Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 700: 700

"Brush!" In the forbidden area of exotic treasures, a quiet place surrounded by ancient trees is like a paradise. A strange rough red shadow flashed out like a ghost. Demon zunhuoxiao shook a tall and straight figure, and fell on the ground beside no trace with a look of surprise.

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"Damn, old demon, how about getting rid of the noise before you show up next time? I'll be scared of heart disease sooner or later!" Traceless fierce heart slowly tend to calm, indignant face to the side demon respect fire Xiao Xu shadow accused.

"Hey, hey, with such courage, I dare to go to the wasteland. I think you'd better go home and hug your little girl friend as soon as possible." Demon respect fire Xiao a face wretched bad smile, white eyes no trace, the tone is not good retort way.

"Boom!" When Wu Chen was ready to fight back again, he could only hear several deafening roars coming from the distant and quiet void.

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"Brush!" With this earthshaking sound, two columns of terrible blood red light flashed out of the boundless clear sky. The blood red double columns of horror and strangeness, as if the two beams of light that destroyed the sky and the earth, went straight to the sky. The wind and clouds that stirred the void above the remote location, the air of Xuanli implied in the surrounding void, suddenly rippled under the impact of this strange and terrible blood red beam, rampant, crazy and violent disorder.

"Suddenly With these two strange and terrifying blood red beams soaring into the sky, the clouds in the clear sky in the surrounding distant void were shaken and broken. And the black fog seemed to surge out of the void, completely covering the distant sky. Moreover, in the void shrouded by the black fog in the distant sky, there is a huge shadow like the sky and the earth, which is just like a bloody mountain. During this period, the terrible blood red light is blooming from time to time.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

As the black fog became more and more intense, the two blood red beams were gradually covered by the black fog and were no longer visible. At the same time, the Qi of Xuanli in heaven and earth is just like crazy. All of them are agitated and become the Qi waves of daodaodaoxuanli. They are rushing to the far place, where the black fog is shrouded in the strange blood mountain.

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"Damn, old demon, what the hell is this?" Just now my heart was so quiet that I couldn't restrain my curiosity. The eternal Heaven and earth decisive skill in Wuchen's body runs wildly, and the pure and vigorous Hongmeng chaotic Qi quickly fills every meridian in Wuchen's body. Traceless look at the distant horizon of the eyes slowly back, the heart actually rose in vain a strange feeling.

The bloody mountain filled with black fog on the distant horizon, just looking at it from a distance, can't help but bring a strong and suffocating pressure to no trace. As if the bloody mountain did not belong to the world at all, it made no trace have a strange illusion of familiarity and fear.

"Eh, there seems to be a sense of deja vu. Maybe, where did the demon master have seen it..." demon zunhuo Xiao Xu Ying was also stunned in the same place. In the distant sky, there was a look of doubt in his fiery eyes.

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"Hoo Demon respect fire Xiao seems to be trying to recall, but the brain is still a turbid, unable to explore the reason. But demon respect fire Xiao headache more and more fierce, finally had to gasp for breath to give up thinking.

"Old demon, are you ok?" On the other side, no trace found the difference of yaozunhuoxiao. According to reason, yaozunhuoxiao is a state of soul body, and it can't feel headache. But I don't know why I just gazed at the blood red mountain shadow covered by the black fog in the distant sky, and the demon zunhuoxiao had a strange feeling of headache.

"Cough, traceless boy, you see the mysterious Qi of heaven and earth gathering restlessly, and the red light of blood rising up in the sky. And that strange black cloud is full of disgusting evil. Maybe it's the place where Yibao is now... "The demon zunhuoxiao coughed a few times and shook the fiery red head with more pain. Its fiery red eyes, if lost, look to the distant sky again, and tell it to the voice of no trace.

"Old demon, do you want to come back and have a rest? Are you too tired recently, and your soul state is not enough to support for too long?" No trace eyes full of worry, looking at the rough face full of pain on the color of demon respect fire Xiao quietly dissuade way.

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"Ha ha, demon master, I am immortal. When will it be your turn to worry! You'd better mind your own business and rush to the land of strange treasure to seize the treasure. The demon master is the only immortal demon master in the six realms, nine days and three thousand worlds. How could he be distracted and hurt by the evil spirit skill... "The demon master's face suddenly twitched, and then he patted his fiery head hard and burst out laughing. It seems that there is really no problem with that look and posture. This guy even has a nuzui to the traceless and provocative Ju. With his fiery red beard shaking back and forth, it really adds a lot of full joy."Ha ha, I'm going to the strange treasure place now to see what's strange there!" Traceless looking at the careless appearance of the demon respect fire Xiao helpless smile, and then nodded to its heavy. No trace takes back his eyes, his eyes are full of heavy color, which urges the mysterious force in his body to quietly open his mind, and carefully explore the towering ancient trees in the distance.

"Hum!" The spread of divine consciousness, no trace along the direction of the distant sky side carefully forward. A strange buzzing sound vibrated repeatedly from his arms in vain. A strange purple awn flashed out. The original purple wood cauldron, which was only the size of a bowl, was rapidly circling and changing, and gradually turned into a purple wood cauldron full of people.

"Brush!" With the purple awn on the body of Zimu Dafang Dingding, a strange figure appeared in vain from the body of Zimu Dafang Dingding. Then, the body of Zimu Dafang cauldron circled again and changed into the size of a bowl. The strange purple awn flashed by again, and Zimu Dafang cauldron poured into the arms of traceless and disappeared.

"Plop!" A strange dull sound, from the purple wood generous Ding Ding body disappeared quietly. No trace close eyes toward the side not far from the ground, then see a naked young man figure, suddenly appeared on the ground< br>

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