Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 77: 77

So far, traceless's first show and the first refining of Zhuqiao pill failed at the cost of frying the furnace.

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From this day on, and even in the whole month to come. In the traceless room, every morning, in the middle of the day, and in the evening, there are bursts of roaring cracking sound, as well as the burning flame snake.

At the beginning, Jian Mingming, Ji Ruxue and Liu Shuanger will rush out at the first time to help Wu trace put out the rising flames in his room. On the pavilion in the distance, there will also be an elegant figure standing with a negative hand and watching.

But as time goes on, no one will pay attention to it. People are obviously used to the crackling sound and the rising flame.

Ji Ruxue, sword nameless, shut himself up in the room all day long, trying to practice, as if ready to break through at any time. Liu shuang'er, as the later cultivation of moving soul realm, gradually accumulated solid, and moved steadily towards the initial cultivation of building soul realm.

"Cough, old demon. I'm afraid the materials in our hands are only enough to refine this last pill! " Traceless face bitter, voice slightly with a cry of the mouth.

In front of no trace, all kinds of materials for building orifices were originally piled up like hills. Now it has become empty, and only the last portion is enough to maintain the share of refining pills.

"Ha ha, don't worry, don't worry, there's a demon in everything! With my long years of experience and prestige, this little thing is nothing Demon respect fire Xiao virtual shadow floating surging, laughing patted chest, to no trace beat baopiao way.

"Fart, you old liar. I've heard that ninety-nine times! This one hundred times is not successful, I don't believe you any more! " After listening to Yao zunhuoxiao's boasting, Wu trace, who was originally in a peaceful mood, was on fire in an instant. Thunderous roar deafening, provoked the side of the demon zunhuoxiao, also covered his ears.

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"Hum, Xuanqi enters, Xuanli rises! Dan Huo, make a fire for me No trace hummed coldly to the demon zunhuoxiao, and then the air of Xuanli all over his body suddenly rose. A way of Xuan gas into the Xuan iron Dan furnace, and then pure Xuan force will rush into.

Once again, the flame skillfully ignited in the black iron Dan furnace. Now the control of the Dan furnace is as smooth as flowing water.

"Cinnabar, Danhuang, Moshi, go you!" No trace bit his teeth, and without any hesitation, he threw the few materials left in front of him into the black iron Dan furnace.

Originally, it took a quarter of an hour for Alchemy to be melted, but now it takes only a few minutes to complete without trace. I saw the black iron Dan furnace bursts of white smoke, rising hot gas channeling flow. No trace heart thought again move, a Xuanli will drag Peiyuan grass, static flower, Guben branch, and finally all the flowers and a series of alchemy materials, a head into the black hot flames.

After another hour, the hot and violent atmosphere in the black iron Dan furnace was turbulent for several times. Finally, in the heat wave of aroma, the melting and melting became steady.

"Ha ha, become, become, traceless boy, join the last medicine guide quickly, and you'll be ready to become a pill immediately!" Demon respect fire Xiao fire red eyes, a moment of good God staring at the black iron Dan furnace. Rough and bright voice, in the no trace ear bursts of roaring echo.

"Damn it, old demon, you're the immortal demon? Why is it so deep that it looks as excited as your first alchemy? " No trace mercilessly white white white body side of demon respect fire Xiao, don't polite of open mouth blow way.

"Cough, yes, demon master, I practice martial arts. This is the first time to refine Dan Dao all the way! However, as the saying goes, there are three thousand roads, and all roads lead to the same goal. A good road leads to a good way. In fact, as long as you understand these other categories, you will find that everything is not as difficult as you think. It's hard, it's hard to start between the lines... "Demon zunhuoxiao looks very attentive and mutters to himself, staring at the fragrant black iron Dan stove in front of him.

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"Damn it, old demon, it's the first time for you to make alchemy. You're putting me to death!" Traceless products out of the demon fire Xiao discourse loopholes, eyes extremely sad melancholy swept the side of the demon fire Xiao.

"Cough, we'll talk about that later! Quick, traceless boy, join a drop of your life essence and blood. "Demon zunhuoxiao looks forward to it, and says to traceless eagerly.

"Damn, the essence of life? His grandmother's, a drop of this life essence blood, but need blood and spirit perennial pregnancy, just can condense! This essence of life is the essence of Wu's spiritual practice. Now to practice the pill of breaking and building orifices, I need a drop of my own blood essence. Old demon, this time can really play big... "No trace mercilessly rolled his eyes, extremely angry to demon zunhuoxiao roar.

