Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 784: 784

Boom, boom, boom

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The sound of violent turbulence resounded between heaven and earth, and the ground in the whole ape Valley vibrated and roared violently. The heavy and dreary power of the law of the earth permeates and covers the sword Pavilion, the Bixia palace, the two main gates and dozens of powerful elders of the rank of Emperor Wu.

"Hum, the words of the snow ape emperor are the will of our ape family. If anyone dares to speak up again, he will be the enemy of our whole ape family!" Surrounded by a group of ape children, Yuan Zong and Wuhen fight peacefully in front of the ape group. Five figures emerge out of thin air at the same time. The five ape elders appear to protect yuan Zong's body shape.

Above the heads of a group of ape children, a strong, old and extremely old ape figure floated out of the air. There was a chill in his eyes, and his eyes fell coldly on the bodies of the powerful men of the major sects opposite.

"Eh, the snow ape emperor, doesn't it mean that this young man has the supreme blood of the ape family? The blood of the snow ape didn't only appear ten thousand years ago. How can it come out again now?"


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On the other side, I felt the power of the earth law released by the ape king. Master Kaiyang and elder Qingshan looked at each other quickly. A complex look flashed in their eyes, and they all whispered to the elders of their respective clans. The strong retreated quietly.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

A group of strong men of sword Pavilion and a group of strong men of elder level in Bixia palace all retreated one after another. They all fled and retreated to the edge of ape valley.

See, on the other side of the several major forces elders strong all frown at the same time, a shadow all coincidentally brush back and fly away.

In the blink of an eye, all the powerful members of the major sects on the scene retreated to the edge of the entrance of the ape Valley, and the huge ape Valley suddenly became much more spacious.

On the other side, all the ape children were unconsciously relieved, and they were excited to cast incomparable worship eyes on the old ape figure in the void.

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"Today, our ape clan has found the blood of the snow ape emperor and inherited the great rule. In the future, it will be time to announce to the world and seal him as the Lord! In the future, anyone who dares to talk about the leader of our ape race will be regarded as disrespectful to our ape race. Even if it's a thousand mountains and ten thousand rivers, we ape people should chase and punish it, and never tolerate it! " An old and sonorous voice, like thunder, resounded up and down the ape valley. Yuan Zong, the elder of all the powerful forces, was shocked. All his eyes fell on Yuan Zong's figure. He quickly changed his physical features into divinity, and firmly engraved them in everyone's mind, so that everyone could go back to their own clan and engrave the appearance of the new leader of the ape clan. From then on, the six states of the mainland of China, Then there is another person of the younger generation who can not be easily shaken.

"Hum, in addition, the exotic treasures in the land of exotic treasures belong to our ape tribe. If anyone has any objection, he can come to our ape king for them!" Ape king once again cold hum, old voice contains an unquestionable domineering.

Gulu, Gulu

Hearing this, all the powerful members of the clan elders swallowed their saliva at the same time. They all looked at each other one after another and saw a helpless loss in each other's eyes.

"Ha ha, congratulations on the ape family's return to the blood of the snow ape emperor. Today, there are many people begging for mercy. If there are any improper things, please ask the ape king. You have a lot of them. Don't worry too much with our demon clan! " A burst of rather gloomy laughter, without warning, resounded in the ape valley. Elder Liang Huang, one of the four elders of heaven and earth xuanhuang of the demon sect, clasped his fist and arched his hand, and spoke respectfully to the ape king in the void.

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"Brush!" In the void, the ape King's eyes turned slightly away from the square array of the demon sect. Then, in front of the powerful people, he turned his eyes on Yuan Zong's figure, as if waiting for yuan Zong to make a final decision.

"He he, the master of the demon sect, is my good friend. Moreover, the demon clan did not take part in the siege of our ape people before. No matter from what aspect, the ghost clan will be our ape friends from now on. We welcome friends of the ghost clan to visit our ape Valley anytime and anywhere! " With a smile, yuan Zonglang responded generously and without fear in front of the powerful people at the rank of Emperor Wu.

"Ha ha, we must be willing to make friends with the ape clan. In the future, we have to be close to each other and close to each other." After listening to Yuan Zong's words, Huang Changlao's smile became more intense. His eyes swept over Lampson's figure with great approval. Then he responded to the ape people with a hearty laugh.

On the other hand, tianyunzong, mifo Zong and the powerful of the two major sects all showed a cool face and stood on the side as if nothing had happened to them, silent and watching them change. The animal temple, the sword Pavilion and the Bixia palace, the three powerful sects who had participated in the encirclement and suppression of the ape clan's children, now felt the terrible power of the ape king, they all looked ugly and were stunned on the spot."Keke, I'm willing to make amends to the ape people. I just don't know if the ape king can expose the previous matter! " A light cough came out quietly. Elder Shou Tao, who is known as the four heavenly kings in the animal temple, had an extremely ugly face, and asked the ape king in a low voice.

"If the animal Temple withdraws from ape valley now, we ape people can write it off as if it never happened before!" The ape King's eyes still fell on Yuan Zong's figure. After thinking for a moment, Yuan Zong spoke again.

"This..." Shoutao, the old man in the animal temple, looked up at the floating ape king.

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"Hum, the snow ape emperor's words are the will of our ape family. If you dare to question the snow ape emperor so rudely, don't blame me for killing you guys now..." the ape King's eyes were full of coldness, and he glanced at elder Shoutao in the animal Temple below. An invisible force of gravity filled the air, forcing elder Shoutao's body to rattle on the spot.

"Ha ha, that being the case, the animal temple would like to thank the main body of the ape clan for understanding Haihan!" Elder Shou Tao quickly smiles and wipes the cold sweat on his forehead. His eyes fall on Yuan Zong's figure and bow to the ape family.

"Ha ha, you don't have to thank me in the animal temple. If you want to thank me, thank Wuchen! This is the meaning of no trace boss. It has nothing to do with me! " Yuan Zong gives elder Shou Tao a look with a happy face, and then pretends to turn his mouth toward him.

"Brush!" In a twinkling, all the powerful elders of the major sects on the scene felt an inexplicable tremor at the same time, and all their eyes fell quietly on the traceless body. They looked up and down solemnly and carefully again< br>

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