices this cultivation method, I fear that they would have truly injured themselves and others! "

"Yi, Wu Hen, what a violent power. Let's give it a try when we have time!" At the side, Nameless Sword raised his head abruptly as he furiously devoured the food, his eyes full of fighting spirit as he looked at Wu Hen.

"Cough cough, if there's a chance, if there's a chance!" Wu Hen coughed lightly, and replied perfunctorily to Jian Wuqing. What a joke, sparring with this madman in martial arts. If he lost, he would just be looking for a beating. If he won, he would be constantly pestered and pestered until he won. Ever since he had stayed in the Star Seizer Courtyard on the first day, Wu Hen, who had suffered a loss due to his words, could no longer have the confidence to compete with the nameless sword.

On both sides, the cold and elegant Ji Ru Xue glanced at the two of them before she continued eating with her head lowered as if nothing had happened. Liu Shuang'er was full of smiles as she happily picked up the food on Wu Hen's table.

"Hehe, some things are worth practising. Some things should be abandoned and abandoned!" Su Yun gave a charming smile and continued muttering to himself. It seemed casual, but it also seemed to be intentional. Around the stone table, only Wu Hen seemed to understand something.

"Kid, you really have a bad time! "Then, what for you …" A flash of red light appeared from Su Chen's hand. Wu Hen only felt his vision blur as he hurriedly stretched out his hand to catch an object that was flying towards him.

"Letter of challenge!" Red on a white background, the three words shining into his eyes. Wu Hen was slightly stunned as he continued looking down, "Tomorrow at noon, the academy's martial arts arena will settle this duel. The name shall be signed, Mad man Wang Yu!"

The top ten students in the outer courtyard were all at the late stage of Soul Building Stage. Although this crazy Wang Yu was ranked tenth, he was one of the top students in the outer court in terms of strength. Although he was ranked tenth, he was still an established student. In a battle, Wu Hen did not dare to underestimate his opponent.

Sensing the change in Wu Hen's expression, Jian Nameless and Ji Ruxue relaxed their hands simultaneously. Staring at the blood-red written challenge in Wu Hen's hands, they narrowed their eyes and started to study it.

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"Elder sister Su, it's all my fault! It was only because those people bullied me that Brother Wu Hen took action to teach them a lesson! " Liu Shuang'er, who already knew of the situation, had her eyes turn red.

"Shuang'er, did they bully you?" Su already raised his brows, two cold lights flashed in his charming eyes.

"En!" Liu Shuang'er was extremely aggrieved, lightly nodding her head in response.

"Good, good, good. They even dare to bully the people from my Star-Seizing Manor. Looks like it's been a long time since I, Su Chen, went crazy. They've already forgotten how terrifying I am!" Su Chen called out three times in succession, and his gaze once again became gloomy.

"If you don't have any confidence, then I'll go!" Ji Ru Xue then yawned as she coldly said those words.

"To dare to bully little sister Shuang'er, I, Jianwu, will accept this justice!" Jian Nameless was shrouded in killing intent as he spoke to Shuang'er with an arrogant tone.

"Hehe, it's just a mere Wang Yu, how can you not be afraid? What I am worried about is the power of the Zhaoge family behind Wang Yu! " Wu Hen laughed coldly, and spoke indifferently to the crowd.

"Hehe, the academy's competition is voluntary! Even if it was a life and death game, no one would avenge you if you were inferior! Moreover, this Wang Yu was only a descendant of a branch family, he didn't even have any influence in the Wang family. He is just using the name of the Wang Family to scare people! " Su Yun smiled until the petals trembled as he explained to Wu Hen in peace.

"Haha, so that's how it is! At noon tomorrow, I'll go meet that madman from the outer court! " Wu Hen's eyes sparkled as his battle intent rose once again. His handsome face remained calm as both sides of his mouth slowly formed a sinister smile.

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