Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 61: 61

Half a month passed in a row, and the warmth of the outer court battle gradually faded away.

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During this half a month, Wu Hen had kept himself locked up in his room, cultivating like a madman. His late stage Soul Building Stage cultivation had already begun to loosen up, as if he was about to break through any moment now.

On the morning of the next day, Liu Shuang'er was quietly meditating in the courtyard as usual.

A wave of turbulent aura came out from Ji Ruxue's room in a strange manner. The restriction array around the room shook and then waves of coldness started to surge out.

"Ah, it's so cold!" Liu Shuang'er, who was sitting down in the courtyard, suddenly shivered. A wave of ice-cold Qi was heading straight for her heart. Layers of frost gushed out like mist, covering Liu Shuang'er's delicate body in a faint layer.

Liu Shuang'er could no longer feel the cold invading her body, and could only feel that the blood in her body was about to freeze and solidify.

Swoosh, swoosh, two figures flew over from both the left and right. The auras of the profound energy surrounding their bodies simultaneously rose up, forcing out the cold energy that was eroding Liu Shuang'er's body.

"Brother Wu Hen, Brother Wu Hen!" Liu Shuang'er's lips turned purple as she looked at the two people beside her with excitement. Two gusts of wild profound energy were released, completely melting and defending against the ice energy that dispersed in the courtyard.

"Huh? Soul Building Cultivator is the key, Soul Fusion Cultivator is the master!" The aura in the room belonged to a Soul Master! Although there was an array to shield the aura, there was still the leakage of mystical Qi! It seems like her martial soul has truly fused with her body, reaching the early stage of Soul Fusion! " A red light flashed as the burly figure of the Demon Sovereign, Huo Xiao, quietly appeared.

"Hu!" After hearing what Demon Sovereign Huo Xiao said, Wu Hen's eyes flashed with light. Looking at Ji Ruxue's room, he enviously said, "Soul master, soul master, early stage Soul Formation expert!"

"Wu Hen, I've been suppressing the profound energy in my body for some time now. I believe that I can break through from the Soul Fusion Realm to become a Soul Master at any time!" Jian Wuming stood there with his sword behind his back as he stared arrogantly at Ji Ruxue's room.

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"Hehe, I'm about to break through as well. I believe that in just a few days, I will break through!" Wu Hen felt the nearly saturated Sky and Earth aura in his dantian and smiled confidently at Nameless.

"Alright!" Jian Wu Ming's face turned cold again and nodded heavily at Wu Hen.

Tap, tap, tap.

A series of gentle footsteps slowly sounded out. Ji Ruxue, who was dressed in white in the room, still had an extremely cold and elegant expression on her face. As if nothing had happened, she appeared calmly before the crowd.

"Hehe, Elder Sister Ruoxue, you broke through?" Liu Shuang'er's face was full of excitement as she ran to Ji Ruxue in excitement.

"Yeah, I guess I didn't hurt you just now!" Ji Ru Xue slightly nodded her head and asked apologetically as she held Liu Shuang'er's small hand.

A cool and carefree feeling emanated from Ji Ruxue's hand. Liu Shuang'er suddenly felt an indescribable sense of relaxation, and all the remaining frost energy in her body dissipated.

"Hehe, not bad, not bad! In just a few months, he'd broken through to a Soul Master! I really didn't expect that you, Ru Xue, would be the first person in our Star Seizer Courtyard to break through! " A fragrant wind blew over. Instructor Su already swayed her charming body, and her figure silently appeared in the courtyard.

"Instructor Su is too kind!" Ji Ru Xue's expression was still as cold as before. She gave a slight nod of her head to Master Su Li as a response.

"Ke ke, Ru Xue, do you want to enter the Inner Academy now or wait a little longer?" Su Li's words seemed to be referring to something. His gaze was still intentionally or unintentionally floating towards the side, towards Wu Hen and Jian Wuming.

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"Wait a little longer!" Ji Ru Xue didn't even hesitate as she calmly replied to Instructor Su. Following which, the cool and elegant Ji Ruxue gently nodded to the crowd, then ran towards the entrance of the Star Seizer Courtyard with large strides.

"Hehe, such a loyal girl! You two little brats, you have to hurry as well! " Teacher Su was already smiling like a blossoming flower. Looking at the two people beside him, he teased them, "Also, remember what you two promised me!"

"I've accumulated enough for a few days, so I'm ready to break through." Without even looking back, Jian Ming rushed back into his own room.

"Cough cough, I'm going out for a walk!" Wu Hen coughed a few times, an embarrassed look on his face as he continued to act as instructor Su Duo. As if fleeing, they headed towards the desolate area outside the Starseizing Courtyard.

At this time, Wu Hen was also extremely depressed in his heart. It was obvious that the profound energy in his dantian was saturated, and his own profound strength had long since reached the strength of ten thousand dragons. He had clearly reached the requirement to break through to the Soul Fusion Realm, but he didn't know why he couldn't raise his cultivation level.

"Hehe, before I even move, my heart is already moved. Wu Hen, there's something wrong with your state of mind! " The Demon Sovereign Huo Xiao's shadow followed closely behind as he spoke right in the middle of Wu Hen's ear.

