Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 535: 535

On the square of the inner gate temple, whispers of hot discussion still resounded. The faces of the disciples of the inner gate's ninth hall all looked better. Even a group of inner gate's disciples felt that losing to the aftershock was a matter of course.

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After all, the aftershock of becoming emperor in body is far more than that of others. If equal strength is defeated, people will not be angry. If there is a big difference in the level of strength, even if they lose, people will feel that it is reasonable, and they will not be unable to face it.

"Hey hey, who else wants to challenge the Sutra Pavilion of our academy?" The aftershock stood on the edge of one end of the round platform and looked coldly at the disciples of the ninth Hall of the inner gate. Its deep voice resounded from the square of the inner gate temple, but it still didn't respond for a long time.

"Ha ha, it's boring The aftershock swept the silent people under the platform, and they fell lightly under the platform in a flash. Then, he came to Wuchen and others, shaking his big body. He scolded and grinned, which made it easy for the little fat man Zhen Bucai to stand in one place and exchange his experience when he was just proud of others.

"Ha ha, you elders, since no one in the inner gate temple is willing to go out and teach. Let's call it a day, according to the younger generation. " The fifth elder martial brother Shifu Huawen threw his long shirt and looked around at the inner gate of the temple. The deputy hall master clasped his fists and arched his hands. He asked in a pleasant blue.

"Ha ha, the younger generation is formidable. The younger generation is formidable! I have no objection to astrology hall! " The old man in white, the Deputy master of the astrology hall, smiles as if it had nothing to do with the reputation of the temple.

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"Temple of Saint Dan, no objection!"

"Hall of medicine, no objection!"

The temple of holy elixir, the temple of holy medicine, and the two temples that do not advocate martial arts. Among them, the two deputy Temple masters also spoke in person, and the rest of the temple did not dare to disagree.

As a result, in addition to the Shengzhuan hall, the other three temples abstained, and all the other disciples were swept out by the aftershock.

So far, the prestige of the three generations of disciples of the Sutra Pavilion of the academy as the helmsman of aftershock has been thoroughly resounded up and down the entrance of the inner gate of the Tianyun sect, the ninth Hall of the saint and the outer gate of the eighteen halls.

"Ha ha, the disciples of your academy are really gifted and evil. When I was young, I entered the realm of becoming emperor. In this battle, my inner temple was not wronged! However, there is still one disciple in our holy seal Hall who has not been on the stage yet. I'm afraid this battle will not delay you a little time! " Hong Tong, the Deputy master of the holy array hall, gives a faint laugh and nods to shifuhua, the fifth elder martial brother. Then, he saw a beautiful woman in front of him walking out of the square array of Shengzhuan hall.

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"Cough cough, how is a woman?" Aftershock a burst of light cough, simple and honest face flashed a color of hesitation. Obviously, the aftershock didn't pay attention to the disciples of Shengzhuan hall, but also disdained to make it easy for a woman to practice martial arts.

"Hey, no trace boss, why don't you let Xiaosheng do it for you?" Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, was full of excitement, and his eyes were shining. He asked for help quietly to Wu trace.

"Ha ha, Hualei is watching over there. If you are not afraid of death, you can fight her on the stage! " No trace see also didn't see small fat Zhen not just one eye, the tone is full of ridicule of light voice to return a way.

"Damn it, how could I forget about it? Lei Lei is still down there! Well, no trace boss is still you, or brother, I can't wash myself when I jump into the Yellow River! " Little fat Zhen Bu Cai stealthily glances at the flower buds in the group at the entrance of the outer gate. For a moment, he is afraid. Just now I patronize and stare at the disciples of Shengzhuan hall, and forget that hualeilei is also in this matter.

Don't say it's the flower bud. Even if the flower bud is no longer there, if Zhen Bucai dares to tease her in front of all the disciples of the medicine refining hall, he is afraid that this guy will become the leader of the list of heartless people in the medicine refining hall.

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"Brush!" Just when Wuchen was joking with little fat Zhen Bucai, Feng Biluo, a disciple of Shengzhuan hall, had already been on the platform. Then, Feng Biluo, the disciple of Shengzhuan hall, gave a salute to all the people in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy. He said in a very gentle voice: "Feng Biluo, the disciple of Shengzhuan hall, wants to challenge the Tianjiao Liuwu of the Sutra Pavilion of the academy! I wonder if Mr. Liu would like to take the stage to teach me? "

"Cough, no trace boss, looking for you..." Aftershock a face relaxed, gently pulled no trace sleeve opening, said with a smile.

"Haha, that's how it is. No trace boss, it's up to you next!" Small fat Zhen not just a face bad smile, a pair of clear appearance poke poke no trace after the heart, joking.

"Sixth younger martial brother, do you know each other?" The fourth elder martial brother, Xifeng, frowned slightly. He looked at Wuchen unexpectedly and asked.

"Hey, elder martial brother, let's not inquire about the young people!" The fifth elder martial brother Shifu Hua, with a confident attitude, frowned at the fourth elder martial brother Xifeng."Ha ha, I've said so much for you, sixth younger martial brother. You can handle this matter yourself!" See, the fourth elder martial brother Xifeng withered, obviously also by the fifth elder martial brother Shifu Hua to take the deviation, unexpectedly also began to no trace bad strange smile.

"Well, I'm not careful in making friends, I'm not good at meeting people." Traceless faint sigh tone, mercilessly white side of the little fat Zhen not just one eye. Then, Wu trace, facing the strange eyes of the people around him, swaggered forward and stepped on the platform.

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"Ha ha, traceless boy, this girl was hostile to you when she met him outside. Now, he is so clever. There must be some hidden reason for that! " The rough voice of demon zunhuoxiao quietly resounds, and reminds Wu trace of its analysis in his mind.

"Ha ha, what's the reason? The reason is that I'm handsome!" Traceless extremely narcissistic shook his head, a word almost will demon respect fire Xiao to choke on the spot. Demon zunhuoxiao of course knows that Wu trace's words are out of joke, but it also makes the old guy swallow out of thin air.

"Sasa, the old man has eaten it! How dare you pretend to educate my boss? You'll be happy to be attacked this time! " Xiaodilong's voice full of ridicule rang quietly, and even began to help no trace to denounce the demon zunhuoxiao.

"Damn, demon master. Demon master, I don't know the same thing about you little bastards!" Demon respect fire Xiao repeatedly be counselled, straight gas of the whole person almost carried a breath. Its thick and rugged voice gradually fell back, until it disappeared completely in the traceless mind.

"Ha ha, when a beautiful woman makes an appointment, how can no trace spread the scenery! Miss Feng, please first... "Wu Chen's body looks like a gust of wind, and in a twinkling of an eye, his kung fu falls on the end of the stage. After that, Wu Chen arched his hand with his fist and politely, nodded to Feng Biluo, the disciple of Shengzhuan Hall who was standing not far in front of him.

"Cackle, young master Liu is really funny. In that case, the little girl made a fool of herself!" See no trace body shape appear on the battle platform, the wind blue falls in the eyes of the obvious flash a touch of proud cold light. Then he saw that his hands moved and gave a blessing to Wuchen, and a burst of fierce Xuanli Qi rose up all over his body in vain

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