Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 707: 707

In the land of exotic treasures, in the distant sky, a hazy and bloody mountain with the air of yin and evil looms like the sky after the earth.

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No trace, Yuan Zong, camel monster, and a group of people have been attacking the open area for several hours. The half black pagoda, with its organ puppet running to the head, has made its way smoothly. Occasionally, he met some monsters, and was defeated by the puppets on the spot.

"Brush!" Out of the end of this open area, there is a cliff in front. Along the cliff, you can see a continuous dense forest.

In the dense jungle, birds and animals roar and shout all the time, and an invisible sense of oppression comes out from the deep part of the dense jungle.

In the distance, the originally remote and boundless bloody mountain is also getting closer to Wu Chen and others. No trace standing on the edge of the dense jungle, the air can even smell the smell of blood.

And originally hazy black fog, now in the eyes of traceless also become clear. It is the black fog that emits the blood evil spirit, and the black fog itself contains endless strange and evil spirit.

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An invisible force of seal came out from the remote edge of the sky. It seemed that the strange black fog still contained some mysterious power. For some unknown reason, it sealed the bloody mountain that had to see its true face and imprisoned it in this strange land.

"Hoo On the edge of the dense jungle, he breathed heavily. In the distance, the inexplicable pressure made no trace feel nervous for no reason. However, the blood red mountain behind the strange black lingering in the confinement always gave no trace an inexplicable illusion of deja vu.

"Cough, traceless boy, if we go through this jungle area, we will arrive at the Yibao world area! But in this jungle, there is always an invisible oppression. Maybe there are some monsters guarding this jungle. We must be more careful when we go on this journey! " Demon Zun Huo Xiao Xu Ying coughed two times, looked a little dignified, and spoke slowly to the endless jungle area ahead.

"Well, I also feel that the deeper I go into the jungle, the stronger the inexplicable pressure. We should be more careful along the way No trace gently responds, and then jumps down the steep cliff. The mysterious force of the upper wind of the body is released quickly, and the body is transformed into a mask of the wind. In an instant, it falls down and jumps into the continuous dense jungle area.

"Damn, I'm afraid it's thousands of meters high. If you jump down, you'll be dead..." Yuan Zong's eyes were in vain. Sitting on the shoulder of the puppet, he almost fell off the cliff.

"Ha ha, look at your hopeless appearance. It's just a thousand meters high. If your camel grandfather recovers, I will take you into the jungle every minute!" Camel monster burst out laughing, it seems to see yuan Brown eat shriveled heart is very smooth. His eyes inadvertently glanced down at the dense forest like black spots, and his throat moved with it.

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"Whoosh!" The puppet's cold eyes flashed in vain. His hands, the size of a PU fan, quickly grasped yuan Zong and the camel monster on his shoulders one by one. Immediately, the puppet ran to his head and quickly took the two figures in his arms. The figure was as big as a black tower. He didn't hesitate. The mysterious force burst out in his body, and the whole person jumped down from the cliff quickly.



Two shrill screams rang out in a long tone in the air. The puppet's body quickly fell down. It took a quarter of an hour for the puppet to land on the ground below and reach the edge of the dense jungle area beside no trace.

"What's your name?" Yuan Zong gasped heavily, and his face turned pale. The camel monster sitting on the other shoulder of the puppet asked contemptuously.

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"Bah, what's your name?" Camel big monster gently wiped the dirt on the corner of his mouth, white eyes, Yuan Brown disdained to open his mouth back.

"Nonsense, I'm afraid, the first time I jump down from such a high place, don't you allow me to ask for a release?" Yuan Zong rolled his eyes and looked pitifully toward the side of his body with a helpless, traceless and sympathetic look.

"Damn, it's the first time for me to jump down from such a high place. If you call me, don't you allow me to call you?" Camel big monster momentum did not reduce, even not to be outdone in the face of Yuan palm cold voice back."Damn, have you made a mistake? You're a monster. You're a high-level master of Wu Huang in the soul realm. How could you be afraid of Gao?" Yuan Zong's eyes widened in vain, his mouth widened and he stared at the camel monster in disbelief.

"Well, your camel grandfather, I'm not a flying ORC. If I jump down from the high place over there, I'll be afraid of something strange..." the camel monster gave yuan Zong a fierce look, and fought back with a reasonable appearance.

"Damn, how can you be such a shameless monster..." after hearing the sophistry of camel monster, Yuan Zong almost breathed on the spot. His eyes quickly moved away from the camel monster, and he was so lucky.

"Ah, you two guys are really a pair of wonderful flowers and living treasures..." with a faint sigh, Yuan Zong and the proud camel monster were swept helplessly. Then, they walked into the dense area of the jungle, slowly released their consciousness and walked forward carefully.

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"Ha ha, traceless boy, evil fate, this is the legendary evil fate!" Demon zunhuoxiao fire red virtual shadow in vain a flash, followed by no trace of the body, instantly disappeared into the dense jungle, disappeared.

"Well, no trace boss, wait for me!"

"Eh, no trace boss, this name sounds quite powerful..."

"Dong, Dong!" In the rear, the puppet of the organ ran up quickly. On one side of his shoulder sat yuan Zong and the camel monster. His figure turned into a black shadow, which was very light, closely following the traceless figure< br>

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