Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 739: 739

In the double sword solar array, the area on the left is silent. On the right side of the area, two violent sword power surged up into the sky, and there was a great momentum that could be easily triggered, but could not be controlled.

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"Suddenly At this critical moment, when it was extremely critical, Tan Nei of duanji stream trembled violently for no reason. The whole stream of Tan suddenly rises into a straight column of water, standing upright in the void.

Boom, boom, boom

A series of terrible roars, as if to tear the whole world here, so terrible. From the distance, it is hazy and haunted by the black evil spirit, so that people can't see its true face.

At the same time, the sudden change in the stream caused the ground on the left and right sides to shake violently.

"Whoosh, whoosh!" In the left and right sides of the area, the vigorous and pure Xuanli Qi and the bloody evil Qi all flow out of the ground, and rise to the center, just like a white barrier in the stream and waterfall.

"Brush!" The pure and exuberant Xuanli Qi and its bloody and evil evil Qi are interwoven in the straight and surging stream.

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Two monstrous and eerie exuberant demons quickly separated around the waterfall. The two handles are collected by the exuberant, terrifying and evil evil Qi, thus forming a huge shadow of the steel sword with a sharp blade.

At this time, it is flashing cold light, containing endless terror evil spirit. Gradually from the nihilistic sharp blade steel knife form, toward the evil Qi surging, killing full of entity form slowly transformed into.

"No, these swords are ready to take off the sun!"

"I depend on, quick, everybody quickly urge the air of Xuan force in the body to resist together!"

"My darling, how can the power of the steel knife be stronger than it was just now?"

"It's over, it's over. Now the cultivation state of the elders is suppressed. Now our ape family is in dire straits!"

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Seeing the formation of the Double Sabre solar array again, a group of ape people on the left side of the area immediately panicked again. People have no mind to see no trace and Yang Shuo between the duel, have been desperate to urge the body Xuanli gasification for body protection mask lingering on their own.

"Hum, don't panic. Everyone will release their spirits. Gather the Qi of Xuanli together to resist the power of this array. Maybe, if you hold this blow, the power of this array will be weakened next time. Maybe... "The elder ape stepped out and stood at the front of the ape group without hesitation. Then, the ape elder took the lead in releasing his own soul, and a wild brown giant ape was reflected on the ape elder's body.

"Brush!" In a flash, ape land, ape man, ape he, ape relatives, and four ape elders all stepped out, standing side by side with ape heaven elder at the front of the ape group. In addition, the four elders of the ape clan also urged their own spirits to show up. All of a sudden, four great apes with brown hair appeared.

"Brush!" At the same time, I saw five elders release their martial spirits and gather the Xuanli Qi released from four of them.

In the rear, all the ape people looked solemn and resolute. Immediately, they saw a totally different breath of the five elements Xuanli. They rushed and soared in the open space on the left.

Countless terrible five element Xuanli Qi are integrated in one place, which is closely compatible with the momentum released by the five ape elders in front of them. It turns into a natural barrier containing the five element power mask, which flashes out of the air.

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Roar, roar, roar

With a roar of indignation, a series of terrible virtual images of the great ape appeared on the left open field. At the back of each ape, there was a wild brown giant ape. These brown giant Apes All exude the power of martial spirits with completely different attributes of five elements. They all stare at the water column waterfall barrier standing up in the field with defiant faces.

"Shit, it's bad, it's isolated, it's not good now!" The camel monster looked at the water column waterfall barrier in front of him, and then looked at the Xuanli light shield that a group of ape people put together not far behind him.

At this time, only camel monster, Lampson and Yuan Zong were sent to the left area by a group of ape people.

"Suddenly A burst of black magic air rolled up, and Lampson's whole body quickly turned into a black magic fog, which completely covered yuan Zong's and camel's body. Moreover, on Lampson's pale face, his face was already pale at the moment, and it was obvious that it was extremely huge for him to activate the magic Qi to protect the three men's body shape at the same time."Well, camel, why don't we go over and join up with no trace boss before the formation of this dharma array is complete! Otherwise, we can't escape death if we stay here. Maybe we can have a ray of life if we stay with the no trace boss! " Yuan Zong's eyes twinkled with shock, looking at the camel monster and Lampson asked in a low voice.

"Damn, we're all dead. We're sure to die here! Better fight than wait to die The camel monster gnawed its teeth, and its body quickly soared into the real body of the camel. At the same time, the wine gourd on his body trembled slightly in vain, and an invisible suction absorbed the figures of Lampson and Yuan Zong onto a pair of humps behind him.

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"Whoosh!" An earth awn rises from the sky, and the real camel monster moves as fast as clouds and water in the void. Its four hooves are surging and surging. In addition to the evil spirit released by Lampson to protect its body shape, the camel monster takes Lampson and Yuan Zong to gallop up from the left area, Straight to the water column of the rising stream, the white waterfall bumps straight away, trying to break through the barrier of the white waterfall and enter the right area of blood evil spirit.

"Hum, the FA formation is about to be aroused again. How about you and me stop now?" On the other side, in the area on the right, Wuhen has noticed the action of camel, monster and others. The ancient nine character sword power on Wuhen's body trembles slightly. Wuhen's eyes are full of coldness. He stares at Yang Shuo's cold words above his head.

"Ha ha, if you want to make peace, do you think I'm an idiot? What about the stimulation of this array? It's a big deal that we will die together. "

"Even if I die today, I will take you to be buried with me!" Yang shuolang burst out laughing. Obviously, the sense of crisis brought by the fight with him is far from receding.

Yang Shuo's eyes were shining with cold light. He glanced at the camel, the big monster and others who came from the void opposite Wu trace. Then, he suddenly released the golden light sword in his body. He waved the golden sword in his hand and cut out several blows. He rushed to the other side of the river and killed a group of three people.

"Amitabha..." in the rear, Ananda, who had been standing in front of the body of the dying Yuanba, flashed a strange wave in his eyes. However, his feet did not move. He still stood in the same place and urged his golden Sanskrit mask to protect himself All the things that happened in front of my eyes can be seen in silence

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