Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 689: 689

Boom, boom, boom

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On the edge of the silent desert area, a series of terrible and violent muffled sounds are quietly coming out again. On the other side of the Miluo River, the water rose crazily, and instantly turned into a few meters high mirror, surging black water barrier.

Behind the Miluo River graben, the misty fog that originally covered the boundary of Yibao's real world area was surging out strangely, which immediately shrouded the black water barrier of Miluo River.

"Suddenly Bursts of cold wind blowing out from all around, startled all the people on the scene to brush back a few steps. A group of powerful people in the emperor's realm released the power of the law of heaven and earth in their bodies one after another, and wrapped the body of Tianjiao disciples belonging to each major sect in it.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

The surging waves of the river continued to hover in the air, but never exceeded the original natural moat of the Miluo River. And in the forbidden area of Yibao in the rear of Miluo River, there are various kinds of bright Xuanli and Jingguang rising slowly. Look at the strong glow, the power of condensation is more and more strong, it is obvious that there is some inexplicable change in the forbidden area.

"Eh, the oppressive power in the forbidden area is dozens of times stronger than just now. It seems that it's not far away from the time when the treasure is born in the forbidden area. We have to speed up some actions! " In the direction of the square array of the sword Pavilion, master Kaiyang, the leader of the Kaiyang peak, who led the team, was crazy about the sword. A burning destruction of the sword, suddenly crazy toward the Miluo River mirror wall will split away.

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"Boom!" The power of the supreme burning destruction sword fell, and it broke the water barrier of the Miluo River on the spot. The raging torrent of the river is still dangling back and forth in the air, but the rear of the river is dark, and there is no light in front of people.

"Brush!" The Miluo River rises from the ground, and the gap of the river water barrier is occupied by the strange fog. A terrible momentum and pressure burst out from the gap of this barrier in vain, just like the heaviest gravity and pressure between heaven and earth, and swept over the whole Miluo River in an instant.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

A series of dull sounds spread all over the river in a flash. All the powerful members of the main forces on the scene were extremely ugly, and all of them suddenly retreated a few steps.

The heavy gravity pressure diffused, and all the practitioners above the Wuhuang kingdom were breathless and sweaty. What's more, blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, which was obviously the result of the gravity shock.

The middle position Wuhuang Xiuwei, who was led by the main forces in the field, felt more obvious about the sudden gravity.

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All the leaders of the major forces retreated from 100 meters away. Their eyes were full of shock and amazement, and they looked at the opening of the slowly healing River barrier.

"Bang Dang!" With a dull sound, the camel beast sat on the ground in vain, and its forehead was dripping with cold sweat. Fortunately, just now the camel monster didn't use any Xuanli power in Wuhuang's realm. It was only oppressed by gravity and didn't get hurt. Otherwise, the rebound of gravity might be enough to shake the camel monster out of internal injury.

"Ah There was a scream, which started from the real body of the big camel monster. The powerful warrior of zhenbaozhai, who had been sitting on the hump of the big camel monster, flew hundreds of meters out of thin air.

"Plop!" Chen Baozhai, as if he was pressed to the ground by invisible gravity, turned his eyes and fainted on the spot after spitting a few mouthfuls of blood.

On both sides, all the powerful men in the same level of Wuhuang realm in the major departments were so ugly that they threw sympathetic eyes at the faint one after another. In the group of the array treasure house camp, several disciples of the later cultivation of the infant soul state quickly rushed forward and took some healing pills for the powerful Wuhuang who had fallen into a faint state.

In the field, the invisible gravity pressure gradually weakens with the healing of the river barrier gap. All the strong people in wuhuangjing were relieved, especially those who led the team. There was even a sense of panic in their eyes. There seemed to be a pair of Blood Red Terror eyes behind the dark barrier river just now, which was a flash away. Although it was just a glimpse, the real and exact horror eyes, which brought the fear of the powerful people in the Middle Kingdom, were forever engraved in the hearts of all the people, as if they would never be erased with the passage of time.

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Strange to say, the terrible invisible gravity pressure clearly swept the edge of the whole Miluo River water line area. However, in addition to the strong ones above the cultivation of wuhuangjing, all the disciples of the cultivation of wuhuangjing still stood intact. It seems that this horrible and strange invisible gravity pressure rebound is only aimed at the strong in the realm of Wu Huang in the soul transforming realm, and all the martial arts in the soul transforming realm are not aware that they are safe and sound."Damn it, camel, what the hell are you doing?" A sound quietly floated into the ears of the camel big monster, no trace body shape in vain a vertical came to the camel big monster real body side.

"Ouch!" Camel monster's eyes were full of grievance hiss. Instead of answering traceless's questions, he struggled to stand up and rubbed his thin camel head on traceless's body.

On the other side, the powerful members of the major sects stare at Wu trace and the camel monster turns away. Later, when they see the action of the camel monster, they look away one after another and gather their eyes again among the surging river barriers.

"Damn it, you are smart at the critical moment!" No trace turned his eyes and knocked on the thin head of the river camel monster. Then, no trace is not easy to regenerate, so we have to take the neck of the camel monster and slip away slowly to the side with its real body.

"Eh, behind the water line barrier, it seems that there is such a terrible existence..." the red virtual shadow of demon zunhuoxiao didn't move away with the movement of traceless body shape, but still stood in the same place staring at the distance, still completely healed Miluo River water barrier.

"Everyone, it seems that there is a power of suppression in this forbidden area. The higher your accomplishments are, the more obvious you will be attacked. But it seems that we can only wait to die again, and first send our disciples into the forbidden area to explore... "In the power square of the sword Pavilion, master Kaiyang slowly put away his burning sword spirit, and proposed to the other major forces who came to the emperor.

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"Well, it seems that we have to do the same!" Tianyunzong, Lengshan elder nodded silently, looked back at Tianjiao's children selected by the main temple, and inadvertently glanced at the traceless body.

"Ha ha, let's send our disciples to the forbidden area of Yibao. This is the purpose of our trip, and this is their destiny!" Ghost demon clan leads the team to come here. Elder Huang obviously doesn't care. He looks at the disciples selected by his clan and says with a smile.

"Amitabha, then everything is as you say!" Elder Shishan of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhist.

On both sides, the beast temple, Bixia palace, zhenbaozhai, and the three main gates led the Emperor Wu. Although no one said much, they obviously agreed with master Kaiyang's proposal.

For a moment, the powerful members of the major sects went back to their respective camps and whispered instructions to the disciples in the land of this strange treasure

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