"Damn, you're fooling around with me, aren't you? I just want to ask you, super product Dan, soul Dan, do you want any more? Do you want more basaltic stones? If the earthworm can grow up quickly in a short time, it's the capital to protect your life. A drop of blood essence will give you a dog's life. Do you want it? Do you want it? Do you want it? " After hearing the reply of no trace, the demon zunhuoxiao suddenly goes away. Thunderous reproaches reverberate in traceless ears."Old demon, I'll go to your uncle. I believe your evil!" No trace force a shake head, full face indignant roar. Then, I saw the Xuanli breath rising up and down the body. A drop of glittering red blood, like a bright pearl in the night sky. Quietly from no trace mouth slowly spit out, wobbly toward the front of the red hot black iron Dan furnace floated.

The bright red red blood beads are flying into the xuantie Dan furnace. The moment the red blood bead just touched the black iron furnace, the black iron furnace suddenly trembled.

In the void, the red blood bead is instantly swallowed by the red and hot flame in the black iron Dan furnace. Slowly suspended from the black iron Dan furnace, the whole body began to become slightly red from the inside out.

The burning flame power is obviously several times higher than before, and the violent Xuanli wave comes out from the turbulence in the Dan furnace.

"Hum!" A clear sound of shock came, suspended in the air of the black iron Dan furnace began a strong shaking. The internal hot flame has rushed out of both sides of the red stove, burning the whole slightly red stove instantly. The alchemy furnace made of black iron, at this time, released a terrible breath, no less than the realm breath released by any alchemy soul realm master. The whole room trembled violently.

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"Damn it, old demon, what's going on? Look at this situation. If the Dan furnace is exploding this time, I'm afraid it won't even protect you and me! " No trace looked at the air of terror, the heart is a burst of tension. At the beginning of the soul state, the cultivation state breath burst out, and the sword spirit of Jiangnan enveloped the whole person without trace.

"Cough, traceless boy. Hold on, demon, I support you in spirit The old demon's face was embarrassed for a while, and the nihilistic figure turned into a red light in an instant. Strange red awn in the room flashed away, so large a room and then only a person without trace.

"Damn it, your sister! Old demon, do your family know that you are so righteous? " No trace gnash teeth, angry roar. The continuous artistic conception of the sword spread rapidly, enveloping the magnificent and hot alchemy furnace in front of it.

"Hey, demon, I've been alone since I was a child, and I have no family. But now there's one in my family. It's you. Do you know that the demon master is so righteous? " The rough voice of demon zunhuoxiao, full of pondering, reverberates in traceless mind.

"Damn, I know your uncle!" Traceless Junlang's eyes are seriously congested. The whole face is red with blood. The veins on his face are beating. The air around him is full of the pressure from the inside of the xuantie Dan furnace.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

At this point, outside the traceless room.

Ji Ruxue, Jian Mingming, Liu Shuanger and the three all stood outside in a daze. Looking at the terrible smell coming out of the room in front of them, the three people's faces were all unprecedentedly grim.

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"Cough, all three of you stand back. I'll watch you here!" A gust of wind blowing slightly, a bookish full of middle-aged man, quietly appeared in front of the three.

I saw the middle-aged man's body was full of Xuanli, and a thin layer of rain and fog came out of thin air. In front of the momentum of terror, surging around the room, in a flash was wrapped up by the continuous rain and fog.

The whole restless room suddenly became stable, and the terrible pressure was reduced by more than half. The misty continuous rain and fog continuously shrouded outside the room, the scholarly full of smoke and rain, on the forehead of the bean big sweat continuously flowing.

"Hoo A heavy gasp came out of the misty rain. The Xuanli breath in the air outside gradually retreated into the body, and the breath in Yanyu's life returned to the peace of the past.

Sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, Liu Shuanger, three people are all shocked, extremely surprised staring at Yanyu's back in a daze.

"Damn it, a hundred refining pills. Zhuqiao Dan, make it for me... "An angry low roar came out from the room just settled down. Then, the continuous rain and fog gathered in the void whirled in vain and turned into water mist from the restless room.

In an instant, the hot air and water mist in the room were mixed together, and the two terrible forces turned around and rushed into the xuantie Dan furnace from both sides.

I saw two air into the furnace of the next moment, suspended in the restless xuantie Dan furnace violent shaking. Then, a cloud of red light, from the dark iron furnace inside the sky. Shaking the alchemy furnace violently, the alchemy furnace made of black iron suddenly turned into pieces, and thunderbolt scattered all over the ground. At the moment when the black iron furnace turned into nothingness, a fire red mist burst out in an instant. The fire red fog exudes the air of terrifying Xuanli, as well as the aroma of mixed grass.

The strange red fog instantly broke through the Jiangnan sword, and the traceless one who couldn't escape in the future was engulfed in it. Restless room suddenly turned into a red fog, the room was silent, a silence, no more movement< br>

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