"Heart, Heart …" Wu Hen seemed to be deep in thought. He lowered his head and did not say a word. He followed the path of the cyan stone and casually walked forward.

"Is that him?"

"Yes, yes, that's him!"

"Brother Dan, it's him! It's this kid!"

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Wu Hen, who was slowly walking forward, felt something strange in his surroundings and hastily stopped in his tracks. Not far in front of him, a dozen figures suddenly appeared.

Dozens of figures were dressed in the robes of the outer courtyard students. A few familiar faces appeared in Wu Hen's mind. Among them was Mad Man Wang Yu, who had been crippled by Wu Hen. He was currently whispering to a young man wearing the robe of an Inner Academy Principal.

"Hehe, the Wang Clan, looks like this Wang Clan member is really lingering around like a ghost!" Wu Hen, who had been lost in thought, gradually came back to his senses. His gaze fell upon the young man wearing the inner principal's robe and did not let go even after a long time.

"Kid, you're the new top disciple in the outer court, Liu Wuhen?" The young man blinked his triangular eyes, and asked with a shrill voice as he stared at Wu Hen.

"Hmph, if you have something to say, say it. If you have to fart then say it!" Wu Hen snorted coldly and ignored the triangular eyed youth. On both sides, dozens of students from the outer courtyard retreated several meters, as if they were afraid to meet Wu Hen's gaze.

"Haha, good, very good! I, your single grandfather, already like being arrogant. The more arrogant you are, the better it will feel when I beat you up! " The triangular young man laughed coldly. His already cold gaze became even more vicious.

"Are all the people in the Inner Academy as ignorant as you?" Wu Hen's expression darkened as he questioned the triangular eyed youth.

After all, there were clear rules and regulations in the Great Zhou Academy. Students of the inner courtyard could not take action against students of the outer courtyard. Otherwise, once the matter was discovered, he would be expelled from the academy.

"Haha, rules? This is for you ants! To us, the geniuses of the inner courtyard, crushing you is as easy as crushing a bug! What's more, our boss has the backing of His Highness the prince! How could anyone stand up for an ant like you in the Great Zhou Academy! " The triangular eyed youth laughed out loud, staring at Wu Hen Xie and laughed.

"Heh heh, he still has a boss? His boss had a prince behind him? The Great Zhou Empire had a total of nine princes. The Ninth Prince was the youngest, also the most mysterious, and he had never revealed himself. Then there are still eight princes left. I wonder which prince this fellow's backer is! " Wu Hen's eyeballs rolled non-stop as he began to calculate in his mind.

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"Brat, I am an expert of the Inner Academy, Lone Flying. I think you must have heard of my name! I won't waste time with you, brat. Today, as long as you kneel down and beg for mercy, then apologize to my goddamned little brother, Wang Yu. Perhaps, if we were to be soft-hearted, this matter would just end like this! Otherwise, don't blame your single grandfather for being merciless today! " Dan Fei glared at Wu Hen with her triangular eyes, and said with a face full of playfulness.

"Hehe, you idiot. Do you think this young master is an idiot?" Wu Hen sneered, raised his head, pointed at the triangular eyed youth, and cursed.

"Aiyo, I'll go. Brat, you're courting death!" Solitary Fly's triangular eyes creased into a ball, and the anger on his body soared up in an instant. The surging profound energy in his body rose faintly, and the surrounding atmosphere instantly became cold.

On both sides, dozens of students from the outer courtyard tremblingly retreated, pulling a distance of nearly a hundred meters away from Wu Hen and Dan Fei. Even the crazy Wang Yu was no exception. He quickly retreated as if he was afraid that he would be affected by the two.

"Humph, if you want to fight then fight! Cut the crap!" With a cold snort, the Xuan Energy around Wu Hen's body burst out. Terrifying waves of air rose up as the imposing manner of the late stage Soul Building Stage cultivator was released without restraint. Wu Hen did not dare to underestimate the experts from the inner court. Solitary Flying was ranked as a mid-tier among the thirty-six inner court disciples. Although Wu Hen had never met this person, he had some understanding of the inner courtyard's strength divisions. Therefore, even though Wu Hen didn't fear the inner court disciple, he still had to be careful at all times.

"Tsk tsk, you little brat actually dares to stab me?!" A series of sharp and strange laughter rang out. The aura around Dan Fei's body was suddenly released.

A violent aura wrapped around the billowing chilliness. In the blink of an eye, it had enveloped the opponent. The temperature of the surrounding air dropped significantly, and the dancing flowers and plants started to rapidly wither.

Wisps of cold air hit Wu Hen's body. Wu Hen activated his protective profound energy and quickly retreated. He had to protect the area within five meters from himself layer by layer, so that the Chilling Qi could no longer attack and take advantage of the situation.

For a moment, the bluestone boulders creaked and shattered in the midst of the roiling mystical Qi. The few students from the outer courtyard who happened to pass by this place were frightened and quickly dodged to the side.

A monstrous cold aura pressed down on Wu Hen's body. Traceless Aftermaths' entire body was surrounded by a golden glow, as he stared ahead with a grim gaze.

In front of him, the triangular eyed youth, Dan Fei, had a face full of glee. He gently stretched out his right index finger and waved it contemptuously at Wu Hen …

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