Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 608: 608

"Brush!" In the void, a golden light slants down in vain. Out of thin air, we can see that Ji Huang and the place where Wu trace is quietly and strangely isolated and imprisoned on the spot.

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The golden light completely covered their bodies and spread slowly around them. On both sides of the Zhou Dynasty a group of strong people, as well as no trace. Ji Ruxue. Aftershocks and other body shape, all unconsciously by this strange golden light towards the surrounding disperse.

"Boom!"“ Boom

At the same time, the west wind of the fourth elder martial brother withered. The fifth elder martial brother shifuhua. They both chose to fight at the first time. However, the power of law released by them bombarded the golden light, but they didn't make any waves.

"Ha ha, don't waste your efforts. This array is nine Skylark arrays. No one can break it unless the strong one above the soul level takes the hand!" In the void, eight golden robed commanders stood silently on both sides, looking indifferent. But the old man, the head of the golden robe, didn't care about it. He was withered by the west wind. Shihua and Shihua spoke with a smile.

Smell speech, four elder martial brother west wind withered. Five elder martial brother poem belly China two people together looked at each other, one after another from each other's eyes saw a color of amazement.

On both sides, Ji Ruxue, sword nameless, aftershock, Dixin, yuhualong and others all show anxious color, some worried towards the golden streamer. As Liu's father, Lord Jin Jiang, the leader of the soul hunting Pavilion, still looks as usual, showing no uneasiness. This makes some people who know the identity of Wu trace and Jin Jiang all look stunned and puzzled.

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"Brush!" The bright golden light spread and spread, and in the blink of an eye, they covered and imprisoned the bodies of Wu trace and Ji Huang. In a square golden void space, there is only no trace left to fight with his concubine.

"Boom!" The whistling wind sped by, and Ji Huang's whole body appeared several meters in front of the traceless body. Then he saw the power of Tao's law coming down from the sky, and Qi's blessing bombarded the traceless body on the opposite side.

"Teng!" The fiery flame of different fire soars into the sky, and falls on the traceless body with it. The power of law madly collides with it. The fiery flame of the road is just like the bright fireworks, and the falling speed of the force of the law of wood has obviously begun to slow down a lot.

"Pa Pa Pa!" The power of the law of a road tree bombards the traceless body and quickly becomes a dark green vine. The dark green vines spread and twined rapidly, trapping the whole body of traceless people on the spot.

"Hum!" A cold hum, no trace of the strong body in vain a tremor. The fiery red flames burst out from the sky, and the dark green vines twined around its body quickly ignited and burned.

Click. Click

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Strange sounds came from the burning fire. The dark green and strong vines clasp the body shape of no trace, and even the flame can't completely melt and burn it in a moment.

"Death An angry roar resounded in vain from traceless ear. Ji Huang's whole body flashed out like a ghost, and his arms flashed in his palms with a strange dark green light.

The strange dark green cold light flashed away, and the terrible Yin cold power immediately shrouded the traceless body, making it unable to move.

The distance between the dark green cold light and traceless is getting closer and closer. At the moment, traceless eyes have been completely covered by the dark green light. Endless cold air came to my face. Without trace, I felt as if I had fallen into the abyss. Strange dark green green awn, as if a net of heaven and earth in general, toward the boundless body shape shrouded in killing.

"Five elements ring technique!" Without trace, the essence in his eyes coagulated in vain, and the power of the five elements around him suddenly rose. The power and light of the five elements quickly merged into one, and turned into five element ring art, which covered and protected the whole person without trace.

Bang bang. Bang Bang

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The terrible sound of explosion reverberated in the golden light enveloped in the confined space, and the dark green light like a net quickly turned into arrows. Just like a storm, it pours down and beats on the five elements and five colors.

The rushing arrow madly hit on the halo of the five elements, which gradually disintegrated the power of the five elements. Moreover, every arrow that comes at a high speed contains the attribute of wood and the power of the law of Xuanli. The dark green cold light is reflected on the traceless body through the five elements ring. The vitality of no trace began to decline rapidly.

"Eh, deprived of vitality, exhausted Xuanli? This is the law of exhaustion which is comprehended by Xuanli, who understands the nature of wood! " The voice of demon zunhuoxiao resounds in vain, like a dull thunder, exploding in traceless mind.

"Damn, that's the power of the law to transform the strong in the soul realm. It's really sour!" Traceless bite bite teeth, the body will never run crazy.For a moment, the pure and exuberant air of Hongmeng's chaos rushes around the body of traceless madly, covering the power of exhaustion law that invades the body of traceless.

In a twinkling, the speed of life in traceless's body gradually decreases, and the momentum released by the whole person is more vigorous. The aura of the five elements is still resisting most of the dark green arrows, but it is obvious that it has begun to decline.

"Eh, this little guy has blocked the attack of the law of Ji Huang!" Dayan king Chaoyan Huangyan Tuoba's eyes are full of shock, looking at the no trace astonished way of gradually rising momentum in the confined space.

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"Cluck, once the power of the law comes out, there is no living thing under the soul state. This boy can even compete with his imperial concubine. It seems that this boy is really a monster Zixuan, the king of tianque Dynasty, had a flash of beautiful eyes, and looked at Ji Huang, who was almost crazy and his eyes were red. She said to herself with a smile.

"Ha ha, even so, how can he still beat Ji Huang? If he really wins over Ji Huang in the realm of infant soul, won't you be reduced to the level of being equal to this hairy boy? " Zhu Wen, the Zhu emperor of the Daliang Dynasty, was full of smirk and instigated against the leaders of the major dynasties around him.

"Hum, little man!" Huang Chiyou, a barbarian of the Jiuli Dynasty, snorted angrily and glared at Zhu Wen, the emperor of Zhu. Then he set his eyes again in the confinement space, and was not afraid to offend the masters of other dynasties in public.

"Boom!" At this time, the aura of the five elements ring technique in the confined space could not withstand the attack of the galloping arrows. With a bang, it broke into pieces on the spot. The dark green cold light, with the power of the exhausted law, once again bombards the traceless body in the field.

"Gulu!" Bursts of nervous breathing sound, from the front of Lingbao business wriggling around. The powerful members of the major sects and the heads of the major dynasties were all dazzled, and they made a good mistake. God went to wait and see the sky full of dark green arrows

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