Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 554: 554

Jiange, the peak of wanjianfeng, all the disciples who came to watch the ceremony were on their knees, and none of them left. Many people are looking forward to the return of Yao Guangfeng's sword, and want to see the real appearance of the sword weapons in the sword tomb.

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At the middle of wanjianfeng mountain, it is near the edge of the forbidden area of Jianzhong below. The seven old people in seven color robes are in a round shape and suspended in the air. The seven people are like seven wooden and clay sculptures. There is no verbal dialogue between them. Even, there was no eye contact between the seven people, they were all quietly suspended in the void, and there was no Xuanli wave coming out.

At this time, the forbidden area is within the sword grave.

One person and one sword are like two golden lights, chasing each other in the endless expansion of the sword tombs. Around the two sides, countless fierce and murderous swords floated out of the air and turned into decisive swords.

These swords, which are kept underground all the year round, seem to have some kind of spirituality. Unexpectedly, they rushed in from all directions, all chasing the trace of the unknown sword and epee.

"Hum!" It took about a quarter of an hour for the Epee to move forward. The shadow of the golden awn gradually weakened and stopped.

In the rear, the unknown swords flashed quickly, and one of them held the Epee in his hand. The power of the whole body in the field of killing and cutting spread out, and all of them were confined within the scope of several meters.

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Whoosh, whoosh. Whoosh, whoosh

The bright light of swords scattered everywhere, and hundreds of swords came from all directions. The horror of the sword came continuously, bombarding the power of killing and cutting in front of the unknown body of the sword.

Click. Click

A clear dull sound, from the sword nameless around quietly. It is obvious that the power in the field of killing and felling can not be resisted, and the air of sword spirit is all over the sky in the sword tomb.

"Ah, matchless, you've done a lot of harm this time!" The sword sighed innocently, holding the unparalleled palm of Epee more forcefully. Then, he saw that the Xuanli Qi in the sword's nameless body was suddenly mobilized, and a drop of bright red and shining golden mans blood essence floated out of his eyebrows.

"Hum!" When I saw the blood essence of my life being sacrificed by the nameless sword, all kinds of magic weapons and swords around me became restless. The powerful force of the rolling sword was released from all the swords in the sky, and the power in the field of killing and felling disappeared in an instant.

"Poof!" At the moment when the power in the field of killing and felling was destroyed, Benming's blood essence wrapped in golden light suddenly entered the body of epee. The heavy body of the Epee flashed in vain, and the golden awn of the Epee was released from the body of the epee.

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"Hum!" The bright golden sword awn contains endless killing power, which is instantly integrated with the sword Qi in the later Fang Jian's nameless body. One person and one sword seem to come from one body and resonate with heaven and earth. Even in the sword mound where ten thousand swords stand, it gives out its own unique sword meaning.

Brush. Brush. Brush

All kinds of swords seem to feel the momentum of the incomparable epee and nameless sword at the same time. Seeing that the sword is nameless and the Epee is matchless, his heart is interlinked. The Heaven Sword is in one, and all of them are in a low momentum. Cui Tou is dejected, and slowly flies away towards the original places around him.

"Hoo Looking at the horrible shadow of the sword gradually leaving, the sword, which had been covered by cold sweat, was nameless, which was a long relief.

"Hum!" It seems to see that the swords around the sky scatter by themselves, and a pair of Epee of the winner's posture is unparalleled and arrogantly separated from the unknown palm of the sword. Immediately, he saw that the Epee was matchless, and his whole body was made of gold. At the tip of the Epee, there was a bright red blood light.

"Dong!" A dull sound spread all over the silent sword grave. The tip of Epee's matchless blood red sword suddenly inserted into the dark ground below without any sign. Then, you can see that the body of Epee is trembling and trembling, and a steady stream of sword Qi spreads from the body of epee. Along with the point of the blood red sword, it spreads and invades under the earth like an abyss.

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"Damn, peerless, you still come..." the sword, which has always been sparing words like gold, is nameless. When facing the peerless Epee, it will burst with rude words. Since entering the tomb, epee is no longer willing to listen to the nameless sword. This also makes sword nameless feel surprised at the same time, the mind constantly recalled before leaving his master Yaoguang's advice.

"Blood is the guide, soul is the weapon. Only when people and swords are united can we communicate with each other and arouse the resonance of all swords. "

"Brush!" See Epee unparalleled serial changes, sword nameless body a wave of ups and downs. A golden light flashed above his eyebrow, and a golden sword appeared on his forehead."Whoosh!" When the sign of the golden sword appeared, it turned into a golden streamer and flew out from the nameless forehead of the sword. A golden light flashed away and hit on the handle of epee.

"Hum!" The golden Epee, which had been shaking violently, was suddenly stunned and made a loud and clear sound. The golden small sword on the hilt is quickly integrated into the body of the epee. The shining blood red sword on the tip of the Epee spreads to the whole body of the epee.

Buzz. Buzz

When you feel the terrible killing power released by Epee, all the swords that just returned to their original position in the sword grave emit low sounds. The bright red awn of blood red covers all the body of Epee matchless sword, and the light of blood red slowly surges down to the ground abyss along its tip.

Click. Click

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A clear and dull sound, unexpectedly accompanied by the blood red light released by Epee matchless surging. There are hundreds of fine cracks on the thick soil surface, and there is no complete place for people in the whole area.

Tengteng. Tengtengteng

In the void, countless swords and weapons of magic weapons all soared into the air, turning them into the light and shadow of the sword with the power of killing and cutting.

Below, the Epee's golden light was red, and it was still stabbing into the deep of the bottom.

On the other hand, the nameless sword seems to have entered a mysterious state, and even has no idea of what happened in the current sword tomb. His body is covered by the blood red light reflected by Epee peerless, and his whole body floats uncontrollably. On his forehead, there is a golden light flickering, which makes the whole person perfectly integrate with his Epee sword.

The nameless body of the sword falls steadily on the handle of the Epee, and with the Epee falling towards the bottom of the bottomless abyss

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