Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 800: 800

The next day, in the morning, tianyunzong, zongmen TIANTI.

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At this time, there was a huge crowd in front of the gate of Tianyun sect. The disciples of the 18th Hall of the outer gate and the ninth Hall of the inner gate gathered here at the same time.

Today is the day when the younger generation of tianyunzong disciples went to Penglai fairy Road, one of the nine forbidden areas. Each of the nine temples of the inner gate of Tianyun sect has one inheriting disciple to attend. Dabi, the younger generation disciple of each sect, is well prepared for this time.

In front of the TIANTI of zongmen, all the leaders and elders of the 18 halls of the outer gate were present. Even the leaders of the nine halls of the inner gate and the elders of the inner gate all came to see them off.

"Hey hey, when we go to Penglai fairy Road, the master of the astrology hall will lead the team in person, and all the Deputy masters of the main temple will go with us. It seems that our Lord attaches great importance to this big competition." In the crowd of the eighteen halls outside the gate, Hua Liuliu, the leader of the medicine refining hall, was smiling in his eyes and whispered to Liu Qiufeng, the leader of the danmen hall beside him.

"Well, needless to say, this time the young generation of the major departments are just a gimmick. The main purpose is to compete for the ranking and resource allocation of the major departments! For example, you and I are only envious. They can only stay in the clan. They are not qualified to go there at all! " Li Qiufeng, the leader of the danmen hall, sighed and looked at the nine main halls in the inner gate not far away.

"Hey, younger martial brother Tian, I heard that the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy will send people to watch the ceremony this time. I wonder if the boy without trace will go with him?" Huo Fu, the leader of houfang hall, looked forward to him and asked in a low voice.

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"Ha ha, that little guy is making great progress. It's said that he has stepped into the ranks of the soul transforming realm and has been ranked among the top 100 in the six states. Now it's almost the same as our cultivation. I'm afraid that you and I may not be his opponents if we join hands! " Tian Buluo, the leader of the Zayi hall, has a bitter smile on his face. He remembers his first visit to the Zayi hall as if he were yesterday. But in a twinkling of an eye, his kung fu has soared to the sky, and he has become a powerful warrior in the soul realm. This is just a piece of good news for tianyunzong. At the same time, it is also exciting for all the outside hall leaders, Also very happy and gratified, no trace of the strong and growth.

Daddada, dada, dada

In the distance, at the top of tianyunzong's ladder, a group of young people came with a swagger. The first two young people were Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, and Shui merciless, the Third Elder martial brother. In the rear, the fourth elder martial brother Xifeng withered, the fifth elder martial brother shifuhua, and Wuchen, the little fat man Zhen Bucai, aftershock, Ji Ruxue, the sword nameless A group of people are all reflected into the eyes of the public.

"Giggle, I've seen you martial uncles, martial uncles and second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei. Her eyes are full of laughter, her voice is as sweet as a silver bell, and her own temperament exudes a sense of dignity from the inside out. Even the strongmen of the major temples dare not peep at her.

"I've met you martial uncles, martial uncles!" In the rear, Wu Chen and others all clasped their fists and bowed their hands to give a deep salute, which can be regarded as a greeting to many of the elder generation of Tian Yun Zong.

"Ha ha, don't be polite! The fact that so many disciples of the Sutra Pavilion of the academy have been able to attend this trip is the greatest support for our Tianyun sect! " Zhen Shengcai, the master of the astrology hall, smiles and waves his hand to Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister. His eyes are full of a touch of sophisticated brilliance. After a while, he sweeps by.

"Giggle, the old man said and laughed. We are all a family. It's all the work of our college's Sutra Pavilion! Before leaving, the eldest martial brother had specially told us that we will follow your orders in all matters later! " Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, gave a blessing gently. She didn't look slighter and arrogant. She was as solemn as her elders. She was obviously in awe of Zhen Shengcai, the master of the astrology hall.

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"Ha ha, good, good, that old man no longer with you polite!" The master of Zhen Laodian nodded with a smile and waved to the crowd, indicating that they should stand on their own.

"Brush!" At this moment, at the top of tianyunzong's ladder, suddenly there is a green shadow that flies by. An old man with white beard, white hair and green robe, appeared quietly on the bottom step of the ladder.

"Eh, Lord?"

"The elder of inner gate temple, I have seen the Lord!"

"Outside the gate of the eighteen halls, I'd like to meet the Lord!"

"Keke, my disciples, pay homage to the Lord!"

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The cries of mountain torrents and tsunamis will burst in front of the gate of tianyunzong. No matter the disciples of the inner gate of the ninth hall or the outer gate of the eighteen families, they all knelt down on one knee and bowed their heads to the old man in front of them.

Even the master of the inner temple, the elders, and the master of the outer gate's eighteen families, together with all the elders, bowed to him with a solemn and respectful manner.On the other side, a group of disciples, including Jian Mingming and Ji Ruxue, all bowed to give a salute. Their eyes were full of respect and they looked at the upright old man in green robe.

"Once you go, the mountains and waters will be heavy. May you come back young after all kinds of difficulties and dangers. We have a long way to go. We should cherish each other. All the elders and disciples of Tianyun sect would like to welcome you to return in triumph again... "A powerful old voice of Hongwu kept rolling into the minds of all the disciples and elders of Tianyun sect. Zhuge mountain, the leader of Tianyun sect, bowed deeply to all the people present!

"My Lord, this can't be used!"

"Don't worry, Lord. We will not disgrace the name of tianyunzong!"

"Lord, if we are here, we will call tianyunzong famous all over the world!"

A sound of excited voice, like a chain reaction, spread all over the square in front of the tianyunzong ladder. A disciple of tianyunzong, both inside and outside, was upright and full of fighting spirit and confidence. He looked at the figure of the old man in green robe on the ladder and cried out in an impassioned voice.

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"Keke, Lord, do you have anything else to explain?" Zhen Shengcai, the old master of the astrology hall, had a smile on his face and a light in his eyes. His voice was ethereal but extremely clear. It was accurately spread to the ears of Zhuge mountain people, the master of Tianyun sect.

"Ha ha, it's good to try your best, there's no need to force! Treasure all the way, I'm here to wait for you to come back... "ZHUGE mountain people with a faint smile, gently waved his hand to the master of Zhen temple and ordered.

"Let's go!" Hearing the speech, the master of Zhen Laodian nodded his head. As soon as he swung his robe sleeve, it sounded like a bell. Wen Yan, the deputy head of each inner gate temple, all stepped out of the hall, and with the nine Tianjiao disciples selected from each inner gate temple, Qi Qi set out and flew to the void.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

All of a sudden, a stream of light flew out, drawing a beautiful arc in the void, and the strong of each gate and temple stepped into the air to see each other off.

Below, the disciples of the ninth Hall of the inner gate and the eighteen gates of the outer gate all look up at the sky, and their eyes are full of complexity and yearning< br>

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