Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 533: 533

Dong Dong Dong. Dong Dong Dong

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Heavy footsteps resounded on the platform, and the whole platform trembled with the aftershock. All the magic attacks that galloped down from the sky had no effect. They all fell and exploded around the aftershock.

"Whoosh!" Just as the aftershock was about to strike in front of Wu Wei, a disciple of the emperor's family, a shadow as tall as a half black iron tower appeared in the oblique stab. I saw the big black shadow, and the whole person jumped up, and then waved his fists together, and went straight to the aftershock's cheek.

"Bang!" A heavy dull sound burst out in front of the aftershock. The terrible style of boxing is like an invincible blade. It is very difficult to make a big gap in the tumanli shield. Then, the last scattered spell attack in the void, as if it had found the target, immediately swarmed in and rushed away from the gap of its tumuli shield.

Boom boom. Boom boom

A series of terrible explosions burst out from the tumuli shield. After the aftershock, the huge figure was engulfed by the terrible Xuanli waves.

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"Damn it, aftershock!" The little fat man Zhen Bucai's face was ugly for a while. He looked up at the billowing smoke of the battle platform and cried out!

On one side, no trace brow slightly wrinkled, for the aftershock just facing the blow is also a burst of worry.

The fourth elder martial brother's west wind is withering. The fifth elder martial brother's poem is full of beauty. Their faces are still the same, but when they look at a group of strong men above the elder level in the inner gate temple around them again, they are already showing a chill.

"Whoosh!" Just as everyone was sweating for the aftershock, a sharp blade, a heavy axe and a virtual shadow appeared as a flash.

"Click!" In the earrings, only a crisp dull sound was heard, which spread all over the square of the inner gate. Then, he saw a tall and burly figure like a black iron tower fall in vain. The puppet beast that had just attacked the aftershock fell on the ground without warning. The huge body was split into two ends in the air, and the black corpse fell quietly on the ground without any sound.

"Poof On the far edge of the platform, Qin Chuan, who had been controlling the puppet, turned over the river and sea in vain, and then sprayed a mouthful of blood on the spot. The whole body was shaking and trembling, kneeling on one knee, gasping heavily.

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"Dong!" Another shocking sound came out, and the aftershock was like a raging beast rushing out of its fierce spell attack group.

At this time, the aftershocks were surrounded by thick soil layers. As if nothing had happened to him, he was so fierce that he rushed to Wu Wei, the disciple of Shengzong.

"Damn it Wu Wei, who had been waiting to see a good play with his shoulders in his arms, exclaimed, and his figure retreated rapidly. The aura of Xuanli is applied to the whole person, which makes the defense force increase and the escape speed become surprisingly fast.

"Bah, I call you bullshit!" Aftershocks, with giant heavy axes in one hand, galloped out at foot. The endless and heavy pressure diffused out, which made the fleeing Wu Wei's body speed several times slower. Then, the aftershock wave with one arm, a fist with the power of endless earth Xuanli, was bombarded by it.

"Boom!" A crisp dull sound, once again cold into the ears of all. On the square of inner gate temple, everyone's heart trembled, and a shivering fear instantly shrouded them.

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"Whoosh!" As soon as the aftershock came out, all the defenses of Xuanli Qi in the void broke in an instant. Wu Wei, who retreated several times, was hit by the aftershock on the spot.

Step on, step on, step on

Wu Wei, the disciple of Shengzong hall, was surrounded by Xuanli light, which collapsed. His feet glided tens of meters away from the platform, and the sound of cracking could be heard on his bones.

"Plop!" Wu Wei's whole body was soft in vain, and a force of gravity was exerted on his body. Wu Wei's knees bent and fell to the ground in an instant, and he knelt down in front of the aftershock.

"Hum!" The aftershock gave a cold hum and wiped the blood just spilled from the corner of his mouth. Then, the aftershock glanced at Wu Wei, who was kneeling in front of him, coldly, and then turned away the biography who was seriously injured in the distance. Finally, aftershock ignored them, turned around and went straight to Chu Tian, the disciple of the holy Dharma Hall who was protected by the light and power of the magic.

"You. Don't come here..." seeing the aftershock just in a moment, it destroyed Qin Chuan's organ puppet, and even under one blow, it beat Wu Wei to his knees. Chu Tian, a disciple of the holy Dharma Hall who is not good at practicing magic and fighting in close combat, looks at the aftershock coming towards him as if he is in a panic when he sees the most terrifying demon in the world.Gollum. Gollum

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Below the battle platform, the disciples of the outer gate's eighteen sects, the disciples of the inner gate's ninth hall, the hall leaders, the elders, and the nine deputy hall leaders of the nine great halls all gathered their eyes on the undamaged aftershocks.

"Rife in the sky!" Looking at the aftershocks approaching step by step, Chu Tian, a disciple of the holy Dharma hall, was really red eyed. All the magic powers of his whole body soared to the sky, and a huge magic whirlpool arose in the calm void. And the magic whirlpool was madly stirred and rotated, which caused bursts of lightning power to fall from the sky. It turns into Dao Dao, which contains the thunder array technique of destroying the sky and the earth. It's crazy to attack and roar down to the huge body after the aftershock.

Click. Click

The thunder all over the sky attacked the battlefield, and the roaring sound of explosion made the battlefield turbulent. The endless leimang swarmed into the aftershock's body, which made its pace stop abruptly.

"Hoo. Hoo!" A burst of rapid and disordered breathing sound came from Chu Tian, the disciple of the holy Dharma hall. After using the last means to protect his life, today's Chutian only feels that the air of Xuanli in his body has been swept away. At this time, the whole person was very weak, obviously he had no power to fight again.

"Suddenly The strange cold wind is wantonly driven up, and the thunder aura is still flashing on the platform. All of them held their breath and stared nervously at the position of the battle platform where Leifa's magic was frantically chopping down

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