Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 522: 522

The fifth floor of Linglong pagoda is called the land of trapped animals.

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The dark and straight corridor was endless, and the dim candlelight on both sides swayed with the wind.

At this moment, at the end of this straight corridor, the water is merciless, traceless, aftershock, and three figures flash out with the power fluctuation of teleportation array.



As soon as the three figures appeared on the dark straight corridor, they heard the fierce roars of animals on both sides of the corridor.

"The land of trapped animals, where all the evil beasts are imprisoned. And unless the Linglong pagoda is destroyed, none of the monsters imprisoned here can leave alive! " The Third Elder martial brother water is merciless, and his face is still calm. He says to himself in a low voice as if there is no one else.

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"Eh, is it from here that we eat the spiritual flesh with the mysterious Qi of heaven and earth?" Looking at the dark corridor on both sides and the dark secret room full of terror, Wu Chen's mind came up with an absurd but extremely reliable idea, which instantly explained why the Third Elder martial brother always brought us rich food for our daily life.

"Hey, no trace boss, you really hit the mark this time!" Aftershock Han Han a smile, to the side of no trace gently pick thumb.

"Eh, aftershock, aren't you breaking through your cultivation and preparing to transform your soul into a king of soul? How long has it been? Why are you here? " No trace light exhort a, this just in the brain aftertaste. No trace before, but I can see with my own eyes that the aftershock was sent back to the place of juxuan on the first floor. How could it be that after a while, the aftershock came to the place of trapped animals on the fifth floor. What's more, traceless still vaguely remembers that he just saw him in the fourth floor Magic Music City. Is it because he has been in the Magic Music City for a long time, and the aftershocks have already broken through?

"Hey, no trace boss is joking. It's not so easy to break through the soul realm. However, it's not totally fruitless. At least now I've become emperor in my body. "

"Now, after the test of the city of four layers of fantasy music, my spiritual strength has also been greatly improved. Now, as long as I have the opportunity to communicate with heaven and earth and understand the power of the law, I will have the opportunity to really break through at one stroke and turn the soul into the emperor! " Aftershock Han Han smile, in front of no trace some cramped light voice back.

"Eh, the flesh has become the emperor?" No trace in front of a light in vain, looking at the body faintly some shining aftershocks up and down.

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"Hey, no trace boss, how about we fight now?" Aftershock eyes continue to flicker, inexplicably surging from the body of war. An invisible supremacy slowly emanates from his body, and the powerful power of the soul emperor can be released without anger.

"Ha ha, sure enough, the body has reached the level of soul emperor!" Looking at the powerful power of aftershocks, Wu Hun thought of the battle leader who had reached the level of transforming the body into the soul in the battlefield. Then, as if the Turks thought of something in general, no trace stared at the aftershock again and asked in amazement: "aftershock, you also entered the city of magic music?"

"Ha ha, the aftershock entered the city of magic music after you, but it was a few days earlier than you..." the Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless, who had been standing in silence, unexpectedly took over the conversation and said calmly.

"Damn, how can it be! Aftershocks, what have you experienced? " Traceless turned his eyes hard, looked at some complacent aftershocks and asked in vain.

"Hehe, I can't remember it very well! I just feel like I'm back in my childhood. There's a group of people around me trying to please me. Not only that, but they also took me as a God's envoy and kept me safe until I was 18 years old and reached adulthood! " The aftershock scratched his head and tried to recall, with a pleasant look. He spoke in a complacent voice.

"Then what happened?" No trace eyes full of envy, rather envious looking at aftershocks, more interested to ask.

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"Cough, later. Later, on the day of my 18-year-old initiation ceremony, I was burned alive..." Aftershock's eyes were full of anger, looking at the pathetic face without trace, responded.

"Huasha, it's so barbaric. What a plane!" No trace hard swallow swallow saliva, only feel the whole body up and down in vain a heat. Just now, I envied the aftershock and was respected by people, but in a twinkling of an eye, I was lit by the sky lamp and burned to death. The change of painting style is too fast. For a moment, Wu trace is stunned and shocked.

"Ha ha, the emissary of God is the messenger of God. He needs to communicate with God to ensure that God can protect each other! The only way to meet God is to give his life to the Supreme God. " Aftershock embarrassed smile, unconsciously shy scratched his head.

"Cough, it's a good tradition. Good tradition..." Wu trace coughed gently and gave a thumbs up to the aftershocks. As soon as I think of aftershocks being burned alive, no trace feels that I have to be too happy to be killed in a thunder robbery."Well, it's all gone, don't mention it. Now every time I see the fire, I want to hush... "Aftershock sighed, and waved to no trace repeatedly to stop his words and deeds.

"Ha ha, the aftershock guy is really miserable. He was scared out of the shadow and peed alive!" Yao zunhuoxiao's rough voice resounded without warning, and obviously sympathized with the aftershock.

"Ha ha, good, good, don't mention, don't mention, all in the past!" Traceless smile on the aftershock waved his hand, and then gently patted the aftershock's shoulder, soothing said.

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"You two guys, I've been talking for a long time. Do you want to visit these five layers of trapped animals?" The Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless stepped out slightly, and walked leisurely towards the dark straight corridor alone.

"Ha ha, the Third Elder martial brother is right. We've all come here. Let's have a visit..." Wu Chen, with a smile, rubbed his hands and followed the Third Elder martial brother.

On one side, the aftershock seemed to be very afraid of his third martial uncle, even hiding behind traceless, speechless and inexplicably following.

In the land of trapped animals, there is no trace. Aftershock. Follow the merciless steps of the Third Elder martial brother Shui. Around each side of each cell, there is an extremely fierce beast. There are also different kinds of trapped animals, from birds, animals, to aquariums, and even a series of strange and fierce exotic animals such as plants and special families.

Along the way, Wu trace and aftershocks are dazzling and dazzling. Many monsters are rare species that Wu trace has heard but never been predestined to see. This trip is a real eye opener for Wuhen, and the most exciting thing for Wuhen is that so many terrifying and powerful monsters have been imprisoned, which means in disguise that the oral blessings in the future will be inexhaustible.... < br > in the future

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