Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 644: 644

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

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The ghost bodies formed by dozens of evil spirits move out together, and rush out madly with the monstrous Yin evil spirit. A series of terrifying Xuanli's killing intention soared to the sky, and all of them were killed on the traceless body shape at the same time.

"Ouch!" The sound of a distant dragon's chant seemed to rise from the deep inside of traceless's body. The flame suspended on the body of no trace flies over the empty shadow and suddenly stretches out. Its huge body blocks out the sky and the sun. Generally, the whole person of no trace is completely shrouded in the empty shadow.

Boom, boom, boom

There were dozens of explosions, and a series of extremely terrible turbulence. Then he saw that the red flame was long and empty, and the shadow quickly turned into a fiery fire group. In an instant, he turned dozens of evil spirits into evil corpses and swallowed them in the roaring and burning fire.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

There was a series of steals and dull sounds. Dozens of evil corpses burning with fiery fire all around them rushed out of the roaring battle group. They seemed to have no consciousness, All speed up, rush to the place where no trace is, and kill them madly.

"Brush!" When the fire rose, the regiment was broken, the field of no trace did not make any response. And dozens of evil spirits turned the corpses into ghosts, and they were killed to the front of the whole body in an instant.

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Boom, boom, boom

The horrible ghost corpses were just like the falling stars, and all of them were smashed and killed on the slightly thin body without trace. The terrible evil spirit and Yin wind swept out in a moment, completely engulfed the whole person without trace, and shrouded in the violent evil spirit of the explosive group.

The terrible evil spirit billows and rushes to the surrounding confinement barrier. The forbidden barrier seemed to have been greatly affected, and even vibrated violently, with faint cracks exposed.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

In addition to the forbidden space, the powerful of all parties felt a sense of oppression sweeping out at the same time. They quickly retreated and fled to the rear.

"Brush!" On the other hand, manhuang immediately noticed the loosening of the forbidden barrier, and hastened to stir up the air of Xuanli in his body again, and reintegrated a trace of the power of heaven and earth into the forbidden barrier.

"Dong!" The powerful and heavy power of law came down from the sky and covered the forbidden space barrier. The original precarious prohibition barrier trembled in vain, and a huge force of earth, the power of gravity, once again emerged from the prohibition barrier.

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Poop, poop, poop, poop

A strange muffled sound, in the forbidden barrier around the ground resounded. The evil spirit, which was about to come out, has now completely turned into a torrent of air, and is constantly surging in the confinement barrier.

"Cry!" A cry, in the confinement barrier loud and clear. A crane with a huge body and snow-white body came out of thin air.

The snow-white crane, full of immortal spirit, waves two huge snow-white arms. Its body slowly floats up. On its snow-white neck, there stands a figure in white. It is Zhuge Gongcheng himself.

"Suddenly With the shaking and waving of the snow-white crane's arms, the rolling Yin evil spirit in the forbidden barrier quickly retreated. In an instant, Zhuge Gongcheng's face was full of dignified color. Standing on the crane's body, he looked across coldly.

On the other side of the void, the changeable young master, with his face full of pride, blocked Zhuge Gongcheng's way. In his body, there were faint waves of Xuanli Qi. At the same time, on both sides of the void, there were dozens of Yin evil Qi gathering and forming a situation of encircling. Zhuge Gongcheng, together with snow-white crane, was encircled in the void.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

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The sound of continuous concussion once again resounded from the place where no trace was before. Besides the power of Xuanli, there was no other superfluous breath in the black mass of Yinsha.


"Damn, it's a little bit too scary!"

"Cough, I think that even if it's a strong soul, it's hard to face up to the blow just now."

"Alas, it's a pity that this young man suffered from this disaster when he was young."

After the consolidation of the barbarian emperor, the power of restraining the barrier was once again as strong as gold. Only then did the powerful people of all parties stop and stop. All the people looked at the two figures confronting each other in the void and swallowed their saliva. The eyes of most of them unconsciously turned to the place where Wuchen was standing, but now they were completely shrouded in the evil spirit of the black air battle group."Jie Jie, the trouble has been cleared. It's your turn next!" A fierce sneer rang out. Baibian's face was still ferocious. His eyes were fixed on Zhuge Gongcheng in the void. Dozens of evil spirits around him fused with Baibian's spirit again and turned into the corpse of Yinsha.

"A thousand cranes turn into souls!" A cold voice came out of Zhuge Gongcheng's mouth. Zhuge Gongcheng's face was extremely cold, and his fierce killing intention bloomed in his eyes.

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"Cry!" There was another loud cry, and Zhuge's thousand crane spirit quickly turned into a Taoist white light suspended in the air. Then, we can see that the Xuanli Qi of Zhuge Gongcheng's body is frantically leaked out, and perfectly integrated with the Tao and Bai Mang in the void.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

On the other side, dozens of corpses of evil spirit appeared out of thin air again. The face of the ferocious and changeable childe was extremely ugly.

In the void, Zhuge Gongcheng stands up in white, and around Zhuge Gongcheng, there are dozens of physical figures with the same level of strength as himself.

"Hum, a small skill of carving insects!" With a cold hum, Baibian waved his hand, and dozens of evil spirits on both sides of his body rushed out. However, Baibian came out of the air, and with such a terrible spirit, he went straight to Zhuge Gong to kill the general.

"Hoo A dull breath came out of Zhuge Gongcheng's mouth. Zhuge succeeded in the evolution of Qianhe's spirits on both sides. The Qianhe's spirits came out at the same time and blocked the corpses of Yinsha.

At the same time, without the interference of the body of evil spirit and the separation of Qianhe, Baibian came to Zhuge Gongcheng with the spirit of Yin evil spirit. At this time, Zhuge Gongcheng's eyes also flashed a clear intention of erasing. He raised his hand and quickly killed Baibian on his chest

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