Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 572: 572

Wangdu Chaoge, a humble tavern. Some of the dilapidated two-story Pavilion, at this time is performing a stunning scene.

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In the empty two-story attic, aftershock. Dixin. Two people got up one after another and dodged to the left and right sides. On the end chair of the square table, no trace after disguised and changed face is now full of smiling hands.

See the mouse general with red hair on his head, holding a finger without mark and sucking hard. That appearance is simply intoxicated do not want, as if a long drought every rain as contented.

Xiao Bai, a white tiger with flaming wings and a lightning leopard and a lazy cat, two bodyguards are lying quietly on their traceless feet. They look extremely peaceful and peaceful. They can't see the ferocious face of their teeth and claws in ordinary days.

A pile of yellow sand spread white on the square table. The yellow sand jumped up and down, making the square table rustle. Yellow sand gradually gathered into a pile again, yellow wind eight strange face excited to no trace Sa Sa strange cry up.

"Ha ha, changed appearance, you still remember me! It seems that sometimes you are more trustworthy than others! " No trace a little smile, a full face of love touched the hands almost sleeping in the past red general.

"Ha ha, for the mysterious beasts, their feelings for people are more direct. Like is like, disgust is disgust! There is no intrigue, only the law of the jungle... "Demon zunhuoxiao's rough voice came again, and he sighed with emotion to no trace.

"Whoosh!" No trace gently urges the Xuanli Qi in the body to activate the Hongmeng chaotic Qi in the body. The pure and exuberant air of Hongmeng's chaos flowed out quietly and poured into the four guardians' bodies.


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"Sa Sa!"

At the same time, four guardians rushed out of their mouths. The hair of the four guardians of the Xuan beast is exploding, and even the eight monsters, whose bodies are made up of yellow sand, are excited at the moment, making the yellow sand rolling around them.

On both sides, the aftershock and Dixin look at each other, showing a look of consternation. Both of them have the same question in mind. Is it possible that this guy is still a trainer

In the tavern on the second floor, from the sudden intrusion of four beasts to the aftershock, they gradually adapted to all this. During this period, about a quarter of an hour later, a riot broke out in the tavern on the first floor downstairs.

"Cough, sir, please stay. The guest has already packed the upstairs!"

"Young master, you can't go up!"

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Step on, step on, step on

A commotion resounded, and four figures came into the stairway. As soon as these four figures appeared, the aftershocks and Dixin in the second floor attic were all at once stunned.

They were dressed in bright green, yellow, red and blue robes with different colors. As soon as they entered the attic, they stared angrily at the old stone table.


"Eight monsters!"


"Lazy cat!"

At the same time, four voices were heard from four young men in colorful robes. On the stone table, the four beasts, who were already on the air of immortality, turned their eyes lazily. After seeing the shadows of the four people not far in front of them, they opened their breath one after another and continued to lie down beside no trace, directly ignoring the four people on the spot.

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"Ha ha..."

Seeing this situation, the aftershock couldn't help laughing unkindly on the spot. Even Dixin, who has always been cold and proud, now looks a little red.

"Ha ha, who's coming? If you don't understand the etiquette, is that the style of the children of the big family in the royal capital Chaoge city? " Cover the original appearance of the breath of no trace, will face slightly a heavy. With his hands, he gently touched the table and stared at the four young men in gorgeous clothes.

"Damn it, you're a fool! There are still people talking to our four brothers in Chaoge, the king's capital? " Qi Xia, who was dressed in yellow robes, was full of sarcasm and looked at Wu trace and others back and forth.

"Ha ha, is it difficult for the four of our brothers to have been alive for some time, and the people in Chaoge city really think that we have changed our ways?" Dressed in a red robe, Liang Qiusheng smiles coldly and looks at the display in the attic on the second floor.

"Hey, hey, come on, what's your way to deceive our protective mysterious beast here?" In a blue robe, Dong Shao Chen Dongzang was more direct. He stepped out and stood on the windowsill of the attic on the second floor, directly blocking the only way out.For a long time, there was silence in the attic on the second floor.

Dongshao holds the windowsill position, qiushao also stands in front of another window. Xia Shaoze stops the way to the bottom of the attic. Only Chun Shao doesn't move. He stares at Wu trace doubtfully.

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"Boom boom!" Inside the room, summer, autumn, winter and three Shao release the air of Xuanli in the body at the same time, and the whole two-story attic is completely sealed. The air of Xuanli, full of threat, permeates the void, locking Wuchen and others firmly on the spot.

On the first floor of the tavern, only a few diners fled in a swarm. Only the boss and a few guys with sad faces were shivering at the turbulent second floor attic.

"Ha ha, I've heard for a long time that spring, summer, autumn and winter are four little dandies. Today, when I see them, they really deserve their reputation. But this spring is very calm, it seems that it doesn't agree with the rumor No trace is still sitting and acting on it, completely cutting off the Qi of Hongmeng chaos which is input into the four body protecting Xuan beasts. The four guardians were just like waking up from a dream. Their eyes were full of begging and pitifully staring at Wu Chen.

"Ha ha, since you know the prestige of our brothers, you should catch them. Don't wait for our brothers to do it later, then you will have a good fruit to eat! " Dong Shao, Chen Dongzang step out, the momentum in the body will be crazy to climb up. A wave of invisible pressure, like a landslide in general, all of a sudden rushed to the direction of no trace, surging away.

In the attic on the second floor, the temperature suddenly dropped to the freezing point, and the extreme coldness shrouded Wuchen's body. It seemed that Wuchen wanted to confine Wuchen to ice here forever, which was very terrible.

"Roar!" At the moment when the invisible chill shrouded in the body shape of no trace, the lightning leopard and lazy cat curled up at the foot of no trace all the time jumped up in a flash.

"Click!" Bright blue light in the old attic, no trace body suddenly appeared in front of the dense power of lightning. Although the power of lightning released by lightning leopard is far less than that of jiuxiao purple sky thunder, it is just right to destroy and disintegrate the powerful attack released by Dong Shao Chen Dongzang.

"Lazy cat, how dare you do me harm?" Winter less a roar, eyes can't believe the eyes will fall on the lazy cat. And lazy cat this guy even a bared teeth. A grin, to winter little I made a pair of roaring appearance. This is no doubt a disaster for Dongshao, who lives with him day and night. Even if Dong Shao is killed, he will not believe that the lazy cat who has signed a contract with him will ignore the contract and risk his own death to protect a strange ordinary man whom he has never seen before

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