Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 504: 504

The light and shadow are overlapping and changing, and the white fog breathes the body without trace, which makes the body lose all the five senses without trace. The body falls rapidly, and even breathing becomes extremely difficult.

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"Bang!" A heavy muffled sound came into the ears of traceless. Traceless feet stood firmly on the ground, and all the five senses lost in his body were attributed to his body. Traceless slowly opened his eyes, and his mind instantly opened, and he watched the movements around him with vigilance.

"Brush!" Without trace, there are lots of bookshelves, which are orderly and dense, just like a vast sea of books.

"Damn it, there are so many ancient books and records about Kung Fu. When do you want to learn it?" The voice of Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, was full of sorrow, which came from behind several rows of dense bookshelves in the distance.

"Ha ha, don't you think you are happy, fifth martial uncle and little martial uncle, who want to copy books?" Aftershock Han Han's voice quietly spread out, the tone is full of bad smile asked.

"Keke, there is no end to learning. We still have to study hard!" Hearing the speech, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, was extremely embarrassed for a moment. Then he seemed to think of something. He was full of solemnity and solemnity. He grabbed a Book of skills and pretended to preview it.

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"Haha, the ancient books of martial arts here are all generated according to the strength of the warrior. For example, we can only see the classics of the cultivation of the infant soul realm below the realm, but the classics of the cultivation of the soul realm won't appear here... "Aftershock skillfully pulled out a book about the attack type of the earth Xuanli attribute from the bookshelf, and then sat in the same place and practiced silently.

"I see!" No trace glanced at the nearest bookshelf around him. Some of the classics on it are really suitable for practitioners of infant soul realm to practice. Traceless randomly selected a few classics, most of which are about the magic attack after the fusion of various attributes.

For martial arts, the eternal Heaven and earth practiced by Wu trace is definitely the top physical body skill in mainland China. However, Wu trace has never found a suitable way to practice Xuanli magic. But fortunately, Wuchen is also a swordsman. He has the most basic card of jiuxiao dragon Jue. Even if he meets a strong martial arts practitioner with strong magic skills, Wuchen still has the confidence to be able to cut him down under the sword.

"Ha ha, the path is three thousand, the road is the same. No trace boy, although there are some weak works here, there are many kinds. As long as you are willing to work hard, you can also master it. If you can really create your own magic skills, it will surely make great progress for your future practice. " Demon zunhuoxiao virtual shadow follows closely behind no trace, looking around with a smile at the meaningful smile of the book mountains and the sea of books.

At this time, Wu trace, who had been attracted by the ancient books about the fusion of various attributes, didn't hear the words of demon zunhuoxiao at all.

The whole person of no trace seems to have entered into a mysterious state. The five elements of Xuanli Qi, wind, rain, thunder, electricity, fog and five extremely rare and special Xuanli attributes in the body all rise up unconsciously and become colorful lights lingering on the whole body of no trace.

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With the subtle fluctuation of the Xuanli Qi in Wuchen's body, the Xuanli attribute light around Wuchen's body jumps rapidly.

Originally, the various properties of Xuanli light, now even gradually toward a fusion. In the void, the air of Xuanli fluctuates, and the air of various attributes collides with each other.

The sharp golden awn, the vigorous wooden shield, the cold water, the flaming fire, and the thick and solid earth

The gasification of the five elements Xuanli makes a fuzzy halo, and the light and shadow are intertwined. The five elements aura of the various attributes of the Xuanli, mutual traction and restriction, this ebb and flow, fuzzy five elements aura of the imprint actually from fuzzy gradually began to become clear and thorough.

It seems that the Qi of the five elements' Xuanli is seeking a compatible balance point. With the flow of Xuanli Qi in Wuchen's body becoming more and more ordinary, the aura of the five elements in front of him trembled in vain. Immediately, a violent and terrifying atmosphere with the aura of the five elements burst out on the spot.

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"Boom!" The sound of the terrible explosion was deafening, and it was extremely loud in the silent library. The fierce aura of Xuanli in the five elements is very destructive, and it rolls up the huge waves of destruction.

On both sides, the bookshelves lined up in order seemed to have foreseen the danger, and they even had wonderful array power on their own from the bookshelves.

Poop, poop. Poop, poop

The violent force of the five elements' Xuanli attribute collided with the power of the platoon array. There was no fierce collision in imagination, and there was no Xuanli Qi riot. The power of the aura of the five elements is like a thousand catties of gravity hitting on the cotton ball. All the violent breath of the five elements magic is absorbed by the array power in the bookshelf."Hoo A mouthful of turbid gas slowly spits out from Wu Chen's mouth. Wu Chen, who is almost in a state of obsession, has no awareness of what just happened. The Xuanli Qi of each attribute in Wuchen's body rises again and turns into the Xuanli light of the five elements, which slowly converges and merges in one place.

"Damn, no trace boss, what's the matter? Do you want to demolish the house again?" Hear no trace place to spread heavy ring, small fat Zhen not just the first time rushed over. When he saw the aura of the five elements Xuanli in front of Wu Chen's body, he couldn't help swallowing and taking a cold breath.

"Keke, the five elements can coexist. It seems that what the master said is true. No trace boss is a genius, he is a monster. He is a pervert... "Aftershock shakes his big body and comes to little fat Zhen Bucai. His eyes are full of emotion and says to no trace.

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"Ha ha, abnormal, this word is well used, you are waiting..." the little fat man Zhen Bucai has a bad smile on his face, and seems to think of the tragic appearance of aftershocks. Then, a touch of sinister appeared on his fat face, which made the aftershock beside him shiver unconsciously.

"It's not so easy for the five elements to merge with each other. But since it's something that predecessors can do, demon, I believe you can do the same! " Demon zunhuo Xiao Xu Ying looks at the ground, kneeling and meditating. He looks puzzled and has no trace. He thinks about it in his heart.

Boom boom. Boom boom

As time goes by, it seems that there is no concept of time in the library. People don't know how long it's been. They only know that it won't be long before there will be waves of terrible turbulence in the distance.

Little fat Zhen Bucai and aftershock are used to the failure of the fusion of the five elements' Xuanli attributes. Both of them are practicing their own classics of cultivation, and they are indulged in the infatuated state of no trace to free themselves

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