Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 705: 705

Boom, boom, boom

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The terror and turbulence of Xuanli's power spread. Just now, all the disciples of zhenbaozhai were imprisoned on the spot by the momentum and power released by the organ puppet running head. However, the cold eyes of the organ puppet running head had no emotion, Falling on the figure of each of the disciples, the cool wind came from behind their necks, and they felt a sense of panic and fear.

"Damn, this big fool is so fierce!" Yuan Zong's eyes kept flashing, staring at the organ puppet, who was just like a fierce spirit and evil spirit. He ran and yelled.

"Hum, if it wasn't for your camel grandfather, I would have killed them a thousand and eight hundred times with one look in my eyes Camel monster's face was full of resentment and gave a cold hum. It seemed that he was very dissatisfied with the puppet running to show his power alone.

"Hey hey, you can do it, you can't do it, don't brag..." on one side, Yuan Zong rolled his eyes hard, and didn't get angry and said to the camel monster.

"Damn it After hearing yuan Zong's advice, the camel monster's sallow complexion became more gloomy. If it wasn't for the puppets who still need to run for their lives, I'm afraid that the camel monster would have beaten yuan Zong on the spot.

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"Hey, hey, shut up and watch. Is that right?" See camel big monster eat shriveled, the expression on Yuan Zong's face is more proud. There was no doubt that his eyes turned to the towering ancient forest in the distance, and his face couldn't help but smile.

"Brush!" During Yuan Zong's quarrel with the camel monster, the puppet, who had been standing still, finally moved. The organ puppet ran to the head and hit several fists with both arms towards the surrounding area at the same time. The terrifying force of the wind and the cold momentum of killing burst out in a flash. The fists and fists hit the bodies of the bound disciples of the array treasure house.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

A series of terrible roars burst out, and a series of fists, just like iron and steel, bombarded the bodies of a group of Baozhai disciples. Immediately after that, I heard the sound of the broken bones, and dozens of the disciples fell from the void at the same time.



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A dull low roar came out from the mouth of dozens of disciples of the strong soul of the baby in the treasure house. Dozens of disciples of the array treasure house fell to the ground after breaking their muscles and bones under the repeated attacks of the organ puppets. Dozens of strong souls lost their fighting power, all of them were pale and weak.

"Ha ha, big fool, well done!" Seeing the official puppet running to kill people everywhere in public, Yuan Zong's worried look disappeared in an instant. His face was so excited that he yelled and yelled for the official puppet running again.

"Hum, there are so many ugly people who make trouble. You look like you have never seen the world before!" Camel monster turned his eyes and disdained yuan Zong. It is obvious that for the battle between the infant and the soul, as a big monster of the level of the king of the soul, the camel monster naturally has its own pride, and still disdains the simple and crude attack of the organ puppets.

"Ha ha, no matter how ugly you are, you're not as ugly as a camel..." yuan zongsi didn't care about the disdain of the big camel monster, but the big camel monster beside her turned her eyes and said with disdain.

Hearing the words, the camel monster's body suddenly trembled, and there was a violent fluctuation on its chest. It was obviously infuriated by Yuan Zong's words. Even the voice of the camel monster's waxy yellow face was even more intense.

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"Younger martial brother, I'll entangle him. Take the opportunity to catch those two guys. Maybe, kill that boy, and the consciousness imprint in the puppet animal will die out! " In the distance, two disciples of the later stage of the soul state of the baby in the zhenbaozhai, who had been hiding away for a long time, whispered to each other in secret. One of them nodded in silence with a stern face. Then, we can see that the momentum of the Xuanli of the later cultivation realm of the infant soul realm burst out without reservation, and in the two terrible momentum, it is also mixed with the power of the magic weapons.

"Whoosh!"“ Whoosh

Two disciples of the treasure house ran out at the same time, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Brush!" One of them, even in an instant, hit the puppet running in front of him. Two golden rings burst out of his arms in vain, and scattered on the dark arms of the organ puppet.

The dazzling golden light turned into two golden rings, which became smaller and smaller, strangling the arms of the puppet.All of a sudden, the light and shadow of the golden awn came down, and an invisible gravity came out on the arms of the puppet. The organ puppet's head ran and his arms seemed to be oppressed by all things, which made his arms droop and unable to lift up again.

"Bang bang!" Several magic powers are scattered on the body of the puppet. His huge body swayed under the attack of this terrible magic power, so the young disciples of the cultivation level in the later stage of infant soul realm immediately occupied the top of the field.

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At the same time, another disciple of the infant spirit realm in the later period of the Zhen Bao Zhai saw that the puppet of the organ was attacked, and his body quickly turned into a streamer. When his body flashed out again, he had already appeared beside yuan Zong and the camel monster.

"Dong!" All of a sudden, almost without thinking about it, the camel monster pulled yuan Zong's figure behind him. His eyes were full of fierce color, and his eyes were extremely serious. He looked at the infant soul realm in front of him. The young people in the later cultivation realm were dead.

"If you dare to touch each of them, I promise you will never live a breath!" It's a kind of secret voice, I don't know where it comes from. Then the young man in the later cultivation realm of the infant soul realm was surprised in vain. He swept around with cold eyes, but he still didn't even notice his half figure.

"Younger martial brother, what are you hesitating about? Do you still want to do it?" It is obvious that the young man who madly killed the organ puppet is in a little flustered and unstable. After all, to control the organ Puppet by using magic weapons will consume a lot of mysterious power.

"Hum, pretend to be a God or a ghost, and die for me!" Another young man in the later cultivation realm of the infant's soul realm struggled for a while, and finally his Xuanli Qi burst out madly. His body shape was like a poisonous snake. He twisted and galloped out. He ran straight to the body shape of Yuan Zong behind the camel monster and killed him madly.

"Death A voice of indifference came out from above the towering ancient wood forest. Then, a light of pure white Glauber's sword flashed, and the silver sword was like a gossamer. Without any trace, it was cut on the body of the young man in the late cultivation realm of the infant soul realm

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