Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 570: 570

In the silent courtyard, the air seemed to be still in vain. No trace staring at the distance, the middle-aged man and wife were shocked, and their jaw almost fell to the ground.

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See. Aftershock. Dixin. Two people are quietly hiding on both sides, so the eyes will be fixed on the traceless body.

"Mother. Mother adult..." a exclamation, no trace can't believe the death knead his eyes, his eyes staring at the distance that dressed simple middle-aged woman, the whole body up and down unexpectedly involuntarily micro tremor.

Since the accident of Liu family in Andong City, Liu's mother's whereabouts are unknown and her death is uncertain. As a weak woman without any accomplishments, Wu trace naturally believes that Liu's mother died in the war. It's just like this that leads to Wuchen's killing back to Andong city to avenge his mother regardless of any consequences.

But at this moment, Liu's mother was so intact and quietly standing not far away. How could this not let no trace be shocked and surprised.

"Scar!" A light call spread all over the courtyard in an instant. Liu's mother ran forward in a hurry with three steps and two steps, straight to the location of no trace, and rushed up excitedly.

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"Mother adult, you are still alive..." no trace body shape move, then suddenly flash to Liu mother in front. Liu's mother, who was eager to run to no trace, was surprised and almost pretended to be full of love with no trace. Fortunately, Wu's eyes and hands were quick, and his arms helped Liu's mother to stay in place.

"Scar has grown up, my scar has grown up!" Liu's mother's eyes were full of excited tears, and she took the traceless hand and looked at it vigorously. His eyes did not hide the color of love, we can see how important no trace is for Liu mu.

Liu's mother took no trace's hand and looked at it intensely, which made no trace blush and made her feel embarrassed. Although the heart is full of questions, but it is not good at this moment to ask.

After nearly a quarter of an hour's work, there was a gentle sound of footsteps in the rear. The middle-aged man who had been standing with Liu's mother in an ordinary dress came to Wu Chen and Liu's mother and son with a smile.

"Ha ha, you said that you are so old, and you are not afraid of children's jokes after watching it." The middle-aged man opened his mouth with a faint smile, and gently put his hand on Liu's shoulder to pacify and pat her several times.

Liu's mother didn't resist the middle-aged man's action. On the contrary, his face was full of happiness and shame, just like a little daughter-in-law who had just passed by.

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"Shit, what's going on?" Traceless long mouth in consternation, almost lost his voice and exclaimed. At this moment, no trace of surprise, no less than to see Liu mother rebirth.

After all, Liu's mother, who has always been a woman with three obediences and four virtues, has never had a verbal communication with a strange man since she had a memory of it. To such intimate action, is to kill no trace, also won't believe will appear in Liu mother's body.

"Cluck, silly boy, what do you think? Come and see your father Liu's mother can't help laughing when she detects the abnormality of traceless, and gently knocks traceless's forehead with her hand. Then, his eyes were full of sadness, and he looked at the middle-aged man in ordinary clothes.

"Father. Father?" The middle-aged man without any strong momentum and demeanor was full of consternation. No matter from all aspects, this person can't overlap with Liu Fu in his memory, and he can't help but make him dull again.

"Ha ha, traceless boy, he used a cover up to hide his true colors. Besides, I suspect that he has a magic weapon to cover up the breath, otherwise he would not be so calm, and even the slightest breath of Xuanli did not leak out. " A burst of smile, into the sea of knowledge without trace. If this middle-aged man can appear in the place where the soul hunting Pavilion is located at this moment, he will not believe it even if he kills the demon zunhuoxiao. What's more, all the killers in soul hunting Pavilion retreated with the order of the leader of soul hunting Pavilion. Even the golden generals who transformed the soul realm into the realm didn't mean to disobey.

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It can be seen that the leader of the soul hunting Pavilion must at least be a strong emperor in the same realm. In addition, the mysterious middle-aged man who appeared in vain seemed to put all this together, and it made perfect sense.

"Brush!" A burst of green light soared up and sealed up the whole courtyard. An ordinary looking middle-aged man's body rose from a blue mist, and reappeared in the field of vision of no trace and others, just like a changed person.

The middle-aged man's eyebrows are divided into eight feet, his eyes are like stars, and his face is square and sharp. The whole person exudes a not angry from the prestige of the superior momentum, at this time is smiling at no trace gently nodded.

"Father. Pro." no trace throat a strength of save move, call out two extremely rare words in the mouth. The tears in his eyes were hazy, and his father's appearance in his memory was completely integrated with the middle-aged man in front of him. Liu Wuhen's feelings for his father, which had been accumulating for many years, suddenly burst out like a spring."He he, chen'er, I've worked hard for you these years! Cry. It might be better to cry! " Liu's father looked at the little guy with tears in his eyes, and his eyes were as calm as water. Liu's father gently put out his hand and patted his traceless shoulder, revealing a long lost warm smile from his square face.

"My lord father, my lord mother, what's the matter?" No trace gently wiped the tears in his eyes, through the just catharsis, he has completely released the emotion accumulated for many years. At the moment, traceless heart feels unprecedented transparency, even his mood seems to have obvious growth, perception and change.

"Cluck, scar, don't blame your mother, it's not your dead father! Your father is now the leader of soul hunting Pavilion, and Hualong is his adopted son. The child has been an orphan since he was a child. Your father took him with him and cultivated him carefully. He put all his feelings for you into Long'er. " Liu's mother smiles at Wu Chen and sighs at the feathered dragon who is refining the medicine to consolidate the injury. Then Liu's mother looked at Wu Chen again and said slowly, "at the beginning, because of some internal fighting in the soul hunting Pavilion, your father could not return to Andong City openly. It was only a few years ago that your father's accomplishments were greatly increased, which cleared up the hostile factions in the soul hunting Pavilion and succeeded in becoming the leader of the soul hunting Pavilion! "

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"Before, I had an accident with the Liu family, thanks to Long'er's accidental rescue. It happened that this heartless man was on his way to Andong City, and our husband and wife met again! It's a pity that Uncle Zhang and others are all buried in the chaos of Qi. Now the younger generation of our Liu family is still left with you and Shuanger... "

"Father, why don't you take revenge for my Liu family?" Traceless directly over Liu mother, eyes some indignant stare to Liu father asked.

"Ha ha, you can kill them anytime and anywhere. I can do it with one finger. But that would be no good for your growth. Sometimes, it's much more pleasant to use hatred to stimulate your growth than to solve them directly! Liu's family has raised you for more than ten years. Naturally, it's more appropriate for you to repay your kindness in person... "Liu's father can't deny it and smiles, looking at Wu trace's deep meaning. On the other side, Liu's mother's eyes were full of blame and glared at Liu's father. Then, Liu's mother quickly pulled the arm of no trace, and looked up and down at her son again.

There seems to be some understanding of the truth without trace, but some of Liu Fu's views are not very agreed. But fortunately, Liu's father's starting point is also good, and the family just reunited without trace is not good, on the spot in-depth study of what.

"Ha ha, it's more appropriate for you to repay this kindness for more than ten years of nurturing." Demon zunhuoxiao hides in traceless body. After pondering Liu Fu's words for a long time, he shows a clear bitter smile< br>

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