Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 741: 741

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

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The golden streamer sword will fly up, and the sword light in the sky will quickly cover and kill on a certain direction. The terrible Xiao Sha sword Qi seemed to burst out in an instant. With the momentum of destroying the sky and the earth, he went to kill the green robe in the void without mercy.

"Be careful!" At the edge of the left side of the area, the miserable camel monster opens its eyes and stares at Yang Shuo.

"Come on, get out of the way!" With a cry of surprise, the madness spread out, and even the stream water column in the void trembled slightly. A terrible wave was quickly affected by Xiao Sha's sword Qi, and burst out madly around.

Lampson, who is close to the edge of the water column of the stream, suddenly freezes and solidifies the black magic Qi wrapped in his whole body. A frenzied cold air burst open, and the whole body of Lampson flew out of the void.

"Ah, no trace boss!" In the middle area of the stream water column, Yuan Zong, who had been shivering with cold, suddenly fell madly. It seemed that there was an invisible mouth in the bottom of the stream water pool, sending out bursts of terrible suction, which made his body undoubtedly fall to the bottom of the stream water pool.

"Ha ha, die, all die!" In the area on the right, Yang Shuo's body slowly soared into the air, his golden sword killing intention had obviously burst out to the extreme, and his fierce eyes were full of excitement, constantly flashing fierce cold light.

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Gulu, Gulu

In the area on the left below, the five elders of the ape tribe, together with a group of ape people, were all in a state of astonishment. Looking at the central area of the burst stream, they trembled with fear.

"You should die..." a cold and piercing voice rang out, and the wild void seemed to be still in a moment. A green robe figure steps out undamaged under the attack of the golden light sword, and the nine color ancient characters lingering around it bloom out with the sword spirit.

At the same time, "pro!" In addition, the momentum of the golden Xiaosha sword fell sharply, and the Xiaosha sword spirit contained in the golden light sword shadow gradually dissipated and weakened.

"Hum!" A loud sound of the sword resounded out of thin air, and the whole confinement area of the array suddenly trembled“ The ancient Chinese characters "Lin" and "Jian" whirled wildly and sped out. They ran straight down to the head-on Yang Shuo's body, and then they suppressed it madly.

"Tianshu killed me!" A roar came from Yang Shuo's mouth. Yang Shuo's whole body was quickly integrated with his life-taking sword, and a golden light was shining in the void. The light and shadow of the golden sword suddenly appeared and reflected the whole void into a golden ocean.

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Yang Shuo's momentum has changed in vain in this golden ocean area. Just like the dominator in this golden ocean area, Yang Shuo can easily control the mysterious Qi flowing in this area.

Click, click, click

A clear sound came out in the area covered by the Golden Ocean sword“ The ancient Chinese characters of "Lin" and "Jian" still move slowly towards the bottom, while the golden ocean around the ancient Chinese characters of "Lin" and "Jian" breaks apart.

At the same time, Yang Shuo, who is integrated with the lethal sword, still carries the sword to the void under the ancient words of "Lin" and "Li".

"Boom!" A terrible tumultuous sound shook the whole golden ocean area so that the golden light fell wantonly. The endless Xiaosha sword spirit turns into golden light, attacking and attacking the sword spirit of the ancient word "Lin", while the continuous suppression of the ancient word is now completely covered by Yang Shuo's body which turns into a bright golden light.

"Eh, what kind of Kendo magic can resist my unique Kendo skill of the first peak of the sword pavilion?" Below, the golden momentum of Yang Shuo's body gradually weakened, and the golden sword in his hand was now fighting against the ancient word "Lin". The endless stream of golden Xiaosha sword spirit is still destroying the power of the ancient word "Lin". No matter how hard it tries, it can't dissolve the power of terror and repression burst out in a moment.

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"Hey, no trace boy, good chance!" Has been hiding in the arms of no trace, Zimu Dafang tripod in the demon respect fire sky, now the rough voice again excited. Obviously, Yang Shuo's body shape is suppressed by the ancient word "Lin", which is a rare chance for Wuchen to win.

Especially when Yang Shuo has just sneaked attack on camel, monster and other three people, demon zunhuoxiao will deeply feel the anger in traceless heart.From the moment when Yang Shuo touched the bottom line of Wu trace's heart, it was doomed to its final end and result.

"Jiuxiao dragon Jue, Jiuzi sword Jue's soldiers, Dou, zhe..." in the void, the voice of indifference came out again. The whole area of the golden light suddenly trembled, and everything seemed to be still in the void. The ancient word "Lin" had the meaning of sword in vain, which became the golden light of Taoism. The heavy and steady Xuanqi of the earth and the power of suppression poured out madly. In a flash, Yang Shuo was engulfed, covered and imprisoned on the spot.

At the same time, in the nearly solidified void, there are three bright ancient swords, which are intended to fly out beside the traceless green robe.

For a moment, the ancient word "Bing" was used to describe the meaning of the sword. The power of the sword was released crazily, which immediately enveloped Yang Shuo and his lethal sword. The terrible power of killing and cutting, the constant attack of sword Qi, engulfed Yang Shuo's body. Even the glittering sword in his hand, at this time, gave out bursts of weak voice of sadness.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

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There was a terrible sound of explosion, and the whole body of the glittering Yang Shuo was completely broken out of thin air by the intention of the sword.

"Fight“ "I'm the one!" The two colors of the ancient Chinese characters fly across from the left and right sides at the same time, hitting and crashing on Yang Shuo's already unbearable figure.

"Death The purple and gold armor on Wuchen's body shines brightly, the red flame caused by different fire and the Thunder Dragon shadow caused by the purple sky thunder in jiuxiao are on the left and right of his shoulder, and the sword meaning of the nine character ancient characters is crazy gathering around him, but the sword meaning power and momentum in the halo of "Lin", "Bing", "dou", "zhe" and "four character ancient sword meaning" has obviously declined.

"Poof!" A weak low roar came from Yang Shuo's mouth. Yang Shuo's whole body was completely strangled by the intention of killing and cutting sword, and the vitality of his whole body was waning madly. The infant soul state burst out from his body, and the level of his later cultivation state even fell down at this moment.

"This, no, can, can..." Yang Shuo's blood burst out all over his body, and his breath of life decayed rapidly and was on the verge of extinction. His eyes were so big that he could not believe that he leaned back and fell heavily on the cold ground below

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