Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 654: 654

Boom, boom, boom

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A series of terrible blasts resounded through the void. The Qi of Yin evil forces the light beam to compress and crack abruptly, deterring the whole confinement space.

Long Da, the head of the twelve disciples, stands in the air and stares at the front. The evil spirit of the whole body is constantly released, completely covering the surrounding space within the scope of kilometers.

At this moment, within the scope of thousands of miles, it has been completely occupied by the violent and explosive Yin evil spirit. The evil spirit of endless terror surged up into the sky, like a fierce devil, rolling through layers of cold waves, as if to completely destroy this area. The emperor's momentum showed unprecedented terror.

Brush, brush, brush

In the distance, the powerful people of all sides of the Jiuli Dynasty had been hiding from this area for a long time under the sign of Chiyou, the leader of the Jiuli Dynasty. At last, the powerful people in wuhuangjing could not hide themselves. They released their own mysterious power and covered the bodies of the disciples who came to explore the secret realm in their own clan.

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In an instant, the ruins of the Holy Land tavern, which used to be crowded and bustling, were left with a few strong figures. They were still walking in the air, but now they were covered by the invasion of the cold.

On top of the void, the eleven elders of the rigid evil way stood side by side in the air, and their eleven middle emperors were released by a joint decision. In addition, the fierce and evil spirit burst out from the void around them, as if this area had completely belonged to them.

On the other side, the elders of the main temples of Tianyun sect had already taken the disciples of Tianyun sect with them to retreat. Only Leng Shan, the elder of the astrology hall, was still standing in the air with a slightly weak figure. His face was full of gloomy and embarrassing color, and he let the cold air of Yin evil wander around his body wantonly.

"Suddenly In the void, a wind of yin and evil slowly blows through, and the restless voice in the turbulent area gradually becomes weaker and calms down. In the most violent and crazy central area of Yin Sha Qi, the boundless Yin Sha Qi seems to have some inexplicable rhythm, and even with the wind of Yin Sha, it begins to spread slowly towards both sides of the void.

"Well, I'm dead, I'm dead, this time the boy is dead!"

"Alas, it's a pity that I'm so young! Who let the other party be the strong one of Wu Huang in soul transforming realm? If you want to blame him, blame him for provoking the wrong person! "

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"Ha ha, the middle emperor is the strong one. He's going to deal with a hairy boy in the later stage of the baby's soul. How can he not die?"

"Ha ha, if he doesn't die, I'll kill him on the spot!"

"Cough, keep your voice down. Be careful to cause fire and damage the fish pond!"

"Gulu!" With bursts of intense huff and puff, the minds of the various forces hiding thousands of meters away become lively again. All the powerful people of all parties focused their eyes on the central area where the evil spirit just burst. While pointing out the strong one of the twelve disciples in the void, he focused his eyes on the void where the spirit of Yin evil gradually dissipated.

"Ha ha, Lengshan, there is no matter of your luck here. Let's call it a day, but I don't want to see any Tianyun disciples in the wasteland. As for the accounts between our two families, let's leave them to be settled together in the future. " In the void, the elder long, the twelve disciples of the rigid evil way, gave a cold smile. He glanced at the disciples in the distance, who were escorted by the strong elders of Tianyun sect. In his words, he did not hide the intention of threat, which showed that he was determined to swallow his anger in order to protect the safety of his disciples.

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"Hum, Longda, you are threatening my tianyunzong. Don't you forbid our other seven sects to send their disciples to the forbidden area to explore the secret treasures when you die? " Elder Lengshan snorted, and his momentum rose up wildly. The fury of Xuanli went straight to elder Gangsha Daolong. It was obvious that he could not suppress his anger.

At the same time, Lengshan elder's voice fell, and the eyes of the powerful people of all sects flashed in vain. On the one hand, the powerful of all parties have obviously heard that elder Lengshan wants to drag people into the water. On the other hand, they can use elder Lengshan to find out the rigidly evil way. This is undoubtedly a good thing for the powerful of all major sects.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

The sound of terrible turbulence is deafening, resounding again in the dead silence of the void.

On the other side of the road, the figures of the middle emperor and the powerful emperor stepped out together, and the evil spirit of blocking the sky seemed to turn into an invisible natural barrier between Lengshan and Longda.

"Jie Jie, I don't care about other sects! If you Tianyun disciples enter the forbidden area, you can't do it! " Elder long stands aloof in the air. His thin face is shining with cold eyes. It seems that he has settled elder Lengshan's mind. He speaks coldly to all the powerful people in the distant area."Hum, long Da, you've been deceiving people too much. If you dare to touch one of my disciples of Tianyun sect, don't blame me for not dying with them!" The elder Lengshan snorted again, and his momentum was cold to the extreme. Even the eleven Taoist elders on the other side all trembled slightly. Everyone had already realized that Lengshan was really angry from the heart.

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"Ha ha, I'm dead. What are you threatening me with? Just because you want to stay with me, it's a bit of a dream! " Elder long burst out laughing again. He glanced at elder Lengshan who was standing in front of him. Then, he saw a sign in his eyes, and the eleven strong Taoist elders who were between them stepped out one after another. Their eyes were extremely cold, and they were staring at the body of a group of tianyunzong disciples in the distance.

"Well, long Da, I have written down today's events." Lengshan elder's face was very ugly, his body suddenly moved, and his whole body instantly appeared on the border thousands of meters away from the rear. Then, Lengshan elder left Zhuge Gongcheng, who was unconscious in the crowd, and waved to the other temple elders. In a twinkling, a group of temple elders of Tianyun sect set foot in the air one after another. They turned into streamers and sped away towards the suburban forest outside the wild city.

"Ha ha, go and have a look. If one of the disciples of Tianyun sect goes into the wasteland, then you will find a chance to kill all of them." A burst of extremely arrogant cold laughter, cold in the void will be out. The eleven Taoist elders of the stiff evil way urged the spirit of Yin evil in the body one after another, and turned it into eleven ghostly shadows. In a flash, it disappeared into the void.

Gulu, Gulu

Bursts of nervous breathing, once again resounded in the outer space, the eyes of all the strong people in the Jiuli Dynasty flashed bursts of amazement, looking at the Dragon elder, who was the head of the twelve disciples of the rigid evil way, and his face was full of fear.

In the rear, all the other major forces, the powerful and powerful, rose up together. With their respective sects, they came to explore the secret place disciples, and they were unwilling to be outdone and rushed to the forest outside the city< br>

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