Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 530: 530

Daddada. Dada

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On the platform, Wang Yuan was about to walk to the edge of the platform. Then he suddenly stopped, as if he thought of something. His bloody face held up in vain. He pointed his hand at Wu Chen under the stage and said in a cold voice, "Liu Wu Chen, you waste, if you have the ability, you will step on the stage and fight with me for life and death..."

"Brush!" In an instant, the square of the inner gate Temple once again became a dead silence. Everyone instantly understood Wang Yuan's intention. This guy obviously wanted to step on the no trace upper position to find face for himself.

Just now, Wang Yuan clamored that this is the intention of little fat Zhen Bucai. Only little fat Zhen Bucai didn't give him this opportunity at all. Directly strong to take advantage of pressure, Wang Yuan to face on the spot.

Now, Wang Yuan wants to do the same thing again. Naturally, people are full of disdain. But I don't know whether Wuchen dares to face the wounded Wang Yuan or not, which has become a mystery in people's hearts.

"Quiet and dry!" Under the platform, Wuhen didn't intend to pay any attention to Wang Yuan, but this guy yelled with himself for three times. If he didn't step on the stage and teach him a lesson, it would not be Wuhen's character.

"Whoosh!" A gust of wind blows, and the traceless figure is wrapped by the mysterious breath of the wind. The whole person is like a light and shadow flash out, and the whole person falls on the round platform without sound.

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"No trace elder martial brother, good job!"

"No trace elder martial brother, kill this idiot!"

"Brother Wuchen, come on

At the entrance of the outer gate of the eighteen halls, the cheering sound of waving flags and shouting rang out. All the disciples of the outer gate cheered in unison, and the momentum of the scene immediately dominated the whole fight.

"Ha ha, Liu Wuchen, you are finally willing to step on the stage! Come on, I'll let you know the gap between you and your disciples! " Wang Yuan wiped the faint bloodstain on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were staring at no trace. His palms constantly outlined the empty shadow of the array out of thin air, overlapped and flew away behind a silent direction without trace.

"Ha ha, I'm afraid there must be a big gap between me and my disciples!" No trace seems to be the first time to agree with Wang Yuan's point of view. He nodded to Wang Yuan with a smile.

Smell speech, below inside door temple square above, each big inside door Temple disciple all ruthlessly swallowed saliva. Obviously no trace such a clever attitude, is greatly out of everyone's expectation.

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"Hum, put on airs, you go to die for me!" Wang Yuan, who was struggling to stand on the platform, went on a rampage in vain, and his momentum burst out madly. The virtual shadow of Taoist array flashed out in the void at the same time. The superposed array power seemed to fall from the sky and bombarded the traceless body.

Dong Dong Dong. Dong Dong Dong

One after another, the sound of the explosion of the power of the terrible and turbulent array appeared, and the surrounding void was shaken.

The Qi of the five elements Xuanli in Wuchen's body is released at the same time. The Qi of the five elements Xuanli melts into a halo of five colors Xuanli in an instant. Then, we can see that the halo containing five colors of dark power is in vain covered on the traceless body shape, and has a tendency of expanding outward.

"Boom!" The terrible array's power is concentrated and split, and the mysterious force's afterwave is like a sea of fire, and they all go towards the traceless body.

The halo of Xuanli in the five elements shines and covers its traceless body. The terrible array power burst open, and all of them hit the aura of the five element ring art that was enveloped in Wu Chen's whole body.

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Poop, poop. Poop, poop

Bursts of clear and bright light sound, light and shadow overlapping array power all hit on the five elements ring, waves in the rise. The aura of the five element ring technique resisted most of the burst power of the array, and then the five element ring technique instantly turned into a multicolored light.

"Whoosh!" Multicolored Jingguang is extremely fast, and Wang Yuan in the field has no time to respond. Immediately, Wang Yuan's figure on the edge of the battle platform was stunned, and his whole body was firmly held in place by a wonderful halo of five elements.

"Shit, what the hell is this?" Wang Yuan's eyes flashed a color of panic, and the five element ring technique locked it in place, unable to move. Wang Yuan tried to push the Xuanli Qi in his body to resist, but he was shocked to find that the more he resisted, the more tightly the aura containing the Xuanli Qi in the five elements would be locked.

Just for a moment, Wang Yuan was sweating and pale. The aura of the five element ring skill tied Wang Yuan's whole body in place, forcing his arms to move and lift, let alone escape by using the cavitation array."Boom!" Without the trace under the protection of the five element ring technique, a terrible array burst out behind him in vain, and the aftereffects of the array burst out. However, the smoke of Xuanli's gas spread wildly and surging, but without trace, the whole person seemed to have nothing to do with him. He still kept smiling and stepped out of the center of Xuanli's turbulence.

"You. You're ok..." Wang Yuan's face was like ashes, gnashing his teeth. He couldn't believe his eyes were staring at no trace and roared.

"Ha ha, with your skill, do you want to fight with me? It's an insult to you and me With a cold smile, the purple and golden undercurrent on his body disappeared. Then, he gently pointed to Wang Yuan in front of him with his hand, and his tone was full of disdain.

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"Brush!" I saw no trace finger fingertip gently, a powerful and fierce horror sword will flow around the fingertip of its index finger and burst out in an instant.

"Boom!" The horror of Xiao Sha's sword flashed out and flew across Wang Yuan's cheek. A series of terrible explosions ignited in the void. Wang Yuan, who was standing in the same place with a face full of panic, had a soft knees, and his eyes fell down and fell on the ground.

In the void, the fierce sword spirit of terror gradually dissipated into nothingness. The halo of the five element ring technique, which has been tightly binding Wang Yuan's figure, shakes slightly, and then turns into a bright five element light and shadow again, floating into the void.

"Oh, why!" Without trace you you you sighed a tone, the air of Xuan Li that the body releases slowly closes in the body. His eyes disdained Wang Yuan, who was sitting on the platform, shook his head and walked slowly towards the bottom of the platform.

A move of sword power appeared, which shocked Wang Yuan on the spot. All the disciples of the inner gate's great holy halls around them were silent, and even the elder level strong ones in the main holy halls looked at no trace, showing a strange look.

"Brush!" An invisible air of Xuanli came out, and Wang Yuan, who was still in a state of shock on the platform, awoke from the shock. Then he saw that his figure seemed to be drawn by some mysterious force, slowly falling from the battle platform, returning to the square array of the holy array hall, and standing in shame behind the deputy hall leader Hong Tong< br>

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