Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 495: 495

For several days, Wu Chen and little fat Zhen Bucai have been fully integrated into the life of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy.

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No trace in the daytime is to clean the bad environment around the Sutra Pavilion, it seems to really become a little brother. In the words of master Hua Buyu, why not sweep the whole world without sweeping the whole house.

Therefore, no trace and no complaints, hard work to do a good job. Once he is free, Wuhen will go to see shifuhua, the fifth elder martial brother.

Shifuhua, the fifth elder martial brother, lived in several thatched cottages, but only one thatched cottage. As for the other thatched cottages, they are used to place the ancient books and techniques copied by the accumulation of poems.

A whole number of thatched cottages are all piled up with well-documented ancient books. It can be seen that the patent of copying books is a long-term hard work for shifuhua, the fifth elder martial brother.

"Keke, elder martial brother, are these ancient books and techniques from the Sutra pavilion? How long do you need to transcribe before you can extract all of them? " No trace looked at the whole room of the ancient books of Gongfa, and some of them looked sympathetically to Shifu Hua, the fifth elder martial brother.

"Ha ha, chopping wood in aftershock is a kind of practice, and cooking is a kind of practice. Sweeping the floor is also a kind of practice, but my fifth elder martial brother's copying is also a kind of practice! "

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"Well, this man is never too old to learn. There is no end to the path of practice. I wish I could spend my whole life in exchange for your safety for the rest of your life The fifth elder martial brother sighed, picked up his pen and began to copy again. Its own voluminous full surging, coupled with its calm voice, even let no trace listen to the inexplicable some crazy up.

"Ha ha, traceless boy, it's the power of spirit, the guidance of natural expression! You five elder martial brothers are amazing. They focus on copying books and make their spiritual power so powerful A faint smile, from the traceless brain, like a blow of thunder resounded. No trace some Leng body suddenly a Zheng, the whole person quickly from just infatuated with the state of liberation.

"Ha ha, I broke away so quickly. It seems that my spiritual power is much stronger than I imagined!" Shifu Hua, the fifth elder martial brother, showed a smile and nodded to Wu trace with great satisfaction. Immediately, Shi Fuhua pointed to the mountain like bookshelves on the left and right sides of the thatched cottage and said in a soft voice, "you must read all the classics in this room. Of course, you can also check the learning at will. How much you can master depends on your talent! When you've finished browsing all of them, come back to me to learn the new skills and classics! "

"Thank you very much, fifth elder martial brother!" No trace, with a straight face, saluted the back of shifuhua, the fifth elder martial brother. Then, as if he had not heard anything, the fifth elder martial brother Shifu Hua quietly copied a new book of Gongfa. Seeing this, no trace had no choice but to tiptoe, no longer speak, silently picked up a Book of ancient skills and read it by himself.

At the same time, after the aftershock and entering the deep mountain forest behind the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, waving the rusty heavy axe in his hand to a bare cliff, he began a crazy cutting. This kind of strength tempering is most suitable for aftershocks of natural divine power.

Now, except for three meals a day, little fat Zhen Bucai spends the rest of his time following his fourth elder martial brother Xifeng to practice.

The fourth elder martial brother xifengxie is good at all kinds of arrays. The concise convergence of Dharma arrays can also better cultivate the little fat Zhen Bucai's spiritual power. For a diviner, spiritual strength is the foundation of his practice.

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Therefore, even if the fourth elder martial brother Xifeng's practice was extremely cruel and severe, little fat Zhen Bucai insisted on it quietly. And the performances of Wu Chen and little fat Zhen Bucai in recent days have obviously won the tacit approval of your senior brothers and sisters.

The second elder martial sister will cook some very special tonic soup all day long, forcing Wu trace, little fat Zhen Bucai and aftershock to take it.

It is said that these herbs are made from dragon meat with extremely rare and special natural materials and local treasures, and these extremely hard to find natural materials and local treasures are obtained by the Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless who is responsible for searching everywhere.

