Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 694: 694

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

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The momentum and prestige released by desert thousands of miles spread over the cymbal double magic weapons. Only the sound of terrible roar came from the cymbal double magic weapons covered by golden light.

The golden light of the road rose up like a thunderbolt after another. The atmosphere of terror and destruction filled the air, and the terrible momentum and power made the heart beat faster for all the powerful people in the middle imperial realm.

"Eh, this, this is the level breath of the realm of huahun and huangwuhuang?" In the square array of tianyunzong camp, all the elders of the inner gate temple were surprised. Eight elders of the inner gate Temple quickly approached the elder Lengshan in the astrology hall. Looking at Mo Qianli, the deputy leader of the array treasure house with a sneer, they were shocked.

"It turns out that the Deputy master of Mo has already broken through to the upper level of Emperor Wu Huang. No wonder the momentum of the middle level of Emperor Wu Huang just released has reached the peak of cultivation level. It seems that this trip to the array treasure house must be well prepared, and the situation is inevitable! " The elder of Lengshan in the astrology hall was very stern. He was staring at the cymbals which were shining with golden light and thunder in the void. He frowned.

Originally, Lengshan elder also planned to attack and rescue the water mercilessly in the hands of Mo Qianli. But I didn't expect that Mo Qianli had hidden his real cultivation strength all the time. Until now, he was merciless to water, which revealed his real cultivation.

If the desert is really at the level of the middle emperor, elder Lengshan still has the confidence to fight with him. But now moqianli has released the momentum of the cultivation of the upper level of emperor Wuhuang. Lengshan elder immediately gave up his unwise thoughts and choices.

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Gulu, Gulu

At the same time, the eyes of the powerful members of the major sects on both sides were all shocked. Many of the powerful members of the major sects on the scene hid their accomplishments, but even if their real strength was completely released, they were only at the level of the cultivation of the middle imperial realm at most. Compared with the superior emperor's imposing manner, it's just like a little witch sees a big Witch and nine cows are not as good as a hair.

As a result, all the powerful members of the major sects were afraid and retreated repeatedly. Each faction unconsciously opened a distance of several hundred meters, and gave Qi Shushu the figure of a strong man at the rank of Emperor Wu in the array Baozhai above the central position.

"Ha ha, the disciples of the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy, but that's all..." a loud and wild sneer echoed coldly in the void. The body of Mo Qianli, the deputy leader of the array treasure house, galloped slowly towards the cymbal magic weapon which was shining with terrible golden light and thunder in the void.

Daddada, dada, dada

Step by step, the whole person seems calm and leisurely. His figure soon came to a place not far from the front of the cymbal magic weapon made by Jin mang. With a wave of his big hand, he saw an invisible suction, which glittered with golden light. Lei Mang's cymbal magic weapon slowly came to him.

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"Hum!" The sound of a low sword sounds like something or nothing, vaguely coming from the space gap of cymbals. Immediately, he saw a cold air quickly turned into a white rising water mist, which was suddenly powerful and released, completely covering the whole cymbal body in the air.

"Suddenly A strange cold wind was blowing from the inside out, and the silence of the void seemed as if all of a sudden time was still. The cymbals covered with thick ice quickly cracked into pieces and scattered around the void.

"Keke, it's a good weapon. It's enough to deal with the middle level Jingwu and Huangwu! However, if you use it to deal with me, I'm afraid it's not enough to see... "A light cough came up quietly, and the condensed space in the void melted quickly. The tarnished cymbals were smashed and disappeared on the spot, while a figure in white appeared intact in the eyes of the powerful men of the major sects below.

"Brush!" The water is still ruthless, with an expressionless and indifferent look. The whole body is dressed in white and spotless. An invisible cold momentum slowly diffuses from the void. At the moment, the water is merciless, just like the posture of a superior and a strong man, looking at it from afar.

"Damn, is this the upper realm of Wu Huang?"

"Well, your sister, how old is he? In his thirties at the most, he has reached the upper level of Wuhuang?"

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"My darling, I'm in the realm of Emperor Wu Huang. Doesn't this guy say that he can establish a sect?"

"Oh, my God, are all the disciples of the Sutra collection Pavilion so rebellious? No wonder they are suspicious by the major schools. If all the disciples of the college's Sutra Pavilion grow up to this guy's level of strength, the six states in mainland China will be the world of his college's Sutra Pavilion! "

Feeling the cold air released by the merciless water, all the powerful men in the field felt a sense of inexplicable panic. And the rest of the lower realm of Wuhuang realm of the strong is forced by the cold shiver, a look at the water ruthless eyes at the moment have completely become the color of fear."Well, how dare you destroy my magic weapon? Even if you are the superior emperor, how about the level of cultivation? Today I will let you know how far the gap between the superior emperor and the superior emperor is The desert thousand li cold hum a, the vision ruthless stare at to the water mercilessly dead to hope. The upper emperor's power released from his figure rushed out madly and diffused rapidly towards the water merciless position.

"Brush!" A white shadow flashed away, and the water disappeared out of thin air again. But an invisible Yin cold sword idea is slowly surging out from behind a group of strong men in the sword Pavilion, and a white coat is flashing out, which is no doubt that the water is merciless.

"Ha ha, the disciple of the sword Pavilion threatened Liu Wuchen, the sixth disciple of the Sutra collection Pavilion in our college. Now, as a senior brother, I come to seek justice for him. I've made a sword out of my accomplishments in the middle realm of Emperor Wu. No matter whether the people in the sword Pavilion can bear the sword or not, all the enmity between us will be eliminated. The Sutra Pavilion of our academy will never trouble the sword Pavilion again afterwards! "

A cold smile came out, and the water stood in the air mercilessly, cold eyes swept all the strong men in the square array of the swept sword Pavilion. On the other side, all the powerful people on the scene trembled at the same time. They rushed to the rear and let out the figures of the strong people on the spot.

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"Ha ha, do you really think you can cover the sky here? Master Kaiyang, why don't you join hands with me in the sword pavilion? Let's discuss the methods of the disciples in the Sutra Pavilion of Xiajiao academy today. How about that? " Desert thousands of miles full of fun to stand in the air, did not come forward, but more interested in looking down at the sword Pavilion Kaiyang peak, the master Kaiyang said to win the way.

On the other side, water is still indifferent to everything. Instead of looking at it, he continues to focus on the figures of the people in the sword Pavilion, as if waiting for an accurate reply from the strong people in the sword Pavilion.

"Hoo After thinking for a long time, the master of Kaiyang peak in the sword Pavilion breathed heavily. A hot flame rose from his body in an instant, and a long red sword came out of the air. The momentum and breath of the middle emperor's realm rose wildly, reaching the highest cultivation level of the middle emperor's realm.

"Master Kaiyang, I will take your sword today. I hope that the people in the Sutra Pavilion of the academy can keep their word, and by this time, the friendship and resentment between you and me will be clear... "

"Nature Water ruthless, calm face, in front of the well prepared Kaiyang master slightly nodded. On both sides, the powerful members of the main forces all swallowed their saliva and focused their eyes on their bodies.

On the other side, Mo Qianli, the deputy leader of the array treasure house, looked unhappy. However, he was still not good enough to say more in public. He had to stand aside silently and walk in the air to watch how Kaiyang master accepted the water merciless sword that was about to be cut

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