Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 642: 642

"Brush!" The air of Xuanli contained in the turbulent void trembled in vain, and a big figure appeared out of the air.

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Chiyou, the barbarian emperor of the Jiuli Dynasty, is a tall man with a shiny tiger skin skirt around his waist. His eyes are full of coldness and he appears on the ruins of the tavern in the holy land.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

At the same time, from all around the main city of the wilderness City, there are many figures galloping out, and the momentum released by the powerful people are all different. They rush towards the ruins of the Holy Land tavern.

"Hum, private fighting is forbidden in the wild city. You and others, don't stop soon... "With a cold hum, there was a wave of Xuanli in Chiyou's body. Just above the central position of the ruins of the Holy Land tavern, the earth suddenly trembled violently, and a fierce air of Xuanli burst out on the spot. The two anxious and tangled figures in the void were abruptly separated and turned into two figures in white again.

"Gulu!" The thick air of Xuanli of earth spreads and releases slowly, completely covering the place where the two white figures are located. An invisible force of prohibition quietly surged up, and the air barrier of the earth's mysterious force quietly blocked the crowd and their two white figures.

"Dong!"“ Dong

Above the void of the Holy Land tavern, two muffled sounds came out quietly. The turbulent air of Xuanli in the field gradually dissipated and weakened, and the two figures, no matter from body shape or appearance, temperament, appeared at the same time and were reflected in everyone's eyes.

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"Changeable young master!"

"The changeable young master?"

As like as two peas in the same way, the two white figures almost opened at the same time, and the words were exactly alike in voice and tone. At this time, the two young men in white, Zhuge Gongcheng, were separated on both sides of the ruins of the Holy Land tavern. After listening to the questions in each other's words, they showed a look of astonishment at the same time.

"I depend on as like as two peas!" two people become exactly alike.

"Cough, as like as two peas of the two men, are they all the same?"

"Eh, isn't that Zhuge's achievement of Tianyun sect?"

"Hey, hey, there's a lot of excitement now!"

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Below, on both sides of the ruins of the tavern in holy land, powerful warriors gathered in the wild city appeared one after another. Even the eight sectarian forces came and quietly mingled with the crowd.

"Ha ha, the spirit of Baibian is really worthy of the reputation. It's a great honor to see it today!" In the void of the forbidden barrier, one of the figures in white showed a sneer on his face and bowed his hands to the other figure in white.

"Hum, young master, don't try to be mysterious again. When the barbarian emperor comes, private fights are forbidden in the barbarian city. We'll settle the account between you and me another day! " Another figure in white snorted coldly, and glanced at the figure in white scornfully. Then, the figure quickly fell down, and strode out of the forbidden barrier with square steps. A group of inner disciples of Tianyun sect strode to the place where they were.

"Be careful, he's a changeable boy!" In the rear, a stream of light came rapidly from the void, and a strong wind roared, and then it went towards the previous figure in white.

"Hum, Mr. Baibian, are you going to continue to play?" In front of him, the voice in white, who was about to walk to the edge of the forbidden barrier, suddenly turned around and started a violent whirlwind in vain. The violent whirlwind roared up and completely blocked the strong wind attack from the rear and scattered it on the spot.


"Elder martial brother Zhuge..."

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Outside the forbidden barrier, several disciples of the inner gate Temple of Tianyun sect were all surprised at the same time. Everyone unconsciously stepped back a few steps, his eyes full of hesitation and vigilance, looking at the white figure in the forbidden barrier.

"Manhuang, do you want to take them?" On both sides of the barbarian emperor Chiyou, there were already top figures in the major families of the Jiuli Dynasty.

Among them, Chi Tang, the president of Jiuli University, was a strong man in the crowd. Beside him stood a young man wearing a long skirt of tiger skin. It was Chi Wei, the youngest Prince of Jiuli Dynasty.

"Oh, no harm. Let them make a scene, just can also let us see the strength and style of Tianjiao At the moment, Chiyou, the manhuang, had no anger on his face. It's like watching a good play, standing quietly in the same place and holding hands.

Hearing this, all the top powers of the Jiuli Dynasty were relaxed and showed a posture of watching the crowd and fearing nothing big. They fought behind the manhuang and didn't talk much."Cough, old demon, can you tell which of them is Zhuge Gongcheng and which is Baibian Gongzi?" No trace light cough a few, eyes in the flash of doubt eyes toward the side of the open space above quietly skimmed.

"Ha ha, what's the difficulty? For the demon master of your family, such trifles are just small problems with hands!" Demon zunhuoxiao red virtual shadow slightly move, then see demon zunhuoxiao dangling red big head to no trace patting chest smooth big blow big embrace up.

"Eh, old demon, you can't be joking about this. What you said is true?" After listening to the words of demon zunhuoxiao, the tense expression on Wu Chen's face suddenly became ecstatic. Its bright eyes are staring at the fire sky of demon Zun tightly. It seems that they are reluctant to move away when they arrive at some treasure.

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"Cough, don't look at the demon like that, demon. I'm not interested in you! Look, the guy behind is a fake Zhuge Gong Cheng! " Feel no trace red fruit and aggressive eyes, demon respect fire Xiao for the first time will show a look of disdain. Then, the demon zunhuoxiao quickly pointed towards the forbidden barrier, and the expression and posture seemed to be extremely casual and relaxed.

"Hey, old demon, I'll make an exception to believe you once! If you mess up this time, you will never get revenge for Tianzun's Revenge in your life! " Looking at the self-confident appearance of yaozunhuoxiao, Wuchen believes 80% of the time. After that, Wuchen waved to Huoxiao Xuying with a smile and swaggered into the forbidden area.

"Little brother, how did you come in? It's dangerous here. You'd better leave soon! " Within the forbidden barrier space, the two identical figures of Zhuge were all stunned at the same time. Among them, the figure in white in the rear frowned slightly, and took the lead to open his mouth to remind the innocent.

"Little brother, it's none of your business. You'd better leave as soon as possible." In front of him, the figure in white also showed the color of doubt. He looked at the traceless with evil smile and said something to drive him away.

"Hehe, Baibian, are you going to continue to pretend?" In the forbidden barrier, Wu trace burst out laughing in vain, his eyes coldly staring at the white figure near the edge of the forbidden barrier not far in front of him, yelling coldly.

"Well The white figure on the empty court near the edge of the prohibition barrier was stunned in vain, and his eyes were full of anger and indignation, staring at traceless coldly.

The rear, listen to no trace of fierce ah, the white figure is also slightly a Leng. On his cold and square face, a smug smile passed quietly< br>

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