Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 628: 628

The disciples of Jiange, wanjianfeng and Qimai Jianfeng are all here. The elders of all the peaks in the inner gate also stand up with their swords. Looking at the strange atmosphere in the void, they are extremely nervous.

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On the void, the leader of the seven sword peaks is standing in a circle at this time, but the eyes of the leaders of all the peaks on the scene are all looking coldly towards one place. Master Yao Guang, the leader of Yaoguang peak, with his long sword on his back, is indifferent to everything in front of him.

"Ha ha, elder martial brother, the disciples of the sword Pavilion go to the sword tomb to get the inheritance of the sword pulse. They can't take it by force. This is the rule that has been established since the beginning of the clan. Is it difficult to destroy the rules of the sword Pavilion among our generation?" Master Yao Guang's face is very cold. He stares at the first peak. Master Tianshu asks coldly.

"Ha ha, younger martial brother, you are kidding! The chance in the sword Pavilion naturally belongs to the individual, and you younger martial brothers just want to borrow the sword from your disciple! After all, for the long-term development of our sword Pavilion, it is necessary to observe the inheritance of the will of our ancestors... "Master Tianshu, the leader of the first peak, laughed loudly and waved his hand to master Yaoguang.

On both sides of the void, after listening to master Tianshu's words, the other heads of the peaks nodded and said yes. Their eyes fell coldly on master Yaoguang's figure, as if master Yaoguang would be doomed if he didn't obey.

"Ha ha, elder martial brother, as you said, can you borrow Tianshu sword from younger martial brother Master Yao Guang's face is full of sneer, staring at the Lord of the first peak, the Lord of the sword Pavilion. Master Tianshu spoke lightly.


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"Son of a bitch!"

"Younger martial brother, are you crazy?"

"Hum, the sword handed down by each peak is the treasure of Zhenzong. Younger martial brother, you are too rude!"

On both sides, the heads of the peaks showed their anger one after another, and began to blame the people in the light. However, in the eyes of master Tianshu, the first peak of the Lord of the sword Pavilion, there was a flash of cold light. His whole body became indifferent in vain, and he was staring at master Yaoguang like a torch.

"Ha ha, younger martial brother, so you don't agree to hand over your precious apprentice?" Tianshu master eyebrows in vain a pick, all over the body of a fierce Xiaosha of the gas will rise in an instant. The sword of killing and cutting seemed to fall from the sky and spread to master Yaoguang from all directions.

"Hum!" The sound of a sword resounded through the void. Master Yaoguang had a bright sword full of green awns in his hand. An exuberant breath of life appeared on the pavement, which completely blocked the sword killing intention released by the master of Tianshu peak.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

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At the same time, the other masters of the five peaks retreated one after another, and five terrible swords came out at the same time, which turned into a restraining force to completely isolate the empty space above wanjianfeng from the ground below.


"Shit, it's war!"

"Back up, everybody back up!"

"How could that be..."

Below, all the disciples of Jianfeng were shocked and stepped back. The strong swordsmen at the level of major swordsmanship elders hold their swords forward one after another and protect the disciples of each peak's sword pulse behind them. The rest of the disciples, elders and elders of the sword pulse in the field can look a little better, except the disciples and elders of Yaoguang peak. At this time, all of them look like dead ashes. Looking at the master Yaoguang standing up with his sword in the void, he is very worried.

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"Ha ha, younger martial brother, although you are stubborn, as a elder martial brother, you have to remember your old love! Why don't you borrow Yao lightsaber, the inheritance sword of yaoguangfeng, from your elder martial brothers and let it go? " Tianshu's face once again showed a faint smile, as if he was particularly generous, and said to Yaoguang's gentle face.

"Ha ha, elder martial brother, as long as you beat me, everything in the sword Pavilion will be yours!" Master Yao Guang is not anxious or annoyed. He shakes the green sword in his hand and returns with a smile.

"Ha ha, since younger martial brother insists on this, elder martial brother will ask for advice on younger martial brother's light shaking sword technique!" After that, master Tianshu, the leader of Tianshu peak, flashed a fierce color in his eyes. In his hand, there was a dazzling sword full of killing intention.

"Ha ha, Tianshu sword is to protect the sacred things of the sword Pavilion. Once Tianshu comes out, the sword Pavilion will be peaceful. I didn't expect that today's Tianshu sword is used on my own people!" A touch of loneliness flashed in master Yao Guang's eyes. He sighed and whispered softly. Yaoguang sword in his hand seems to feel Yaoguang master's heart. The green awn suddenly rises, covering Yaoguang sword and Yaoguang master.

"Ha ha, it's only you, younger martial brother, who hinder the development of the sword Pavilion. If you die, the sword Pavilion will have seven peaks and one mind. At that time, the seven swords in my sword Pavilion will be the first of all the major sects!" Master Tianshu laughs loudly, and the horror of Xiaosha sword released from his body is gradually integrated with his Tianshu sword. The whole person is like an invincible Xiaosha blade, whose blade points directly at Yaoguang master's figure and locks it."Oh, it's a long time A quiet murmur of self sighing, from the shake light of the population in the quiet call out. The exuberant and dazzling green awn rose in an instant and turned into a strange force of law, which fell directly on the figure of the man in Tianshu opposite. Then he saw a green awn across the dark void. Yaoguang master held Yaoguang peak like a remnant shadow, whistling straight to Tianshu master's body, and then killed him.

Boom, boom, boom

A series of terrible explosions started from the void of wanjianfeng. The strange and dazzling green awn set off the whole dark void, and the figure of the man in the shimmering light suddenly stopped in the middle of the sky. Then he saw the endless green awns in the void shaking in place. Little by little, Xiao Sha's sword Qi soared in the green awn.

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"Bang!" With a strange roar, wanjian Xiaosha directly smashes the forbidden green awn in the void. A more violent sword rose, a silver light and shadow in the void, like a sharp flash. Then, he saw two sword shadows, one bright and the other dark, flashed over the void on both sides. In the void, the body stopped abruptly, and the body was just in the middle of the attack of two terrible sword lights, one bright and the other dark.




"Lord peak!"

The exclamation started from the camp of Yaoguang peak. In Yaoguang peak, all the elders and many of their disciples were stunned in vain, and all of them looked at the intersection of the light and shadow of the two swords in the void with a look of disbelief and fear

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