Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 657: 657

"Brush!" In the wild city, Chiyou, the leader of the Jiuli Dynasty, Chitang, the president of Jiuli college, Chiwei, the youngest prince, and the powerful people of all parties in the Jiuli Dynasty, all eyes are now focused on a place in the void.

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"Wow!" At this time, I felt the fierce killing intention of the magic sword array in front of me. In the void, elder long had a black flag in his hand. As soon as the spirit summoning banner came out, the endless Yin evil spirit in the void quickly gathered on his body, and the ferocious evil spirits came out. There were tens of thousands of evil spirits wandering around the spirit summoning banner in the hands of elder long da. Moreover, the breath released by tens of thousands of evil spirits, It turns out that all of them are above the cultivation of the strong in the baby's soul state. It can be seen that it takes a lot of living dead souls of the strong in the baby's soul state to refine these spirit summoning banners.


A roaring wind blows up, and in the endless void there is a loud cry. A steady stream of Yin evil spirit turned the spirits of the dead fly out, and the spirit of terror crazy towards the front of the magic sword array wrapped in the protection of this traceless body.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

A terrible dull sound came out, and the magic sword array on Wu Chen's body was cold in a moment. Cold and extremely cold, the killing intention swept out, and covered all the spirits of the dead.

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"Buzz, buzz!" With a loud sound of the sword, the breath in the heartless sword array became extremely cold. Originally, according to the common sense, the spirit of the force of Yin evil Qi will not be hurt by the physical sword Qi.

At this moment, in the endless void, the spirits of the dead are all covered and frozen by the merciless sword spirit of Yin cold. And after the chill of the cold, there are only bright conflicts. These cold swords fly wildly and kill all the ghosts and spirits that are frozen by the cold sword in the void.

"Damn it, how could the ruthless Kendo that the Third Elder martial brother built be so terrible..." looking at the thousands of ghosts who were frozen by the cold and then cut down by the ruthless Kendo in the void, Wu Chen could not help but swallow his saliva. Although his figure is still standing in the center of the heartless sword array, and has not been affected by any of the aftereffects of the attack in the surrounding battlefield, the scenes of almost killing in front of him are still in the eyes of traceless, which makes traceless feel shivering in his heart.

"Ha ha, if you give up the seven emotions and six desires, you can become a ruthless kendo. It seems that you three elder martial brothers must have been a hard-working man at the beginning! " The voice of demon zunhuoxiao's faint smile came out again quietly, and its strange red and empty shadow came out again from the traceless elixir field.

"This, how is this possible?" In the void, the elder long, the twelve disciples of the rigid evil way, was shocked. The black flag in his hand swayed and danced continuously. A steady stream of Yin evil spirit was released from the black flag again, which turned into the ghost of the Taoist Yin evil spirit, Zhang Yawu is extremely fierce. Generally, all of them fight and bite at the Third Elder martial brother Shui's merciless body.

"Ha ha..." an extremely indifferent and contemptuous laughter came from the Third Elder martial brother's merciless mouth. Then, a silver cold light flashed out of the void, as if it had split the void in two.

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"Suddenly The silver sword flashed away, and a space crack suddenly appeared in the endless void. A steady stream of destructive momentum diffuses from the cracks in the space, and the spirits of thousands of people who rush to fight are all engulfed on the spot with the sudden terrible destructive momentum.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

A strange muffled sound resounded through the void again and again, and thousands of evil spirits in the void died by cavitation. And in the void, the dark and terrible crack in the deep space closed again in a flash. In the turbulent void, the former calm was quietly restored again, as if the terrible scene had never happened before.

Gulu, Gulu

A sound of tension to suffocate breathing sound, one after another from the distant Jiuli Dynasty in the mouth of the strong repeatedly huff and puff out. Except for Chiyou, the leader of the Jiuli Dynasty, who saw a clue in the void, the rest of the people were unaware that the ghost disappeared.

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Therefore, all the powerful people in the Jiuli Dynasty were full of fear and reverence, and their eyes fell on the water ruthless figure in white.

"Damn, what the hell was that just now? Is that the broken void in the legend?" No trace hard swallow swallow saliva, staring at the calm and incomparable void stupefied. Just at the moment when the cracks in the space appeared, the nearest seamless seemed to be coagulated. There seemed to be something ready to move in the dark cracks in the space. This feeling made seamless have a kind of unspeakable repression and disgust."Ha ha, it seems that your three elder martial brothers have realized the power of soul refining. It seems that their real strength is not the highest cultivation level of the middle emperor, but the highest cultivation level of the upper emperor. Believe in talent and understanding, step into the realm of soul is bound to be sooner or later Demon respect fire Xiao virtual shadow quietly appear, in front of gaping Leng in situ without trace quietly tell know.

"The sword, the sword breaks through the void, you, you are not the one who transforms the soul?" On the void, at this time, the Dragon elder no longer has just been indifferent. His eyes were obviously shocked and frightened. His body retreated in the void, and the distance between him and the water began to widen rapidly. Even at the moment, elder long has completely given up the idea of catching traceless. Now he just wants to disappear in front of the water and stay away from the terrible land of right and wrong. "

"Ha ha, of course, I'm in the realm of transforming the soul. I'm just in the highest realm of Emperor Wu." With a faint smile and a slight wave of his arms, a silver sword rose up in the void. In an instant, it turned into a ruthless sword that could not be looked down upon, and cleaved away to the body of elder long who was in a hurry.

"Brush!" A frightful cold light flashed away, and the long old man who rushed to fly in the distance trembled in vain. Then, the horror of the ruthless sword once again in the distant void in the middle of a flash. Then there was another dark space of terror on the void. The crack flashed out, and the breath of terror spread out like destruction. The cover of Qi brush shrouded elder Long's body in the air.

"Poof!" A faint dull sound, in the horror of the dark momentum of destruction quietly. Then, the cracks in the void healed slowly with the speed of the naked eye, and there was a pool of black blood water falling down on the ground.

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"Damn, the flesh of the middle emperor and the powerful emperor can't resist the power of the space crack. Elder long, it's too sad to die! " Wu Chen, who has just come back to his senses, suddenly trembles again in his heart. He looks at the elder long who has turned into a pool of blood before he even has time to hum. Wu Chen's expression is dull and silly.

Gulu, Gulu

In the distance, Chiyou, the leader of the Jiuli Dynasty, trembled in vain, sweating all over his body.

On both sides, the leaders of the major forces of the Jiuli dynasty all swallowed their saliva and looked at the black blood scattered wantonly, gaping and in an uproar

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