Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 567: 567

"Boom!" On the tip of the dagger covered by the golden awn, a horrible Golden Dragon surrounded by green fog erupted in vain. Jinlong burst out with the momentum of the Dagger's tip and smashed it on the traceless chest.

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"Click!" At the same time, jiuxiao purple sky thunder turns into Taoist purple awn, and falls from the sky crazily, bombarding and chopping the general on Jinlong's body full of killing intention.

Jin Long's body trembled in vain, and his killing intention shrouded in mist suddenly reduced by more than half. Jiuxiao purple sky thunder still drops frequently, and the golden dagger that releases the Golden Dragon source is blasted repeatedly.

"Roar!" Jinlong's breath became weaker and weaker, and he was tottering under the attack of jiuxiao purple sky thunder. Even so, the dagger covered by the golden awn still burst out a dazzling golden light at the last moment, which made the Golden Dragon flash a cold light in his eyes and then plunge into the traceless chest.

Tear. Tear

Bursts of strange sound came out, purple gold armor was quickly killed by gold to break a black hole. The endless stream of golden light and killing intention bombards the body of no trace, and the shocking purple gold armor splits quickly along the chest of no trace.

"Boom!" A nine sky purple thunder came down from the sky, and the golden dagger was blown to pieces. The eclosion dragon, holding the golden dagger tightly, flashed back quickly. Under the shock of the aftershock power of the nine sky purple thunder, the whole person was thrown to the ground on the spot. After several weeks of continuous tossing, he stabilized his body dozens of meters away from the place where the thunder just fell.

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"Wow A mouthful of red blood is sprayed from the eclosion dragon's mouth. The whole back of the eclosion dragon was completely burnt, and the flesh and blood were indistinct, making it impossible to distinguish the injury.

"Plop!" The yuhualong, who had been struggling to stand up, shook and fell to the ground again when his legs were soft. The air of Xuanli in his body was in disorder, but his eyes were looking forward to seeing away from the cloud and mist.

"Gulu!" In the courtyard imprisoned by the strange golden awn, all the people were wide eyed and stood in the same place.

Even the aftershock and Dixin took a breath of cool air, and looked at the fog gradually dispersing.

Liu shuang'er is still imprisoned in the same place by her figure, and her tears are whirling like tears. Beside him, the man with the golden ghost face mask didn't move. He gazed at the direction of no trace in his eyes.

Dong Dong Dong. Dong Dong Dong

The sound of dull footsteps came out of the battle group with the atmosphere of cloud and mist decreasing sharply. Under the cover of nothingness and fog, a burly and strong figure was quietly reflected in everyone's eyes.

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I saw the mist dissipated, a handsome young man with an evil smile stepped out. His young man's bronze skin is particularly attractive, healthy and imaginative against the background of purple ray mang.

"Poof!" See no trace undamaged step out, eclosion dragon is weak, body shape is a wave. A mouthful of blood sprayed out again, and the eclosion dragon's face was even more pale than that of Dixin.

"I said, you are not my opponent!" With a faint smile without trace, purple thunder suddenly rises on the intact skin. The heavy and majestic Xuanli breath of earth rises again, and the purple and gold armor covers the traceless body, and even quickly recovers at the speed visible to the naked eye.

"Eh, the body becomes emperor, no wonder this son is so proud..." the golden ghost mask man who has been standing in the same place without saying a word clearly flashed a look of amazement in his eyes. Its voice is not big or small spread all over the courtyard, it seems to remind the feathered dragon that it is not wrong to lose this battle.

"Damn it, I'll be king in flesh. Who is this guy?"

"If Jin Jiang says so, he must be the emperor of the flesh."

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"My dear, the body becomes emperor, isn't that half a foot has stepped into the legendary soul realm?"

"Young master, I'm afraid I've met a cruel man this time!"

"Well, it is said that he is miss Shuanger's brother-in-law. The elder brother beat his brother-in-law. It seems that the young master's plan is in vain! "

In the courtyard, a group of killers in soul hunting Pavilion, who had been injured by traceless sword Qi, shook their heads and sighed one after another, casting sympathetic eyes at the feathered dragon who spat blood repeatedly.

"Master, please let her go!" Traceless eyes directly swept away from the eclosion dragon, an invisible pressure burst out from its body. The momentum on Wu Chen's body is like a change in a moment. The terrible sword is intended to linger around him.

"Ha ha, are you threatening me?" The man with the golden ghost mask smiles coldly. His eyes are like two flashes of light, hitting straight on the traceless figure.No trace body suddenly trembles. The sword Qi gathered around him is under the gaze of the ghost face man. In a moment, the momentum and power are obviously weakened.

Not only that, no trace only feel burning eyes pain incomparable, as if something rushed into his mind in general. A burst of pain came from the sea of no trace knowledge, and no trace hastened to rush his life to urge him to come to the second level of refreshing.

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As soon as the double refreshment comes out, Hongmeng's chaotic spirit rushes forward. The burning pain in the traceless brain gradually alleviated, and the fiery eyes gradually restored a trace of the past Qingming.

"Brush!" In the ghost face man cold eye gaze no trace, and launched a spirit attack on the offensive. Demon zunhuoxiao Xuying quickly rushes into the sea of no trace knowledge, and kills all the strange golden awns on the spot.

"Hoo Traceless nose and mouth are thick gas out, once again looking at the face of the ghost in the eyes has been full of vigilance. Obviously, the difference between the physical emperor and the real soul emperor is not the spiritual attack. In addition, the powerful people's perception of heaven and earth, and the use of space law power and other means are more terrifying.

"Dong!"“ Dong Two muffled sounds came from no trace. The aftershock and Emperor Xin stepped out at the same time. The two of them stand side by side with the body without trace, and the three levels of cultivation in the later stage of the baby's soul state are exposed without any cover up.

The three men's three powerful forces rose madly and turned into three terrible forces, which bombarded the body of the ghost face man for several times.

"Ha ha, if you violate emperor Wuhuang Tianwei, you should be punished for it!" The ghost face man gave a cold smile, and a bright golden light came out of his body. He quickly blocked the power and momentum released by Wu trace, aftershock, di Xin and others on the spot. Then, no trace. Aftershock. Dixin. Three people stand side by side, no shrinking color. The breath of the three people was still released as if they didn't want money, and they went to the body of the masked man with the ghost face

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