Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 790: 790

"Eh, this guy has broken through to the soul state?"

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"Damn, he was forced to enter the land of strange treasures by Yang Shuo before. How could he break through his cultivation and become a strong warrior in a twinkling of an eye?"

"No, how can this guy's evil Qi be so orthodox? I'm afraid it's several times more capable than the evil Qi cultivated by the people of the demon sect. Is it difficult? What treasure did this guy get in the land of strange treasures?"

"Well, what is this guy going to do? Is it hard for him to face Yang Cang head-on?"

"Crazy, crazy, just crazy! Don't he know that Yang Cang is one of the top 100 in the six states list. This boy has just stepped into the realm of becoming the emperor in the soul realm. Is it hard for him to be dazzled by the breakthrough and promotion, and he wants to take the initiative to die... "

The sound of whispering came from the square array of the major forces. All the people in the ape Valley show the color of consternation, and set their eyes on the figure of Wu Chen and Yang Shuo.

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"Ha ha, boy, do you represent tianyunzong, or the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, or the ape clan Yang Shuo strides out steadily, standing in the front of the square array of the sword Pavilion team with one sword and one person. Kaiyang peak master Kaiyang silent, cold face of tacit consent to Yang Cang's behavior.

"Ha ha, I don't represent tianyunzong, and I don't oppress you with the name of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy. Jiange's compensation for the loss of the ape clan is obviously not enough. I personally think it would be almost less if one more life was lost! " The evil spirit of Wu Chen's whole body still entangles and protects his body. On his handsome face, he stares at the strong elders of the sword Pavilion one by one.

"Ha ha, according to what you said, do you want me to leave my life in the ape Valley?" In Yang Cang's body, the sword spirit rose slowly, and the power of the sword spirit, which was full of fire and killing spirit, rose to the sky in vain. Yang Cang's whole person suddenly burst out the breath of the highest level combat power of the Emperor Wu Huang in the soul transforming realm, and the terrible momentum slowly spread out of the cage and covered in the void.

"Master ape king, I'd like to have a fair fight with him. If the younger generation is lucky enough to win, it will be regarded as the sword Pavilion. It is willing to take the lives of three powerful warriors and more than 200 top-grade sword weapons as compensation. If you are defeated, the ape clan will only collect more than 200 top-grade sword weapons. What do you think of master ape king? " Traceless eyes full of smile, not far from the side of the ground calmly looking at these ape King clasped his fist and arched his hand.

"Ha ha, this matter, I ape race have no opinion!" Ape king listened to the words of no trace grin, eyes full of praise toward no trace body looked. Then, the power of the earth's laws around the ape King slowly closed in his body, and his eyes looked coldly towards the square array of the sword Pavilion.

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"Ha ha, it's really a good idea for us to fight fairly, to decide life and death, and to eliminate both gratitude and resentment." Yang Cang continued to step forward with a smile, and his whole body was covered with red sword. His eyes are full of playful color, like looking at an idiot, looking at the opposite traceless, his heart is full of joy.

"Well, Yang Cang, this is a challenge!"

"My dear, I'm afraid that the combat power of Yangcang realm has entered into the peak level of the next emperor realm, and Liu Wuchen has just stepped into the evolution soul realm and the cultivation level of Wuhuang realm. How dare he be so arrogant!"

"Ape king, I agree with the opinion of ape valley. As for how to compensate for today's matter, it depends on the result of their duel! Kaiyang master on the spot on the oral promise, at the same time, with a smile staring at the ape king and no trace two people's body, pondering over the scan up!

"Good!" Ape King calmly returned a, to have no trace lightly nodded. An invisible force of the law of gravity diffused and released in vain, which completely covered the bodies of Wu Chen and Yang Cang, and imprisoned them within tens of miles on the spot.

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The wind roared, and the heavy power of heaven and earth rules diffused. The place where Wu Chen and Yang Cang lived quickly diffused and formed an invisible barrier, which made neither of them could leave without permission.

As you can see, Tianyun sect, Guimo sect, Jiange sect, and a group of ape clan's children are all retreating towards their respective positions, which makes the space above the central area of ape valley free for them.

"Ha ha, Yang Cang, elder of Kaiyang peak in the sword Pavilion, is one of the top 100 in the six prefectures Yang Cang's face was full of sneer, and there was a hot sword light around his body. His fierce eyes were just like hungry tiger staring at the prey. He didn't want to move away, and he was staring at the traceless body from the beginning to the end.

"Hehe, Liu Wuchen is the sixth disciple of the Sutra collection Pavilion in the Academy. I hope you can give me some advice!" There was a evil smile on Wu Chen's handsome face, and the black magic Qi of Wu Chen's whole body was suspended in the void in front of Wu Chen's body."Ha ha, I'm Jian Xiu. I'm good at attacking and killing. I believe you've heard that. If I do it first, you will die within three moves. Seeing that you are young, I will be merciful and give you a chance to take the lead. Others will say that I've broken the rules by deceiving the small! " Yang Cang had a long red sword in his hand, which came out of nowhere. His whole body was full of hot sword. A scorching sword power of Xiao Sha's fury is released, and the traceless figure on the opposite place is locked on the spot.

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"Keke, no trace. Yang Cang is also called lightning sword. His famous sword technique is" three in one sword ". It can be called" quick killing invincible "in the same realm. In my opinion, you'd better take the lead. At least you may have a chance to survive! " There was a slight cough from behind Wu trace. The elder of Lengshan in the astrology Hall of Tianyun sect had a dignified face and secretly told Wu trace to dissuade him.

"Eh, lightning sword, three in one quick killing skill, sounds like it's pretty good!" Wu Chen smiles a little and shakes his head. Then he sees Wu Chen's hands and arms gently raised, his slender white index finger resting on the dark magic organ in front of him, and his handsome face once again shows a evil smile. He nods to Yang Cang Ju and says in a soft voice: "ha ha, if I make a move, I'm afraid you can't even support a sword! Come on, do it. Let me try your three in one sword skill. Is there the legendary invincible in the same place... "

Gulu, Gulu

After listening to the extremely presumptuous and arrogant words of Wuhen, all the powerful people on the scene were in vain. In particular, Yang Cang's killing intention burst out in an instant. It was obvious that his words without trace had completely angered him on the spot< br>

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