As for the master brother, the flower is silent, and it is hard to see the secret all day long. Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, is in charge of all the affairs in the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy. As for the elder martial brother and other teachers in the population, Wu trace and little fat Zhen Bucai have not yet been able to meet.

However, the whole Sutra Pavilion seems to be a complete family. In addition to full sincerity, what wutrace feels here is sincere care and love. It's hard to measure the minds of those people who do not know each other's tricks. They can't even touch them here.

This place has also become the only place where you have a real sense of belonging for a long time.

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Tianyunzong is located on the inner gate Hall of the nine inner gate halls.

In the middle of the main hall of the inner gate, there is an old man. He is dressed in a gray robe, snow-white beard and his solemn face, which makes him look very Taoist.Below, the nine halls of the inner gate are all equipped with powerful people at the level of deputy hall master, leading a group of elder level experts to naturally stand on both sides of the hall.

At the moment, there are many of the 18 hall masters outside the hall, all standing in the direction of leaning towards the door of the main hall. In the inner hall, there was a middle-aged man in a Dragon Robe standing on the spot.

"Big Zhou Jifa, I've met Mr. Zhen and all the hall masters. Hall masters!" As soon as this statement is made, the identity of this person is about to come out. The cold and stern man in the Dragon Robe is Ji Huang Ji Fa of today's great Zhou Dynasty, while the old man sitting on the top of the inner gate hall is Zhen Shengcai, the most powerful and mysterious astrologer of the ninth Hall of inner gate of Tianyun sect. That's the grandfather of little fat Zhen Bucai, the father of Zhen Youcai, the head of the external pre surgery hall.

"Ha ha, from a long distance, I don't know why Ji Huang came here?" Zhen Shengcai, the master of the astrology hall, smiles and nods. It's obvious that this is not the first time to deal with Ji Huang. After all, the major sects would secretly support the forces of the major dynasties, so as to ensure the supply of a large number of cultivation resources needed by their own sects.

"Ha ha, master Zhen, the dog was killed in the palace of Star River a few months ago. According to the news from my subordinates, it is very likely that they were hurt by the rebels who defected to the Zhou Dynasty. I heard that there was a young man named Liu Wuchen among the disciples of Tianyun sect. He was probably the fierce beast that did harm to my son. Therefore, I came to know people in person, so as not to make any mistakes and cause some unnecessary troubles... "Ji Huang's face was as calm as water, and even there was a faint smile on her face. But anyone can hear the chill in his words, obviously trying to suppress his emotions.

"Why, Liu Wuchen? Is there such a disciple in which hall and entrance under your command? " Zhen old temple Lord slightly a Leng, the facial expression some slightly hesitant of opening to inquire a way down.

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The direction of the inner gate of the ninth hall was silent, and all the elders shook their heads at the same time.

Among the eighteen masters of the outer gate, all of them were stunned. They looked at each other, but each of them still responded.

"Ha ha, I can understand the pain of mourning. But as you can see, our Tianyun sect doesn't seem to have a disciple named Liu Wuhen. What can I do? " Zhen old temple Lord light a smile, the vision looks directly at Ji Huang, absolutely don't let of speech quality ask a way.

"Cough, I'm so abrupt. Please forgive me. But the news I have received is absolutely true. I hope Mr. Zhen is very observant! " Ji Huang a burst of light cough, complexion also extremely become ugly. However, Ji Huang is still not willing to give up easily. He once again holds his fist and bows his hand to Zhen Shengcai, the master of the astrology hall, who is sitting in front of him.

"Why, Liu Wuchen? No trace, this name, I seem to have some impression... "Just when everyone was silent, and all eyes were focused on the master of the Zhen hall. An extremely untimely voice appeared quietly, and even in his words there was a hint of schadenfreude.

"Brush!" For a moment, the air in the silent hall seemed to solidify, and all the people looked at it in amazement.

Zhen Shengcai, the master of the astrology hall, sits in the center of the main hall. In his deep and capable eyes, a cold light flashed in vain and passed away... < br > all the time

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