Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 605: 605

Boom boom. Boom boom

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The sound of terror and turbulence resounded repeatedly, and the paper flying in the void exploded completely. Dozens of the emperor's strong men in huahun state had their whole body defenses broken, and all the figures were in a hurry before they stepped into the void and sped back towards the rear.

"Hum, that's enough. No one can be my top clan!" With a cold hum and a light ring, several powerful people in the soul realm flickered out with the power of holding magic weapons. The power of magic weapons is released together, which intercepts all the paper waves in the void.

"Zhen Bao Zhai?" The rear, no trace looking at this line of people step empty and rise, immediately recognize each other's identity. As one of the eight sects, zhenbaozhai was the backstage support of the Dayan Dynasty. Before the Dayan Dynasty, it was attacked by the Zhou Dynasty and the Penglai Dynasty, and the backers of the two dynasties are jiangshadao and jiangge.

In principle, Chen Baozhai should have become a long-standing enemy of Jiang Shadao, but now he is helping them when they are in crisis. However, the sword Pavilion, which was supposed to be an alliance, was as indifferent as passers-by, and there was no move.

This scene after scene, make no trace brain again a chaos. It seems that the situation in mainland China is far from as simple and clear as it seems. No trace side so think of, side secretly will stiff evil way and array treasure Zhai strange behavior firmly in mind.

"Ha ha, the clan forces are not allowed to interfere in the dynasty disputes. Does Chen Baozhai want to get involved in this dispute just like Jiang Shadao? " With a deep voice, tianyunzong's strong men all stepped out of the sky. The five headmasters of the five elements Dharma protection hall sneer and stand in the air, and the guard is around Wu Chen and others.

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"Tianyunzong..." at this moment, a group of strong people got rid of the attack of the book burst, and all of them suffered internal injuries in varying degrees. But the good thing is that Wai men Dao Tong Wan Mo Ti has not been damaged, which makes the strong people in the Gang Sha Dao feel a lot more secure.

In the void, for a moment, the strong were like clouds, and they stood up with the disciples of the Sutra collection Pavilion of the academy and the strong at the entrance of the five elements Dharma protection Hall of Tianyun sect.

Below, the rest of the big strong men all look like a good play, holding their shoulders to watch the changes of the two sides in the void. And the other heads of the major dynasties, even including the powerful people of Ji Huang and the major forces of the Zhou Dynasty, were all staring at the strong people of the two sides and whispering.

"Brush!" When the atmosphere in the void was very tense, the original quiet void was inexplicably agitated and trembled. Then, I saw a blue swallow shadow flying out of the sky, and there were nine golden lights in its shadow.

Whoosh, whoosh. Whoosh, whoosh

A strange air of Xuanli combined with manbu in the void, and the figures of nine old people in golden robes with extremely cold faces emerged out of thin air.

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The nine old men in the golden robes had no air of Xuanli, but the feeling of each old man was unfathomable. Even the strong leaders of the major forces on the scene felt deeply oppressed in the face of the nine golden robed elders.

"Cluck, nine old skylarks!" Below, the head of Lingbao business, Shangguan Yunque, was in vain. He jumped up and screamed with excitement.

"Ha ha, dare to be presumptuous on our Lingbao business, these guys who don't know the superiority of heaven and earth!" On one side, Shangguan yundun's face was also in vain. He glanced coldly over the void. Ji Huang and others, who had been elated before, laughed secretly.

"Hum, in the territory of Lingbao business, it's forbidden to fly in the void. Don't you, as the emperor of the soul realm, know such simple rules?" Nine old men in gold robes stood in the air, lining up in a row, and the momentum of the nine part soul turning King Wu slowly spread. One of the leaders, the old man in the golden robe, raised his eyebrows coldly and glanced at the void with contempt. Many of the strong ones in the void yelled coldly.

"Boom boom!" At the same time, the nine golden robed old men put down their authority at the same time, and all the strong people in the scene left for tens of meters.

Whoosh, whoosh. Whoosh, whoosh

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Seeing this, the figures of the strong one after another fell and passed, and a look of awe flashed in everyone's eyes. Looking at the old man with nine golden robes in the void, his expression showed unprecedented dignity.

"My subordinates, I've seen nine skylarks!"

"Disciple, I've met nine commanders!"

Shangguan Yunque. Shangguan yundun. The two brothers clasped their fists together, arched their hands and gave a deep salute. They called out to the nine golden robed elders in the void.

"Hum, who was reckless in Lingbao just now?" In the void, nine senior managers of Lingbao business swept the two Shangguan brothers below, and asked again in a cold voice."Report back to the commander, it's an unwritten rule in mainland China that the clan forces should not interfere in the dispute of dynasties. But Jiang Shadao and Chen Baozhai joined hands to support the great Zhou Dynasty and ignored the rules of Lingbao business. In the territory of our Lingbao business, we sell the spirit level of God Dan to our employer... "Shangguan Yunque turned his eyes slightly, and his voice did not hide his anger. He said in a cold voice.

"Brush!" As soon as this remark came out, all the strong men of the major schools on the scene were stunned, and people's eyes were constantly looking at Wu Chen and others. After all, it was about the origin of the spirit level elixir, and even the strong men of the major schools had to be moved by it.

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"Ha ha, that's so. If you dare to ignore the rules of our Lingbao business firm, I will have to follow the rules of our business firm." The nine strong commanders, who had no doubt about Shangguan Yunque's words, even had no words of inquiry, made a decision on this matter. For the nine strong managers, even the eight strong families are no exception to those who endanger the reputation and prestige of Lingbao business. After all, Skylark Jiushuai's duty is to maintain the order of Lingbao business in six states of mainland China.

"You, there may be some misunderstanding here. Please listen to the old man's explanation." At this time, Wan moti's face was as pale as ashes. Looking at the nine managers in the void, his heart was inexplicable.

In the rear, a group of stiff and powerful people all stepped back together. The eyes of the nine commanders in the void made everyone feel cold.

"Cough, everyone, this matter has nothing to do with our treasure house. I hope you can find out the cause and effect before making a decision!" Among them, the leader of array treasure house was gloomy and restless.

Gollum. Gollum

Bursts of nervous breathing, one after another quietly. All the people on the scene raised their hearts to their voices, and their eyes fell on the figure of the nine senior managers

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