Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 610: 610

In the void confined by the strange golden light, the Qi of all the attributes of Xuanli dissipates under the influence of the law of exhaustion. Wrapped in the dark green light of terror, traceless eyes are closed, and the body has been completely covered by the heavy death.

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The whole person of no trace is eroded by the power of the law of exhaustion, up and down the whole body, just like the living dead in the state of suspended animation, there is still a weak breath.

The purple and gold armor light on Wuchen's body began to dim gradually, and the five elements Xuanli's Qi around him also disappeared in vain. The flame of the different fire, the fire of the nine sky purple thunder, and the virtual shadow of the Thunder Dragon all became vague and void at the moment. After a short time, they disappeared.

"No trace boy, no trace boy..." demon zunhuoxiao's original rich and resonant voice, at this time, it began to become weak in no trace's mind. The Qi of Xuanli in Wuchen's body has been completely quiet, and the eternal Heaven and earth decisive skill in Wuchen's body has unconsciously started to move slowly.

The power of the law of exhaustion pours into the body of traceless, and occupies every meridian of traceless in an instant. The vitality in the body of no trace quickly dried up, and even the boiling blood in the body of no trace began to dry up.

"Sa Sa!" A burst of tearing sound of huff and puff, from no trace body Dantian place quietly. The little earth dragon, who has been sleeping on the top of the traceless elixir field, suddenly shakes its virtual shadow. It rises up and down rapidly, and bursts of hot flames block the power of exhaustion law that wants to invade into the traceless elixir field.

"Brush!" At the same time, in the place of traceless elixir field, the infant soul villain, who is exactly the same as traceless, sits in meditation with his knees. He moves in vain, and his tightly closed eyes burst out with two strange lights of purple and gold.

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The bright purple and golden light burst out, and the baby soul figure stood up in an instant. The flaming flame rose again and enveloped the whole baby soul villain.

"Whoosh!" Seeing this, xiaodilong Xuying seems to be very excited when he finds the backbone. His fiery red ranmang's body quickly turns into the size of a baby soul villain, and his fiery red long heart sits on top of the baby soul villain.

At the same time, little earthworm's cold claws trembled in vain. The third claw contains the power of the five elements, and the luster on the claw body turns pale.

The fourth claw, which contains wind, rain, thunder, electricity, fog, and five kinds of variable Xuanli Qi, also gradually dims its light.

The second claw, which contains the special Xuanli Qi of sun, moon, star and three lights, is not as bright as the claw itself.

Only the first claw under his belly contains light and dark, two kinds of rare Xuanli Qi. At this time, unexpectedly inexplicable light soared up. It seems that the Qi of Xuanli contained in the other three claws, all facing the light and dark Xuanli light suddenly, consciously choose to avoid.

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For a moment, light and dark, the two rare properties of Xuanli in heaven and earth, were continuously released into the air of black and white Xuanli.

The black-and-white Xuanli Qi contains two different extreme Xuanli Qi, life and death. It turns into black-and-white smoke, tightly wrapped around the body of the baby soul villain.

"Brush!" The baby soul villain with the same appearance suddenly opened his eyes. In his purple and gold eyes, there were two colors of life and death lingering in his eyes.

"Hoo An extremely weak light voice, vaguely spewed out from the baby soul small population. In an instant, a continuous stream of white fog rose out of his body and turned it into an extremely vigorous force of life. In an instant, it rushed out from the elixir field of traceless body.

"Wow!" The exuberant spirit of life poured out like a torrential wave, and suddenly it was mixed with the power of the exhausted dark green law.

Tear, tear, tear

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The exuberant air of life rushed to rush to surge, and the power of exhaustion law invaded by traceless body quickly madly resisted it. Two unexplained rising breath in the body of no trace, you come and I go to devour each other, make the body lifeless, almost on the verge of extinction of no trace body, are a burst of unexplained vibration.

"Damn, elder martial brother, look, younger martial brother six has moved!" The original expression of the poem was extremely solemn, and the light in his eyes suddenly flashed. He stared at the no trace in the heavy dead air and exclaimed.

"Eh, brother Liu seems to be understanding! Come on, Du Anjing, don't disturb sixth younger martial brother's practice! " In the space of confinement, the Qi of each attribute of Xuanli seems to be alive in an instant. It is full of exultation, and rushes to the traceless body full of the power of exhaustion rules.

"Gulu!" Sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, aftershock, Dixin, as well as the powerful members of the major sects and the heads of the major Dynasties on the scene, all noticed the changes that had taken place on Wu trace. All of them trembled and went to the inner view of the confined space in shock.Above, the eyes of the nine golden robe commanders of Lingbao business firm were fixed at the same time, and the nine people looked into the void. There seemed to be black and white flowing down, which turned into the law of life and death, and gathered together into the confinement space.

Click, click, click

A strange dull sound, from the confinement of the space quietly up, no trace body covered by the heavy dead, even gradually began to flow around and disperse. At this time, the black wave of the dead air in Wu trace's body has already rushed out, and completely engulfed the power of the exhaustion law of the breath of life in Wu trace's body.

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In the blink of an eye, under the transformation of light and dark, two extremely rare mysterious forces, the Qi of life and death has completely engulfed and melted the power of exhaustion law invading into traceless body.

The black-and-white Qi of life and death wantonly wanders in the body of no trace, clearing away the residual exhaustion law in the meridians. Then, the black and white Qi of life and death intertwined with each other, gradually retreated from the veins of Wuchen's body, and quickly turned back to the inner elixir field.

"Hoo A dreary turbid air slowly spits out from the baby soul small population. The baby soul villain with eyes burst open gradually closed his eyes, and his body was kneeling again and standing in the Dantian. Baby soul villain's state seems very weak at this time, and his body shape gradually sleeps under the interweaving of black and white.

The virtual shadow of the little earth dragon, which has been sitting on its body, also falls into a sleepy state with the sleep of the baby soul villain. With the nourishment of black and white life and death, the baby soul villain and the little earth dragon's shadow began to become bright and dark, almost translucent and ablative.

"Eh, the infant soul turns into the soul. Isn't that the appearance of the Wu Emperor becoming the emperor? However, it seems that this state is not quite right. The traceless boy has clearly understood the law of life and death that light, dark and two kinds of rare Xuanli's Qi transform. But why did he not break through the realm of transforming soul into emperor? " Demon zunhuoxiao's voice of wild doubt rises again, and the power of exhaustion law on his body suddenly fades away. He slowly wakes up from the state of suspended animation and murmurs and exclaims in a low voice.... < br > the voice of demon zunhuoxiao's doubt rises again

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