Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 685: 685

"Suddenly All over the sky, the yellow sand rises in a frenzy, and the hot sun falls down slowly. Dark night shrouds the whole wasteland, and the temperature in the desert area of the wasteland suddenly drops in vain.

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The endless cold air is blowing wildly, and the thick yellow sand lingering in the sky is covered with layers of frost. The power of the law of isolation from the outside world in the open space has long been gone, and there is no trace. The figure of the young man, the camel and the big monster is even more unknown when and under the vast night.

Daddada. Dada

There was a strange sound of continuous crying, which was particularly harsh in the silent night desert. Under the dim moonlight, a large Golden Camel beast was running all the way in the vast and cold desert.

On the double humps of the Golden Camel beast's back, there is a young man in a green robe with handsome face and extraordinary temperament, and a young man dressed as a tavern guy, with a thick brown tail hanging straight behind his buttocks.

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"Cough, I didn't expect that the real body of you monster was really a camel!" No trace, sitting on the back of camel monster, with a smile on his face, patted the real hair of camel monster on his crotch and sighed softly.

"Ha ha, this monster really has no backbone!" The shadow of demon zunhuoxiao floats quietly behind the traceless figure, and remembers that camel fell to the ground before the big monster. In the crying and Howling field, there is a look of speechless disdain on the rough and crazy cheek.

"Hey hey, I'll lead you to the land of Yibao in one night. However, we have an agreement. I will escort you to the land of Yibao. You can give me a chance to live if you want A voice, if there is no, comes from the wild camel monster's real body. The wind whistling past my ears, but no trace completely captured the sound in my mind.

"Ha ha, don't worry, I will not only spare your life, but also give you those two magic weapons back together!" Traceless smile, seems to be very satisfied with the camel monster's lead. After all, there is such a big monster of Wuhuang level, on the one hand, it can save a lot of time, on the other hand, it can also save a lot of unnecessary trouble. After all, the ability of monsters to sense crisis is several times stronger than that of human warriors. If there are monsters in this desert area, they will also choose to avoid camel monsters.

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"Roar. Roar!" After hearing the formal promise given by no trace, the galloping camel monster quickly screamed with excitement. With the help of the mysterious force of the surrounding wind, his huge body quickly turned into a bright golden yellow awn and disappeared in the cold desert covered by the vast night.

"Eun Gong, this guy is really fast. Sitting on him is just like flying. It's so windy!" The boy who is also sitting on the body of camel monster is even more excited at the moment. Looking around at the vast desert, he cried excitedly to the strong and handsome figure in front of him.

"Ha ha, I said Yuan Zong, how can you come to this wasteland for no reason?" Traceless helpless smile, in front of the guy sitting behind on another hump curious asked.

"Well, don't mention it. Originally I was going to go to the wasteland to have a look, but who ever wondered where a group of strong human beings came from. These human strongmen are definitely not the martial arts strongmen of the Jiuli Dynasty. They even killed me on the spot because of my impure blood without saying a word. Fortunately, the camel monster appeared in vain, which scared away those strong human beings. However, because of this, I became the prisoner of this monster... "The guy named yuan Zong, with a helpless smile, explained to Wu Chen. Especially when he said that the blood in his body was not pure, there was an imperceptible feeling of inferiority in his eyes.

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"Alas, the combination of man and beast is the most unpopular in this continent. Compared with you who live in the crevice, life will be a little better only within the boundaries of the Jiuli dynasty! " After hearing yuan Zong's words, Wu Chen sighed for his poor life experience. Then, a strange idea sprang up in the traceless brain, and a golden light flashed in the bright eyes.

"Brush!" Yuan Zong, a young man sitting at the back of Wu Chen's body, suddenly trembled. An exuberant and pure air of Hongmeng's chaos came out quietly, and ran straight into yuan Zong's body through his body.

"Ah A light exhortation, without warning from the mouth of Yuan Zong murmured out. Yuan Zong felt that his blood was boiling in vain, and every meridian and even every drop of blood in his body became restless and furious.

It felt as if something was eroding yuan Zong's body, and he even washed and combed the impure blood and blocked meridians in Yuan Zong's body. Yuan Zong only felt more comfortable than ever, and his body, which had no strength to bind a chicken, was inexplicably full of energy."Ha ha, be patient. It may be a little difficult, but it is definitely beneficial to your future cultivation. I can only help you here. As for how much you can benefit, it depends on your own fortune! " A secret voice, quietly into the minds of the young man yuan brown.

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"Eun Gong..." Yuan Zong's original restlessness and uneasiness stabilized all of a sudden. His inferiority in the eyes of the color of gratitude once again continue to emerge, looking at the road in front of the strong figure, the heart unexpectedly inexplicably rose a touch of trust.

"Damn, you're crazy. You're so surprised. What's the name of the old ghost?" The camel monster's body suddenly trembles. It is obviously unprepared for yuan Zonggang's bad smile. However, it feels a cold look full of evil intention on the double humps behind it, which makes the camel monster quickly close its mouth and fly like crazy in the vast and cold desert night.

Whoa. Whoa

I don't know how long I've been trudging, but the dark sky in the void is a little brighter. A touch of red glow gradually rises from the horizon, and the body shape of camel monster stops in front of an abandoned desert city piled up by the yellow sand storm< br>

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