Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 524: 524

In the early morning of the next day, the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy was still empty and quiet.

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In the early morning, they left the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy with no trace, aftershock and little fat Zhen Bucai, heading for the square of the inner gate of the ninth hall.

On the square of the inner gate of the ninth hall, there are Shengzhuan hall, Shengzhen hall, Shengdan hall, Shenggui hall, Shengzong hall, Shengshou hall, Shengyao hall, Shengfa hall, and the mysterious astrology hall. The nine deputy hall masters of the ninth hall all come forward. Besides, there are many elders in the ninth hall, and all the disciples of the ninth hall.

On one side of the square of the inner gate's ninth hall, there is an area specially prepared for the master of the outer gate's eighteen hall entrances and the deployment of the elders under the hall. As for the disciples of the eighteen hall entrances, they all stood on one side of the square neatly. In the face of the arrogant disciples of the inner gate of the ninth hall, by contrast, the disciples of the outer gate are rather stiff here.

On the square of the hall of the ninth Hall of the inner gate, the high battle platform is in a ring shape. On the platform, there are nine figures standing at a certain distance. Among them, there are men and women with the same age.

"Well, that's the personal disciple of the Lord of the ninth Hall of the ninth hall?"

"Alas, the nine disciples of the ninth hall are all strong in the later cultivation of the infant soul realm. It is said that some of them have realized the power of the law of heaven and earth, but there is a breakthrough at any time to become the terror of the soul king in the soul realm! "

"It's over. It's over. How long have we just entered the academy to practice! These old disciples of the inner gate are not rivals, so they move out to bully the disciples from the temple master. It's too much. I'm not angry for elder martial brother Wuchen! "

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"It's said that this fight has been settled. I don't know once. The disciples of the inner gate of the ninth hall have repeatedly sent battle notes to the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy. If the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy doesn't send people to respond, I'm afraid elder martial brother Wuchen will have no face to stay in Tianyun sect in the future!"

"Damn, bullying elder martial brother Wuchen is bullying all our disciples! Don't forget that if there had been no elder martial brother Wuchen, we could not have lived together as peacefully as we do today

"Well, his grandmother, I'm a poor man anyway. If they cheat people too much, I'll fight with him. I don't care about the disciples of the ninth Hall of the inner gate. Even if I die, I will die in front of elder martial brother Wuchen! "

Looking at the nine majestic figures on the round platform, all the disciples of the eighteen outer doors began to discuss in low voice.

Compared with the prestige and temptation of the ninth Hall of the inner gate, the name of elder martial brother no trace is obviously more intimate in the hearts of the outer disciples, which is worthy of praise.

Daddada. Dada

The rising sun slants down, and the long corridor leading to the inner gate square in the distance is filled with light footsteps. Several figures appear extremely relaxed and comfortable, gradually from the far and near slowly into the eyes of the public.

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"No trace elder martial brother!"

"No trace elder martial brother!"

"Damn, isn't that elder martial brother Zhen?"

"Well, who are the other three? It seems that we have never seen them before!"

"Keke, if you can come with elder martial brother Wuchen, these people must be disciples in the Sutra collection Pavilion of the academy!"

The inner gate square, which was originally a little turbulent, was filled with people and bustling. All the eighteen disciples of the outer gate were shouting and waving the flag. It seemed that no matter when the outer gate disciples had no trace, they were the only protagonists in their hearts.

"Ha ha, it seems that Lao Liu's prestige is still quite high..." the fourth elder martial brother walking in the front is withered by the west wind. After turning his eyes, he looks as plain as water and smiles slightly.

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"Ha ha, since ancient times, there have been clouds and trees catching wind. When the wall falls, people push it. The higher you fly, the more painful you fall. Hold it. Hold it. This is not a good omen!" Shifu Hua, the fifth elder martial brother, has a bad smile on his face. Looking at the excited outer door in the distance, a group of disciples have a faint smile.

At the moment, the whole inner gate square is filled with the cheering voice of the outer gate disciples. On the other hand, the disciples of the ninth Hall of the inner gate, who were usually high above, were all silent now. They all looked gloomy and silent.

Several cheers rang from the inner gate square until the master of the eighteen outer gates stopped. This makes the excited disciples gradually recover their intelligence and calm down.

"Xifeng, a disciple of the Academy, has met all of you..."

"Shifuhua, a disciple of the Academy, has met all of you..."

"Academy disciple no trace. Aftershock. Zhen Bucai, I've met all of you..."

Several figures came to the battle platform of the main hall square together, facing the nine deputy hall masters in the direction of the inner gate Saint nine hall, As well as a group of elder level strong one after another fist bow nodded. After all, although they are disciples of the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy, they are not affiliated to the nine sacred halls of the inner gate, but at least they have to abide by their dignity."Ha ha, it turns out that the fourth and fifth disciples of the Sutra pavilion are here. It's a pity to welcome them from afar. It's a pity to welcome them from afar." A voice full of laughter came from the location of the inner gate seal hall. The square of the main hall of the inner gate was silent, and everyone's eyes unconsciously turned to the figure of Zhu Xing, the deputy hall master of Shengzhuan hall.

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"Ha ha, it's OK to wish the host and guest in the hall. It's OK. You're waiting here, too. It's the same..." fourth elder martial brother Xi Feng's face was slightly cold, and he burst out laughing on the spot. The words highlighted are full of arrogance, and even then the words of Zhu Xing, the Deputy master of Shengzhuan hall, responded impolitely.

"Cough, young man, it's arrogant enough!" The fierce color in Zhu Xing's eyes flashed by. He stared at the proud fourth elder martial brother Xifeng and nodded coldly.

On the other side, the other deputy Temple leaders were also stunned. They secretly said that the disciples of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy really didn't know what modesty was. According to his words, he also wanted us to go to the inner gate of the ninth hall in front of the corresponding several of their college students, simply did not pay attention to our inner gate of the ninth hall.

"Ha ha, I wish you a joke. It's not just me and the fourth elder martial brother who have come here. There are six disciples, seven disciples and elder martial brother's inheriting disciples in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, but they are all included! " Shi Fuhua, the fifth elder martial brother, who is always full of literary atmosphere, has a flash of light in his eyes, a moment of momentum, and a rather bad tone to speak again: "as the old saying goes, it's the so-called innocence of those who don't know. I wish the master of the hall met my younger martial brother and others for the first time, and this matter was raised. If there is another time, no matter who it is, it will be regarded as the crime of scorning the Academy, and the disciples of the Sutra Pavilion will surely be punished for it. "

"You..." Zhu Xing, the deputy head of the Shengzhuan hall, turned pale in vain. He never thought that Shifu Hua, the fifth elder martial brother, dared to speak out such treacherous words in front of everyone. As a member of Tianyun sect, Zhu Xing's seniority is higher than that of his college students. However, these weak disciples dare to defend the prestige of the Sutra Pavilion and make such bold remarks. This forced Zhu Xing, the deputy chief of Shengzhuan hall, to have a short circuit in his mind for a moment. He was staring at Shifu Hua and others for a long time, but he didn't say a word.

Gollum. Gollum

On the square of the main hall, no matter the elder of the ninth Hall of the inner gate, or his Highness's disciples of the inner gate, or the head of the eighteen outer gates, or all the disciples of the outer gate, all of them held their breath and even dared not breathe, Looking at the weak figures at the bottom of the round platform, they cast awed eyes one after another< br>

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