Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 552: 552

Jiange, one of the eight sects in mainland China, was the supporting force behind Penglai Dynasty.

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Those who enter the sword Pavilion must go all over the mountains and try their best. After all the twists and turns, you can get a chance to enter Jianshan.

If you want to enter Jianshan, you still need to step on wanjianfeng, accept the baptism of kendo, and inherit the seven veins of Tianjian. Then you can be qualified to be a disciple of Jiange!

Among the seven veins of Jianshan mountain, each peak has its own inheritance. In addition, the Kendo inheritance between the peaks is quite different, and all the veins regard Kendo orthodoxy as their own. This also led to the seven pulse between the overt and covert fighting, each other in order to compete for resources to train the next disciple and often fight.

There are more than a thousand sword cultivation disciples in each of the seven veins of Jianshan. Once you enter the seven veins to inherit the cultivation inside the sword front, you can be regarded as the inner door disciples of the sword Pavilion. Among the generation of inner disciples of the sword Pavilion, one of them will stand out and become the main peak of the sword.

Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang and Yaoguang. These seven peaks are named Jiange, jianmai and Qifeng, which are famous in mainland China. The seven peaks of sword pulse are derived from a set of ancient sword techniques that have been handed down for a long time. They are also the lifelong unique knowledge of the founder of the sword Pavilion.

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This set of sword array is composed of Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji and Tianquan, which means main attack and ancient Yuekui; Yuheng, Kaiyang and Yaoguang are made up of doubing, which is specialized in defense. It was called dipper in ancient times; If Qifeng disciples use their unique skills of sword pulse at the same time to form this seven sword array, its power will far surpass the original combat power of Qifeng disciples, and the increase of attack and defense will be far greater than the increase of array blessing.

Originally, each peak of the sword Pavilion came down in one continuous line, and this set of seven peak sword array is also one of the required martial arts skills for each sword pulse disciple. But I don't know when the seven peaks of jianmai all regarded themselves as the orthodox of Kendo inheritance, which also led to the open and secret struggle between the seven peaks.

Therefore, although the Qifeng sword array is still handed down by each peak, the practitioners are still almost empty talk.

After all, Qifeng sword array, as the name suggests, needs the cooperation of seven people. However, Qifeng is so incompatible that it can not easily form and practice the sword array again. Although all these Qifeng sword arrays have been inherited, they have also become the chicken ribs inheritance abandoned by Qifeng.

At this time, the morning glow is rising and the sky is shining. It seems that the ten thousand Zhang rays are slanting down from the sky. In addition, the clouds and mist linger on the top of the ten thousand peaks of Jiange, which makes it very comfortable and picturesque.

"Boom boom!" A series of terrible blasts started from the top of yaoguangfeng, the seventh peak of Jiange. On the top of the highest mountain in yaoguangfeng, a handsome young man in white with a cold face dances across the sky with a long golden sword in his forehand.

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Where the golden sword points, there are seven golden swords. Seven dazzling golden sword shadows are arranged in the void by themselves. Compared with each other, the changing golden sword shadow is like a group of wonderful rising sword array.

In the void, with the golden sword in the hands of the white robed youth stabbing out, the seven sword light illusions in the void changed with the waving of the golden sword.

One sword is worth seven swords, and the shadow of the seven swords forms a sword array automatically. This sword array can attack, defend and kill, which is superior to the most top array in the world.

"Hoo A mouthful of turbid air slowly spits out from the mouth of the white robed youth, and the rising morning glow sets off against the young man's cold face, which is particularly brilliant. A few lines of sweat flow down the cold youth's cheek, and the golden sword in the cold youth's hand is slowly separated from behind.

"Hum!" A sword meaning long Ming, from the bright golden sword body cold out. In the void, where the golden sword has just passed, there are seven swords, and the empty shadow flies up. Countless swords' empty images become bright swords' empty images, and once again turn into swords' light and rush back to the body of the golden sword.

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"Brush!" The strange and mysterious sword array gradually disappeared in the void, and the golden sword, which has been singing for a long time, gradually calmed down. The whole body momentum of the cold and stern youth then leisurely gathered in the body. Judging from the momentum burst out from his youth in a moment, this person's realm cultivation is absolutely far higher than that of the ordinary baby's later peak cultivation.

"Ha ha, seven peaks sword formation, one sword. The seven peaks are one, so how can they compete. Nameless, it seems that your heart of sword in kendo has already surpassed those of us old guys! " A mist rose, and out came an old man with white beard in a blue robe.

The old man in qingpao has a white beard, shining eyes and a straight body, which is like a peerless sword. His whole body gives people a kind of dignity without anger.

"Master!" Seeing the old man in green robe show up, sword nameless quickly kneels down on one knee and gives a deep gift. The sword, which has always been rebellious and unruly, is nameless. At this moment, his eyes are full of respect and reverence, and there is no pride and disrespect.

"Ha ha, get up. I've said it many times. There's no need to do that!" With a faint smile, the old man in qingpao waved his hand to the sword nameless. A gust of wind blew strangely, and unexpectedly entrusted the unknown body of the sword to stand up slowly."One day as a teacher and all his life as a father, how can a disciple be disrespectful and disrespectful?" Sword nameless face is full of color, facing the old man of green robe again clasping fist Gongshou way.

"Ha ha, your temper is just like your father's! All right. All right. The determination of the sword will not allow others to waver. It's up to you to do everything. " The old man in qingpao smiles again, and his eyes are full of love.

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The old man in qingpao is the leader of Yaoguang peak, the seventh peak of the sword Pavilion. He is honored as master Yaoguang. His original name is unknown, but it is only known that he came from the Royal sword family of Penglai Dynasty in beizhou.

"Thank you for your help!" Sword nameless respectfully again gave a gift, heard the shaker mentioned his father's eyes can't help but flash a Xiao Sha cold color.

"Alas, just straight over the fold, be careful, too persistent will damage your sword heart in the future!" The master shakes his head helplessly, and seems to feel what the sword thinks. Then, the figure of master Yao Guang turned into nothingness again, and the whole person's shadow disappeared slowly in front of the nameless sword like a wisp of smoke.

"Fool, don't miss the good time! Today is the day when you enter the sword grave. I can only help you. As for how far the sword tomb can go, it all depends on your sword heart... "An ethereal leisurely voice came into the unknown mind of the sword. Sword nameless straight figure slightly a Zheng, the whole person quickly into a streamer, straight toward yaoguangfeng mountain position a stronghold gallop away< br>

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