Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 726: 726

A group of ape people escorted Wu trace, organ puppet, camel monster, and a group of three people to the land of Yibao, opening the direction and moving forward rapidly.

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Along the way, in the dense jungle, there are occasionally some monsters running rampant, but when they see the ape people, all these monsters retreat respectfully. In addition, all the way forward, even every ten miles, they will meet a group of five ape people. These ape people seem to be walking along the whole dense forest, as if they are conducting a carpet search. As for what they are searching for, no trace is even more unknown.

From the edge of the dense forest to the end of the dense forest, the Yibao region. Along the way, with ape people as a pass, no trace and others are almost equal to unimpeded. But even so, with the speed of the demon and beast cultivation level in the later stage of the ape's baby soul realm, Wuchen and others still kept on attacking for three days.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

A hustle and bustle of the Bush sound, no trace and a group of people rushed out. Finally out of this dense and endless jungle area, the scene in front of us is so that no trace can see it on the spot.

"Brush!" At the end of the dense jungle, a vast valley came into view. At a glance, the green trees all over the mountain climb the valley wantonly, and a white stream seems to have no head or tail, which divides the whole valley into two parts. And the place where Wu Chen and others are now is just above the left position in the middle of the valley.

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"Suddenly A chilly wind, slowly hit on the face of no trace Jun Lang. Traceless body can't help shivering on the spot, slowly open eyes to the right area of the valley, and look away.

Gulu, Gulu

Bursts of nervous panting, from the mouth of no trace and camel monster at the same time out, organ puppet running, still a cold look, standing still.

On the right side of the valley, there was a faint blood red evil spirit everywhere. The originally lush green trees all over the mountain were now covered with this strange blood, and they became withered and shriveled.

A black shadow towering into the cloud and shadow, impressively in the right area of the valley, the center of the blood red evil spirit is the most concentrated area, hazy covered by the blood red spirit, making it impossible for others to see its true appearance.

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Not only that, in addition to the scattered blood evil spirit, there was also a dark evil spirit lingering around the blood red mountain shadow.

As long as you inadvertently take a look at the bloody mountain shadow, your mind will unconsciously want to sink. It seems that there is some mysterious power in the bloody mountain area, which can make people want to enter the bloody mountain area involuntarily.

Looking from one side of the valley to the other side, there are green trees on one side and full of blood on the other side. In this case, this scene is heaven and hell, two completely opposite extremes in the world.

"Well, that's the land of exotic treasures..." there was a roar in Wu Chen's brain. The world was determined to refresh itself for the second time, and quickly dispel the evil thoughts and Demons left in his brain. Traceless bright eyes glowed brilliantly again, staring at another area in the distance, the shadow of blood red mountain sighed in amazement.

"Eh, how can people feel so familiar with the evil spirit and evil Qi? What kind of strange treasure is hidden behind the bloody mountain, which can urge the strong men of the eight sects to send their disciples to explore life and death!" Since the demon zunhuoxiao entered the valley, his fiery face was completely filled with the color of thinking. Its unstable red virtual shadow trembled in vain, quickly turned into a streamer, and then galloped into the traceless body.

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"Old demon, what are you crazy about?" See demon zunhuoxiao into his body, no trace stunned face instantly more a color of doubt. However, after asking for a long time, there was no response from demon zunhuoxiao in his body and brain.

"Ha ha, this must be the ape Valley, which has the reputation of an ancient habitat! It's a pity that the ape Valley has been destroyed so badly! " The camel monster pulled the old man's yellow cheek with a look of heartache, staring at the ape valley which was divided into two.

"Hum, don't talk nonsense. Be honest and move on quickly!" In the rear, among the 15 ape people, a middle-aged ape man who led the way snorted coldly. He turned his eyes contemptuously, and the captured camel agreed to send him away.

According to Wen Yan, the other 14 ape people in the later cultivation level of the infant soul realm released their own mysterious force to form the place of the five elements. They were oppressed and forced to leave on the bodies of Wu trace, organ puppet, camel monster and a group of captured people."Damn, you guys, who are not big or small, dare to be so rude to your camel grandfather. When I return to my true cultivation at your camel grandfather's house, I will make you little guys tremble and fall into the ground! " The camel monster rolled his eyes and looked at the ape people around him with indignation and disdain. However, his feet are still moving forward. It's obvious that some of them can't bear the power exerted by 15 ape people at the same time.

"Cough, since we have reached this stage, we will punish you as you like." Wu Heng coughed twice, his heart crossed, his eyes closed, and with the help of the apes, he rushed along the edge of the valley, toward the pure white stream, which divided the two sides of the valley into two ends.

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Walking through the Green Valley, there is no sign of danger around, but there are apes everywhere in the valley. They all cast hostile eyes and stare coldly at the figure of no trace and others.

"Brush!" Under the escort of a group of ape people, no trace and others moved forward again in the silent Valley for about a quarter of an hour. Then they walked out of the green belt and came to a large open square.

In this large open space around the square, at the moment has been everywhere crowded with strong and burly ape people.

These ape people are all men, women, young and old, and they are all dressed in dazzling gold, green, blue, fire, orange and five colors. They gather around the large open space square beside the running stream.

In front of these ape people, there are dozens of human warriors in different clothes. Judging from the clothes of these human warriors, it is obvious that they are the Tianjiao disciples of the major forces in mainland China who entered into the land of Yibao

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