Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 493: 493

"Suddenly The fierce cold wind blows, and the purple and golden light lingers all over the body. The purple and gold armor that covered the traceless body rose up suddenly, and a strange mist rose up, which quickly repaired and perfected the damaged parts on the whole body.

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"Hey, sixth martial uncle, if you're OK, I'll be relieved, or I'll be scolded to death by my master!" The aftershock shook his arm excitedly, and the huge heavy axe suddenly rubbed against the ground under his feet, making harsh noises.

"Ha ha, I haven't met a tough opponent like you for a long time! You don't have to worry about it. Let go of it and fight with me! This battle has nothing to do with winning or losing. It's just a fight With a faint smile, the silver sword in his hand gently raised and trembled, pointing to the excited aftershocks on his face, and spoke in a very frivolous and gentle tone.

"Ha ha, Shifu. You heard that, but sixth martial uncle asked for it himself..." the aftershock was as excited as a child. He turned to look at the distant flower lying flat in front of the thatched house and asked.

"Ha ha, as long as you don't tear down the Sutra Pavilion, let the two of you make a fool of yourself today." The sloppy flower doesn't speak, the white beard on the chest trembles in vain, the sleepy eyes sweep the eyes, and the two people in the opposite confined space nod and answer.

"Cluck, it's so busy now!"

"Hey, hey, there's a good play!"

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"Ha ha, aftershock used to be abused every day. This time, it's a chance to turn over. How can we let it go easily?"

The second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei, the fourth elder martial brother west wind withered, and the fifth elder martial brother Shifu Hua, all of them have a smile and talk with interest, while the Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless looks as usual, not happy or sad, holding his shoulder and looking quietly into the confined space.

At this time, the most depressed one is little fat Zhen Bucai. I didn't expect that the apprentices of the eldest martial brother were so powerful. It seems that his life in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy will be extremely difficult in the future

"Boom!" Just as the crowd was waiting for it, the battle momentum in the confined space burst out in a frenzy.

After the aftershock, the mysterious force burst out in a frenzy, and the whole person's burly figure soared several times in vain. Like a general aftershock of animal, the whole human body is covered with thick layers of petrified rock. And the aftershock of the petrified body after the beast, now carrying a huge heavy axe is more powerful.

"Ha ha, this guy seems to be a born fighter! After being transformed into a beast and protected by the spirit of petrochemical defense, I don't know if it's his physical body or mine that is better! " No trace looked at the aftershock, which had completely released Xuanli's Qi, with a faint smile, and his fighting spirit was ignited and burst out. The power of thunder and lightning hovers around you long's body. He perches on the traceless body, and two strange purple lights appear in his eyes.

"Ha ha, sixth martial uncle, be careful!" A loud laugh resounded from the aftershock. Then I saw a violent tremor like mountain shaking and ground shaking, which came from the ground shaking at the foot of no trace.

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An invisible gravity pressure, the first pressure blessing on the body without trace. The power of thunder and lightning around the body of no trace is roaring, which instantly resists the gravity pressure in the void.

Boom boom. Boom boom

The sound of mountain shaking and earth shaking is accompanied by the attack of aftershocks. After shock, the whole person is just like a running bull, and just like a beautiful tiger who just went down the mountain to release himself.

Poop, poop. Poop, poop

Several giant heavy axes split out, and the aftershocks started to attack at the same time. With the momentum of destroying the sky and the earth, the shadow of the heavy axe becomes the pure light and shadow of the earth. It cuts back on the traceless body.

"Streamers flying!" The mysterious force in Wuchen's body is running wildly. The willow catkins' ethereal skill, with the help of the flowing light and the mysterious force of the wind, makes its own speed of moving and dodging several times faster than usual.

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The shadow of the heavy axe, which is like destroying the sky and destroying the earth, is all split on the residual shadow of no trace. The terrible force of the heavy axe bombards the invisible light cover of the confined space, making the rigid invisible light cover vibrate with the mysterious force.

"The sword cage is in the south of the Yangtze River. The sword cover is endless!" A series of two sword moves, no trace in close to the aftershock body shape at the same time quickly launched the offensive. The continuous Yin cold sword was filled with the aftershock, which enveloped the whole body in a flash.

"Roar!" The continuous sword attack is on the aftershock's body, which is covered with the aftershock of petrochemical effect. There are numerous visible and white sword scratches on the body, but it doesn't do any real damage to the body.

With the roar of the aftershock, the petrified body suddenly burst out a very violent air of Xuanli. The idea of Yin cold sword, which was constantly bombarded on his body, was gradually weakened and dissipated under the threat of this violent momentum."Ha ha, sixth martial uncle, this skill is not enough!" The aftershock laughs wildly and says defiantly to the traceless not far in front of him. Immediately, we see the aftershock arms suddenly clench their fists and smash them toward the ground below.

"Boom!" A violent tremor like mountain shaking came, and the ground at the foot of the traceless place quickly cracked and collapsed. A few meters deep pit impressively formed, will be traceless the whole person to fall into the pit.

"Thousands of days With the roar of the aftershock, the body after the aftershock beast suddenly appeared beside the pit. A sharp cold light flickered up, and the huge heavy axe in the hands of the aftershock immediately turned into thousands of light and shadow.

A road of terrible heavy axe light and shadow with the momentum of destruction, like a storm general gallop down. In the deep pit, the sound of terrible turbulence rises, and the whole pit is filled with the air of mysterious force.

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"Damn, no trace boss, it's going to be abandoned..." little fat Zhen Bucai swallowed hard and poked his eyes, as if he couldn't believe it. In the pit comes the terrible mysterious force, each of which makes little fat Zhen Bucai feel threatened and afraid. It can be imagined that deep in the Xuanli's gas explosion group, no trace has to bear the huge threat of death at this time.

Gollum. Gollum

A slight trembling huff and puff came quietly from the mouth of a disciple of the Sutra Pavilion in the Academy. The second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei, the fourth elder martial brother Xifeng withered, and the fifth elder martial brother Shifu Hua. All of them looked at each other in dismay, and they saw a trace of worry in each other's eyes.

After all, no trace has just joined the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, and people don't know much about its strength. Although no trace has just revealed some talent against the sky, it is not the real combat power after all. As for the combat power of aftershocks, people can't understand it. It's no exaggeration to say that the strength of aftershocks is invincible in the same class.

Even if the master's disciples of the inner gate's ninth hall compare with him, they will be eclipsed. Even if the disciples of the other major forces face the aftershock, they are sure that the aftershock will win the final battle.

Poop, poop. Poop, poop

Thousands of empty shadows of heavy axes flicker, and the terrible power of Xuanli's Qi gradually turns into nothingness and disappears. In the deep pit, there is still the air of terrifying Xuanli, and there is a strong green shadow standing in the same place< br>

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