Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 760: 760

"Suddenly Gusts of wind blowing blowing up, the cave hinterland of the broken rock crazy fall. The spirit of strange red Mang's evil spirit fell as fast as crazy, and smashed away towards the location of no trace.

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"Cough, what kind of swordsmanship is this..." a faint light cough came from Ananda's mouth. The evil spirit released from Ananda's body stopped abruptly in a flash, and a series of purple thunder sword lights and shadows flickered on Ananda's body at the same time.

"Jiuxiao dragon Jue, Xiaozi sword Jue, thunder sword skill..." Wu Chen breathed softly, and his body slowly straightened up. The purple leimang sword spirit released from his whole body was slowly absorbed in his body. The purple evil spirit on his traceless skin also invaded his chest at the same time.

"Amitabha, jiuxiao dragon Jue, it's a shame for me to die under such mysterious swordsmanship..." a very familiar voice of chanting Buddha's name came out of Ananda's mouth. Ananda's evil spirit quickly peeled away from his body and rushed to the strange red light and shadow.

"Brush!" Ananda, who has lost the protection of the evil spirit, suddenly loses his momentum. The whole person's breath is extremely depressed, and his deep and dark eyes are once again full of pure eyes.

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"Ananda, do you regret it?" The bright silver sword light in front of Wu Chen's body flickered in vain, and a silver jade belt was quietly tied on his waist. At the same time, you can see that the evil spirit on Wu Chen's body has disappeared in a moment, and only the faint power of guarding the field is still permeated in his whole body.

"Amitabha, between benefactor Liu and magic Buddha, everything has its own heart! Only when I have thoughts in my heart can I let the evil things enter. At this moment, at the end of life and death, I have an insight. How can I regret it? " Ananda gave a faint smile and nodded to Wu trace. Then, his body quietly fell, kneeling on the ground, his hands closed slowly, and his eyes closed. His face was surprisingly calm and peaceful, as if he were a master of Buddhism and Taoism. He didn't show any fear and shaking for the coming death.

"Alas, Buddhists all talk about reincarnation. May Ananda pay no attention to the invasion of the mundane world in the next life and concentrate on practicing the Dharma you yearn for!" Wu Chen sighed softly and hugged Ananda, who was sitting on the other side with his knees crossed.

"Amitabha..." from Ananda's peaceful and peaceful face came a low voice of Buddha's name. Then, he saw that the figure of Ananda, who was meditating with his knees crossed and his hands folded, moved in vain, and burst out of the body of Ananda fiercely.

The power of thunder turns purple. Crazy Mi wanders on Ananda's body. Ananda's already weak vitality, at this moment, is even more instant, but it is disappeared.

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Poop, poop, poop, poop

The purple swords, which contain the power of thunder, burst out madly, and Ananda's vitality was completely destroyed on the spot. But his body was not damaged by thunder sword. He still sat on the ground with his knees crossed and hands folded.

Tear, tear, tear

A very strange and strange sound came out quietly above Ananda's head. On the void, you can see a trace of dark and bloody evil spirit, which is all destroyed on the spot under the attack of purple thunder sword.

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"Oh, no!" There was a deep hoarse voice, full of panic. A dark strange red awn flash away, even tottering from the purple thunder sword meaning blockade space trembling out.

"Ha ha, traceless boy, good chance! Now is the best time to deal with it Demon zunhuoxiao's rough voice again quietly explodes in no trace's mind, and it's obvious that it's hard to hide the excitement of demon zunhuoxiao in the bright smile.

"Eh, so this is the spirit of ten thousand years?" After listening to the words of demon zunhuoxiao, no trace didn't produce much excitement in his heart. After all, Ananda was just to devour the ten thousand year old demon, and then he was killed by him, resulting in his death here. Now, no trace looks like this ten thousand year demon again, not only does not have any greedy desire, on the contrary, there is a faint repulsion of disgust in his heart.

"Whoosh!" A strange light and shadow of red awn blinked for several times. It seemed that the breath was weak and very dispirited and unstable. It floated and came to no trace, and a cold and bloody evil spirit spread to no trace's body, which made no trace shiver when he stood in the same place.

"Hum, devil's thing, I will swallow you today, and wipe out your mind completely, so as to save you from being left to harm others!" A cold hum, cold spit out from the mouth of no trace, no trace a hand will be suspended in the air of the strange red awn virtual shadow in his hand, an invisible force of protection, sword idea completely shrouded in the strange red awn light and shadow, so that the release of evil evil spirit can't hurt the body of no trace."Jie Jie, even if you can wipe out my mind, you will no longer have the energy to resist another piece of ten thousand year spirit. I'm not going to die. I'll live forever. As long as there are dark places in the world, I can live forever! " Strange red light and shadow constantly beat and tremble in the hands of no trace, and a stream of evil ideas poured into no trace's mind. It seems that the spirit of ten thousand years is influencing the mind of no trace. At the same time, it is fighting for the last moment for the arrival of another spirit of ten thousand years.

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"Bata!" Without the slightest hesitation, with a slight shake of his hand, the strange red awn light and shadow, which was covered and supported by the power of the guard sword, was suddenly sent into his mouth and swallowed into his abdomen.

"Brush!" At the moment when the strange red light and shadow enter the body, the endless power of evil will burst out from the traceless body. Every inch of skin around the body of traceless is covered by the thread of dark silk. The whole body of traceless is as black as a demon. The whole person seems to become strange and mysterious.

"No trace boy..." demon zunhuoxiao's voice was full of worry, which reverberated in no trace's mind. It seems that fear of no trace, like the previous Ananda, can not withstand the bewitching of the evil spirit for thousands of years, so that he was engulfed by the evil way and gave up his body.

"If I become a devil, what can I do? If I become a Buddha, there will be no demons in the world! " Wuchen's whole body is full of evil and evil spirit. At the moment, the whole person is completely covered by the evil spirit. In his deep eyes, two purple and gold pure cold beams are shot out again. The domineering words reverberate coldly in the silent cave, and the echo is lasting for a long time< br>

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