Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 743: 743

Boom, boom, boom

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Two evil gas steel swords that are enough to destroy everything fall from the sky and smash away towards the empty ground below the two sides of the void. The destructive momentum spread wildly and burst out in a flash, which immediately enveloped the empty areas on both sides.

Click, click, click

A clear dull sound, the joint resolution in the left area of the area will ring from the general. The five elders of the ape clan and the people of the ape clan join hands to release the Xuanli guard light shield. At this time, they are frantically resisting the attack of the evil gas steel knife with a strong sense of destruction.

The violent wind roared wildly, absorbing all the dust in the left area into the whirlpool of the stream. The cracks are clearly visible on the Xuanli shield released by the ape people.

Moreover, the mask of Xuanli's Qi has begun to tremble under the constant attack of the terrible magic gas steel knife. It seems that it is possible to resist the attack of the insufficient magic gas steel knife at any time and break up.

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Gulu, Gulu

A nervous to suffocating gasp, have wriggled in the throat of a group of ape people. All the ape people's eyes are full of fear and uneasiness. The five elders of the ape people, who are at the forefront of the ape people's team and whose cultivation realm has been greatly suppressed, are all pale now, and their blood is constantly surging. The pressure on the five elders is obviously more terrible and difficult than the rest of the ape people.

"Bang bang!" At the moment, on the right side of the area, the terrible evil evil evil gas steel knife has already cut down mercilessly. The sound of terror resounded repeatedly, and the breath of terror and destruction quickly attacked and killed Wu trace and Ananda.

"Amitabha!" With the sound of a Buddha's trumpet, the golden light covered by Ananda, the disciple of the Buddhists' lineage, broke into little golden light under the attack of the evil spirit steel knife. The Sanskrit characters printed in the golden mask quickly turned into golden streamers around Ananda's body.

At the same time, Ananda's whole body rose in vain, and the Holy Buddha light seemed to fall from the sky, and his whole body was firmly covered and protected. But an inexplicable force of martial spirit came out of the air, and a golden shadow like a King Kong arhat appeared out of thin air, standing in front of Ananda's body covered by the golden rune.

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"Buddhism, esoteric skills, golden arhat!" A murmur, quietly in Ananda's mouth slowly spit out. In front of him, the huge golden head shadow quickly covered his body, which made Ananda's momentum soar.

"Brush!" A steady stream of golden light burst out, and the holy voice of the Buddha hovered around him. At this time, Ananda seemed to merge with the virtual shadow of the golden head Buddha, and stood upright on the ground, not afraid of the invasion and swallowing of the evil gas steel knife with the full breath of destruction.

Tear, tear, tear

There was a strange noise, and the sound of friction came up quietly. The evil intention of killing by the magic steel sword could not invade Ananda's body, while the golden head Tuo Xuying slowly opened his arms, and the glittering palms of the golden head caught the edge of the evil magic steel sword, It makes it crazy and violent, but it can't surpass the thunder. It will fall on Ananda's body covered by the Buddha's light.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

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The terrible magic steel saber became more and more violent, which made the golden head Buddha's body bend down. Huge footprints could be seen clearly, and appeared repeatedly on the right side of the area.

"Eh, gold body protection, Buddhist Mahayana magic. I didn't expect that the secret Buddha sect still has such a good Buddhist magic!" Demon zunhuoxiao's words were full of excitement, and he didn't even hide his praise for Ananda's skill.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

At this time, while the evil evil spirit steel knife was restrained by the golden head Buddha's shadow, the violent evil spirit did not reduce the burst of terror and destruction power, and continuously turned into the Taoist evil spirit, and bombarded the traceless body.

"Boom!" The terrible explosion sound resounded again, and a steady stream of demonic killing intention gathered on the body of no trace. The weird and evil demonic Qi roared like a steel knife, which broke the power of guarding the field of no trace's body on the spot.

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"Suddenly A violent wind came down from the Turks, and the power of the steel sword of the FA formation, which was full of demons in the sky, turned into a sharp flash in vain. It directly bypassed the virtual shadow of the golden Toutuo, which was deadlocked with the steel sword itself, and then, with the momentum of destroying everything, it split away towards the traceless body with the scattered light shield."Haha, this array has some meaning. It's a special soft persimmon squeeze." Demon respect fire Xiao a face bad smile, quite playful toward of have no trace to make a speech to sneer a way.

"Hum, the tiger is not powerful. You should be my master. I'm a hello KTV!" With a cold hum, Wu Chen's body is transformed into a sea of fire and a vast purple awn, where Wu Chen's body is closely guarded.

"Poof A strange dull sound, resounding in front of the body of no trace several meters above. Then, he saw the red blood splashing all over the place, and dyed a large area of the empty space in front of Wu trace.

"You..." the purple thunder awn on Wu Chen's body lingered and swam around. The red flames on both sides of his body separated from each other. The fierce evil spirit gradually slowed down and weakened. A big, big, blood red figure, like a wild beast, stood in front of Wu Chen's body with his arms outstretched and blood in his mouth.

"Cough, you don't have to worry. You helped me once before, and now I'll pay you back! Our animal temple has always had a clear sense of gratitude and resentment. From then on, you and I don't owe each other, even though we go our own way! " The voice of Weng Sheng and Weng Qi resounded, and the body flying with blood line was stunned in vain. The breath of life from his body began to dissipate and decline continuously. The dying Yuan Ba's eyes were full of red, and he looked at the traceless smile behind him. Then, he saw his huge body burst out of blood in a flash, and his whole life was broken, so he fell straight back and died on the ground in the rear

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