Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 788: 788

In the ape Valley, with all the fairies in Bixia palace leaving, there is only one side left in the field, the Jiange sect, who has some grudges with the ape people on the opposite side.

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As for Guimo sect, Tianyun sect and the ape people who didn't take part in the siege, together with the relationship between Wuchen, Lampson and Yuan Zong, the ape people naturally won't involve their anger.

Therefore, at the moment, among the boundaries of the ape Valley, the most depressed and complicated one is the powerful people of the sword Pavilion.

"My sword Pavilion is willing to send more than 100 top-quality sword weapons to the ape clan within one month. I hope the ape clan can forget the past and completely eliminate the misunderstanding between us!" Master Kaiyang was almost biting his teeth. His voice was full of indignation. He made a promise.

"Ha ha, what a joke! Bixia palace has a sincere attitude and is willing to compensate us for more than 100 magic weapons. Naturally, we don't care to haggle with a group of women! But your sword Pavilion is not the same. It's the holy land of sword cultivation in the world. How can you have such a small family's bearing? I'm afraid you can't see more than 100 top-quality sword Qi magic weapons... "Yuan Zong burst out laughing in vain, and his eyes suddenly flashed a fierce color. Obviously, the attitude and sincerity shown by the sword pavilion are far from reaching the bottom line of understanding in the hearts of the ape people.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

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A hustle and bustle of footsteps, from both sides of the side of Yuan palm quietly rang. All the ape people's bodies spread out one after another, half encircling the ape Valley, completely occupying the valley area.

At the same time, the five elders of the ape race stepped forward. Standing in line in front of the strong men of the sword Pavilion.

"Brush!" At the same time, the two middle level and the three lower level of the Martial Emperor's power were released, and the place where all the powerful people in the sword Pavilion were located was immediately covered and spread.

"Hum, the value of more than one hundred top-quality sword weapons is comparable to that of other magic weapons." In the square array of the sword Pavilion team, a middle-aged man reprimanded coldly. Meanwhile, a group of elders at the rank of Emperor Wu of the sword Pavilion beside him were all silent. The middle-aged man continued to speak out and said in a choking voice: "can you be a member of the ape clan, and dare to kill our elder sword Pavilion in front of all the major clans! If that's true, it's the orcs deliberately provoking war. I believe that the major Terran martial arts institutes will send people to join hands to form an alliance, join hands to attack the ape tribe, and take revenge for the unfortunate fall of the Terran martial arts practitioners of our sword Pavilion! "

Gulu, Gulu

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A nervous gasp came out of the throat of the other two powerful men on both sides. According to the middle-aged man in the sword Pavilion, the contradiction between the ape clan and the sword Pavilion is elevated to the feud between the human race and the beast clan.

If the ape clan really killed all the people in the sword Pavilion, once the matter spread all over the sky. Then Tianyun sect, Guimo sect and the two major sects became the accomplices of the orcs in killing human Wuxiu.

Although it is said that the devil sect has always acted in a unique way and is not bound by the rules of the world, it is extremely unpleasant to be labeled as an accomplice.

What's more, tianyunzong always boasted that it was a neutral sect and did not participate in any external fights. If it was really spread out as if it had been embellished, it would be a serious invisible damage to the reputation of tianyunzong.

Therefore, after listening to the words of the middle-aged man in the sword Pavilion, the faces of the strong men in the demon sect and the Tianyun sect were all very gloomy. Although the people of the two major sects knew that the sword pavilion was pulling themselves into the water, they could not deny that they still could not watch the people in the sword Pavilion being slaughtered by the apes on the spot.

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If it's true, I'm afraid that in the future, the two major schools will no longer be able to stand in the eyes of human martial arts practitioners. And if one day the strong and powerful of other races of the orcs will come to slaughter and abuse among the major forces, the established rules and order in the six states of mainland China will not be completely broken overnight.

"Ha ha, the sword Pavilion is trying to crush our ape family with the great justice. Is it hard to succeed? You intrude into our ape family without authorization, and we really can't. what's the matter with you?" On the void, ape King Lang laughs, and his eyes scan fiercely on the bodies of the strong swordsmen below.

A majestic, heavy and steady law of the earth came into being. It has always been suspended on the ground below, completely covering the strong figures of the elder level in the sword Pavilion, preventing the people of the sword pavilion from taking the opportunity to escape secretly.

"King ape, since you don't agree with my claim for compensation, I don't know what you want, King ape, to let us go today!" Kaiyang master's eyes are full of hot light, and the hot flame flickers from the Kaiyang sword in his hand. The burning power of the law on his body slowly burns on the surrounding ground, and all the elder level strong figures in the sword pavilion are protected by the burning power of the law of the will of the sword."Puchi!" A very harsh laughter, in the silent ape Valley quietly spread out a long way. The elders of all the major forces on the scene, as well as the children of the ape clan, were all suspicious. They looked at the traceless figure under the protection of the strong members of Tianyun clan.

"Well, boy, what are you laughing at? What are you? You have no voice here A cold hum came from Kaiyang master. Before that middle-aged man is full of roar, no place to let go, at this time can be regarded as seize the opportunity, more staring at the whole body without trace, words full of disdain and disdain, all appear incisively and vividly.

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"Ha ha, that's funny. That's funny! In the six states of mainland China, the Holy Land sword pavilion was built. It was shameless to do this kind of deception

"The swordsman is upright and upright. What's the spirit and pride of the swordsman? You people dare to call yourself Kendo orthodox, and want to represent our human martial arts! Even if you scum and scum die a hundred times a thousand times, you deserve it. You stinky fish and rotten shrimp deserve to cause a war between orcs and humans? "

"Do you think you've all been pushed through the door? Who gave you the courage to feel so good about yourself? Can it be Liang Jingru... "With a faint smile, Wu Chen suddenly opened her mouth, just like pouring beans in a bamboo tube. All the powerful members of the major sects on both sides and the ape people were stunned. All of them swallowed their saliva and gave a thumbs up in their hearts.

On the other side, there are many forces on the side of the sword Pavilion. The elder of the Martial Emperor level is strong. At the moment, all his faces are very gloomy and ugly. In this way, he was repeatedly insulted by a younger generation boy pointing at his nose. For all the strong swordsmen present, I'm afraid it's a time in my life.

All the weapons and treasures in the hands of the strong swordsman of the sword repair group of the power of the sword Pavilion came out in unison. All the fierce eyes flashed by, and all of them fell on the traceless figure with a sneer in front of the Tianyun sect without any deviation< br>

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