Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 593: 593

"Hum!" There was a loud sound of the sword, and the blood red sword spread out in an instant. The nameless figure of the sword appeared in vain in the void, holding the blood red Epee with a cold and stern look.

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"Poof The blood red sword light was released continuously and directly assassinated into the sword emperor's chest. Where the blood red sword light covers, all the black sharp blades in its cover lose their vitality and turn into ashes.

"Suddenly A cold wind blows slowly, the sword of the emperor is in a panic, and the dark ancient wood above his head suddenly stops beating. The exuberant and surging breath of life stopped abruptly, and it turned into dead wood withered by cavitation.

"This. How impossible..." the sword emperor was in a panic, his mouth was bleeding, his eyes were magnified several times. The Xuanli Qi of his whole body wantonly dissipated, and countless blood red sword ideas suddenly burst out from his body.

"Sword Thirteen!" Sword nameless slowly takes back the blood red Epee in his hand, and you spit out the sword move just released. The intention of killing and cutting the sword on his body is still rampant, and the wary body of the sword emperor suddenly falls into the pool of red blood.

"Ha ha, what an overbearing sword Aftershock a smile, holding nine Youming axe stride out. His whole body was haunted by the fire of the ninth nether world, and his eyes were full of war spirit. He said to the sword nameless.

At the same time, the guardian space dissipates in vain. Dixin. Yuhualong. Their bodies are exposed. They look at the dead sword on the ground. They are in a panic.

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"Ha ha, nameless, let's fight again when we have a chance!" Traceless eyes are also full of excited color, flying to sword nameless side, said with a smile.

"Good!" The sword doesn't know the whole body to kill to cut, the sword intention slowly closes in the body, the chest front a burst of ups and downs, obviously just also consumed the huge Xuan force of Qi. Immediately, then see sword nameless cold eyes flashed a wipe of tears, two tears on the spot then cross flow down.

"Nameless..." no trace looked at the sword with rather sad expression. Nameless wanted to say nothing, and sighed with pain. On the one hand, I feel happy for the enemy of the sword's nameless hand. On the other hand, I'm afraid that this situation will seriously affect the mood of the sword's nameless hand.

"Hoo After a moment's silence, Jianming finally came out of the dejected state. The expression on his face restored the coldness before, wiped the tear mark on the corner of his eyes, and nodded slightly to no trace.

"No trace boy, look..." a exclamation, from the sword demon zunhuoxiao mouth huff and puff out. No trace follows the cry of demon zunhuoxiao, and then sees Ji Ruxue's body, which is covered by ice and suspended in the air, trembles in vain.

In the void, the layers of ice and frost are quickly broken, and Ji Ruxue's face like ice beauty is instantly exposed.

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In Ji Ruxue's palms, feet and eyebrows, five drops of red blood essence rush out of her body and turn into vigorous drops of life power, falling quietly on the secret treasure prohibition that will be opened below.

"Suddenly The power of life, which has been rising, has been spreading from the prohibition of secret treasures. The terror and exuberant breath of life released by the secret treasure prohibition seemed to be closely connected with the blood power of Ji Ruxue who was suspended in the air.

"Like snow!" Traceless eyes are full of anxious color, looking to the mid air in the strange shape of Ji Ruxue, anxious. However, the secret treasure prohibition is about to open. At this time, Ji Ruxue can't interrupt the inheritance of the secret treasure prohibition.

"Whoosh. Whoosh. Whoosh!" Just for a moment, no trace, no name sword, aftershock. Three people fly out in a triangle, looking alert and guarding the place tens of meters below Ji Ruxue's body shape.

"Brush!" In the void, the power of ice and snow is broken. Ji Ruxue, who closed her eyes tightly, suddenly opens her eyes, and two sharp flashes of cold are across the void. Then, he saw a simple door, and the shadow appeared behind Ji Ruxue's figure.

At the same time, Ji Ruxue's chest burst out with pure and surging vitality. A towering ancient tree with dark green and green light all over the body appeared in Ji Ruxue's eyebrows.

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"Brush!" At the moment when the shadow of the towering ancient trees appeared, the secret treasure ban below was broken. Endless light soared from the sky, from the secret treasure prohibition to the brilliant rays, which sealed Ji Ruxue on the spot.

"Pa!" A clear dull sound came from the front of the simple door behind Ji Ruxue. Simple door, simple momentum released without warning, even on the spot into a three of the ancient doors. One of the ancient doors opened in vain, and a terrible green light swept out of the door.

The terrifying Qingmang breathes and breathes with great momentum, completely absorbing the gold thread of the secret treasure prohibition into its simple door.

"Bang. Bang. Bang!" The open door of the simple door is closed in vain. The three simple doors are integrated into one again and become a virtual shadow of the simple door. They directly enter Ji Ruxue's body."Poof!" The gold thread disappeared in vain, and a bright seven color Phoenix crown slowly floated out of the forbidden system.

"Wow In the forbidden system of secret treasures, the colorful Phoenix crown rises slowly. The towering ancient trees suspended on Ji Ruxue's forehead suddenly reduced rapidly.

The exuberant life force is continuously diffused from the shadow of the martial spirit of the towering ancient trees. It turns into the spread of the ancient trees and vines, wrapping the colorful Phoenix crown tightly in one place.

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"Brush!" The vigorous breath of towering ancient trees completely covers and wraps the colorful Phoenix crown. The colorful Phoenix crown of the seven colors of Xia falls steadily on the towering ancient trees, and the seven colors of Xia light quickly scatter and cover the virtual shadow of the martial spirit of the towering ancient trees. The virtual shadow of the martial spirit of the towering ancient trees was shrouded in the colorful Phoenix crown of the seven colors, and gradually changed into an earth shaking version.

From the heart of the towering ancient trees, it suddenly evolved into a beautiful girl's shadow with cool temperament.

"Hum!" Seven colors of rosy clouds and colorful crowns floated down and fell steadily on the forehead of the cool and gorgeous girl. When the colorful Phoenix crown falls on the forehead of the cold and gorgeous girl, the cold and gorgeous girl opens her cold eyes quickly.

At the same time, Ji Ruxue, who is floating in the air, also opens her cold eyes in vain. The cool and beautiful girl Xu Ying, with a colorful Phoenix crown, suddenly disappears into Ji Ruxue's body.

"Brush!" The seven colors of the rays are reflected on Ji Ruxue's head. Ji Ruxue's temperament changes in an instant, just like a fairy in the world. In the void, the exuberant and pure mysterious force of wood, the breath of life attributes, all rise up in a frenzy, and rush into Ji Ruxue's body from all sides

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