Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 786: 786

"Suddenly A cold wind whistling and blowing, silent ape valley within the atmosphere will soon become more dignified incomparable. No trace, dressed in a green shirt, strides out to meet the eyes of chiguoguo, the powerful member of the main forces, and is indifferent and unassuming.

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Brush, brush, brush

Just at the moment when the powerful members of the major sects were shocked, tianyunzong headed by Lengshan elder of the astrology hall, and the rest of the temple elders stepped out together. All the powerful members of Daowu imperial class jumped out and turned into figures, fighting silently to the left and right sides of the traceless side.

Gulu, Gulu

Along with the breaths of tension, the elders of Tianyun sect have proved the truth of traceless words with their practical actions. The expressions on the faces of the powerful members of the other major sects are even more unpredictable. As for the sword Pavilion, there are less than ten elders at the rank of Emperor Wu, and the hearts of the powerful members are falling to the top in a flash.

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"Haha, as a disciple of the demon sect, I testify that Liu Wuhen's words are true! If there are still people who don't believe me, you can explore my divine knowledge to prove the truth. However, if you want to explore the images of divine consciousness in my mind, I advise you to think clearly about the consequences! " A cold smile came out quietly, and Lampson, the youngest inheritor of the Lord of the demon sect, stepped out. Behind him, many powerful people of the demon sect followed, and a stream of evil spirit rose up without any scruple.

"Hum, sword Pavilion, you'd better give me a satisfactory account of this! Otherwise, when I tell the Lord of the hall, I will never die with you Seeing all the people's statements, elder Shoutao of the beast Temple immediately believed 80%. His eyes are full of anger, staring at the sword Pavilion, a group of strong people glaring.

"There are such despicable people in the sword Pavilion. They are still the first peak, TianKuo peak. It seems that the future of the sword Pavilion is really worrying!" The elder of green hill in Bixia palace swept master Yang coldly, and his anger was no less than that of the strong men in the animal temple. However, at this time, Bixia palace and Jiange were all at a disadvantage. Elder Qingshan hesitated and chose to endure for a while, and turned his face with the strong men in Jiange on the spot.

"Brush!" For a moment, there was a trend of confrontation between the major sects, while the ape disciples quietly retreated a safe distance. At the edge of the entrance of ape Valley, give it to the elder level strongman of each major sect.

"Amitabha, you little benefactors, Anan, a disciple of the secret Buddha sect, went deep into the land of strange treasures. Do you know his whereabouts?" With a steady sound of the Buddha's name, he stood with all the Buddhists who had never spoken. Finally, he could not restrain his anxiety and began to ask Wu Chen and others in a very peaceful voice.

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"Keke, master, I'm so sorry. Ananda, he's gone to his own paradise!" No trace slightly light cough two, its handsome even over a touch of unbearable color. Then, a purple light flashed away. In front of Wu Chen's body, a young monk with a peaceful face appeared.

"Ananda, how can he and this be possible?"

"Whoa, who dares to attack my Buddhists!"

A voice of extreme indignation came out of the mouth of the masters of Buddhists. Even though the elder of the strong Buddhists of the Tantric Buddhism was calm and generous, when he saw the death of his disciple who lived with him day and night, he could not help but feel waves in his heart.

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"Amitabha..." a very restless voice of the Buddha's name will come out. Master Shishan, one of the four great vajras of the Tantra sect, is full of compassion in his eyes. He looks up to the sky and sighs with melancholy. Step by step, he moves very slowly and staggers away towards traceless body.

Gulu, Gulu

A nervous gasp, again in the silence of the ape valley will be repeatedly weak out. The eyes of the powerful members of the major sects were all focused on master Shishan's figure, while master Shishan came to the front of his figure step by step.

"Master, I'm sorry for your change! Although Ananda was killed, he had an epiphany when he was dying! For Ananda, this is to find the way. Therefore, even if Ananda died, it's not another kind of transition and detachment! " Traceless eyes always fell on Ananda's figure, who was sitting on his knees. From the beginning to the end, he never peeked at master Shishan. Master Shishan's eyes were also full of ups and downs, rather restless. His eyes were always staring at Ananda's figure, who was meditating on his knees, just like sitting in meditation.

"Amitabha, Ananda, if you have trouble in your heart, there will be a disaster! All this is predestined, isn't it There were two tears in master Shishan's eyes, which disappeared in a flash. On his moving face, the former calm was restored in an instant. Immediately, master Shishan waved his middle monk's robe, and a dazzling golden foil of Buddha light flew out of his robe sleeve."Brush!" In a twinkling, the gold foil from the flying general quickly and slowly became bigger, and stood upside down in the void. The misty Sanskrit sounds like the sounds of nature, making people feel inexplicable peace and harmony. A holy golden awn of Buddha's light spread down and slowly absorbed Ananda's body sitting on his knees into the golden foil of Buddha's light. Then, master Shishan waved his robe again. The golden foil, which just radiated the light of Holy Buddha, suddenly turned back to the original laughing, and flew back to the inside of master Shishan's robe. At the same time, all the misty Sanskrit sound disappeared in the void, only the Holy Buddha light remained in the void and slowly disappeared.

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"Amitabha, good! Little benefactor, did Ananda ever ask you to bring anything? " Master Shishan's breath gradually calmed down, and his eyes were full of softness. He asked Wu trace softly again.

"Hoo No trace breathed a breath gently, and put his hands together to give a deep gift to master Shishan. Later, his voice came out again, saying slowly that Ananda's most repeated words before he died would be given to a group of elders of the Buddhists' sect, saying: "all the thoughts of Buddha and devil come from the heart!"

"The Buddha and the devil are born from the heart!" In the eyes of all the Buddhists of the Tantric Buddhism, there was a touch of thinking, and they carefully tasted the Zen in Ananda's words before he died.

"Brush!" In an instant, the air in ape valley became very quiet again. Even the strong men of the elder level of the major forces were shocked by the words that Wu Chen would say. When we reach the level of Wu Huang, the level of the strong, it's extremely rare to feel between life and death. And Ananda's meditation at the time of his death is undoubtedly a rare opportunity for the powerful Wuhuang of the major forces present. It's just that a group of Buddhists practicing Buddhism will naturally be deeply touched by the Zen in Ananda's words< br>

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