Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 626: 626

"Brush!" The bright purple thunder flashes away, and the power of thunder and lightning and the sound of friction can be heard in the void. On such a large platform, all the heads of the outer door's eighteen halls looked shocked and looked at the two strong figures on the platform.

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"Hoo A light call came out quietly from the traceless mouth. No trace around the body like a sword, such a terrible sword atmosphere, all of them are slowly recovered in the body. The silver sword in Wu Chen's hand turns into a soft jade belt and is tied around his waist. His body slowly stands straight and his handsome face is full of indifference.

"Cough, how can this be..." a burst of rapid and fierce cough suddenly came out from the mouth of Tang Tianxin, the leader of the carved Fu hall, who was crisscrossed with no trace. Then he saw that Tang Tianxin's Xuanli Qi was suddenly disordered and rioted. All of a sudden, thousands of purple awns rushed out of his body. Thousands of sword Qi, like threads, burst out in Tang Tianxin's body, engulfing his whole body.

"Poof!" A road of blood spray out, road broken meat across the air paralyzed in the ground. Tang Tianxin's body in the realm of Emperor Wu was chopped to pieces by the terrible thunder sword Qi.

"Gulu!" A tense gasp, from the silent platform quietly resounded. The master of the outer gate's eighteen families all stepped back involuntarily. Looking at Tang Tianxin, who was already angry and turned to pieces, he was stunned.

Under the high platform, around the outer gate square, the square array of the eighteen Tangkou camp was completely silent. All the disciples and elders of the outer gate were full of disbelief. They rubbed their eyes and looked at the no trace standing on the platform in astonishment.

"Be careful!" A steady and heavy cry began in vain from outside the platform. Next to Zhuge mountain people, the leader of Tianyun sect, Zhen Shengcai, the old master of astrology hall, turned to the high platform to remind him.

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At this time, on the high platform, there was a violent wind in vain. In the high platform, which was already silent, Tang Tianxin turned into a state of soul and body again. Its ghost body is burning the power of the terrible spirit on the virtual shadow. It is just like the evil spirit, and "whoosh" rushes into the traceless body and disappears.

"Brush!" Tang Tianxin's soul body into the body of the moment, no trace only feel that the brain in the sea of knowledge, bursts of pain from the attack. His strong body couldn't help shivering, and the Xuanli breath all over his body was suddenly noisy and disordered.

On the high platform, the heads of the eighteen outer doors were all stunned, and their eyes were full of self reproach. They stared at the motionless Wu trace on the high platform, their eyes closed tightly, and they were worried.

"Suddenly A holy white light came down from the sky. Zhuge mountain people, the master of Tianyun sect, Zhen Shengcai, the master of astrology hall, and the master and Deputy master of all the inner gates, all of them fell on the silent platform with ugly faces.

"Lord, please help me quickly

"Lord, please help the child


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Li Qiufeng, the leader of the danmen hall, Tian Buluo, the leader of the miscellaneous service hall, Tiantang, the director of the kitchen hall, and the leader of the waimen hall all bowed to the Lord of Tianyun sect, Zhuge mountain people.

"Alas, it's rather troublesome for the spirit to enter the body. Maybe if one can't do it well, the little guy without trace will die! Even if he can force Tang Tianxin's spirit out of his body, it will have an impact on his future cultivation! " A sigh came from Zhen Shengcai, the master of the astrology hall. The master of the astrology hall, who has a lot of research on the art of spirit, speaks, which casts a shadow on the safety of traceless again.

"Lord, is there really no way out?" Zhen Youcai, the leader of the pre art hall, was also a bit ugly. He slowly opened his mouth and asked the master Zhuge mountain people for advice.

"Alas, it's a secret way to abandon the body and the soul. I'm afraid I'll hurt the child's foundation if I rush to do it now. Perhaps, at this time, he can only rely on himself! " The master of Tianyun sect, Zhuge mountain people sighed and waved out with a holy white light. The hazy and strange holy white light completely shrouds the whole body of Wu trace, so that Wu trace will not go crazy in vain.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

At a tense moment on and off the high platform, Jianming, Ji Ruxue, aftershock, xiaopangzi Zhen Bucai and others rushed to the battle platform one after another. People's eyes were full of worry and anxiety, staring at the traceless body covered by the holy white light on the high platform, and they were at a loss for a moment.

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"Suddenly After nearly a quarter of an hour, traceless still eyes closed, body shaking, deep in the holy white light.

"Boom!" Just when everyone thought that no trace would be more or less dangerous this time, a violent Xuanli burst out from no trace's body in vain. Then, we can see that the Qi of metal, wood, water, fire, earth and the five elements of Xuanli lingers madly from Wuchen's body, and the Qi of wind, rain, thunder, electricity, fog and five special Xuanli also looms from Wuchen's body.The endless power of stars seems to turn into bright stars, shining in every vein in traceless body. The bright and dazzling body of stars is suddenly bright and dark, and the tightly closed eyes of no trace are open in vain. At the same time, two cold lights burst out from the traceless eyes, like the hot sun, and like the strange brightness of the bright moon. At the same time, they twinkled in the traceless eyes.

"Hum!" A loud and clear cry came from the body of no trace. Wu Chen's whole body is straight again, and the power of the law of life and death lingers around him. The momentum released by Wu Chen's whole body is amazing. It seems that he has stepped into the soul realm of the next emperor.

"No trace, are you ok?"

"No trace, is that you?"

"Damn it, no trace boss, don't scare me!"

"No trace boss, say a word quickly!"

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Sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, aftershock, little fat Zhen Bucai, and the four all showed their joy at the same time, and they all gathered around Wu trace.

"Bah, his grandmother's, it's really bad luck, I almost caught this guy's way..." an angry spit, from the traceless handsome face on the extremely disobedient. The sun and moon of traceless eyes gradually dissipated and recovered as usual. Two deep and charming eyes gently swept the nervous people around. Then, he saw another evil smile on his handsome face. He winked at the crowd and nodded slightly to show that they were at ease.

"Hey, hey, I'm here with the demon master, how can I give the opportunity to the evil spirit!" No trace body Dantian place, demon respect fire Xiao empty shadow whole body red, full face elated boast way.

"Sa Sa!" On one side, the little earth dragon shadow on the body of the purple gold villain burps fiercely. After scanning the demon zunhuoxiao shadow with extreme disdain, it gasps again and falls into a deep sleep again.

"Cough, well, you swallow, you swallow, you swallow, so satisfied with it!" Demon Zun's fiery red face was full of embarrassment. He glared at xiaodilong, who was in a sleepy state, and ridiculed him

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