Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 808: 808

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

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A series of heavy footsteps resounded from the eight battle platforms one after another. The two swords attack from left to right like a torrent of fierce beasts. They rush to attack first. Then they see that the body of the inheritors of the animal Hall of tianyunzong is forced to retreat under the eight battle platforms.

Whoosh, whoosh, the light and shadow of the two swords flash at the same time, and the two swords of the sword Pavilion stand on the left and right sides of the eight battle platforms. Their faces were filled with indifference, and their eyes scornfully swept over the bodies of the defeated disciples of the main forces below the platform.

Boom, boom, boom

At the same time, it is in the other side of the eight array platform. The three disciples of the animal temple, who were transformed into beasts, were quickly separated from the three disciples of the young monks of the Buddhistic sect. On the naked bodies of the six disciples, the bloody fists of Taoism could be seen clearly at the moment. The shocking bloodstain marks make people feel scared at a glance. It can be seen that the six people had to bear the terrible injury before.

"Cluck, all right, you can stop!" A soft girl's voice, which is as sweet as a silver bell, spreads all over the eight array stage. A thin robe flying down, cloud Luan fairy figure again quietly appeared in the eight battle platform.

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Brush, brush, brush

The moment yunluan fairy appeared, the power of the barrier around the eight array platform quickly disappeared. On the eight battle platform, three Buddhists, three disciples of animal temple, and two sword inheritors from the sword Pavilion, all of them slowly put their momentum into their bodies. The eight stood in three directions, and they were wary of each other.

"At the end of the first round, the eight people on the stage smoothly entered the second round! Before the main door automatically promoted to the second round of competition, now please step on the stage The smile on yunluan fairy's face is still very bright. It seems that she has not been affected by the situation that the six female disciples of Bixia Palace are out. It's no wonder that yunluan fairy has become the youngest elder level disciple in Bixia palace.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

At the end of yunluan fairy's speech, one figure stood up on the observation platform of each main gate. All eight figures were at the top of the new potential list, and now they have all appeared on the stage, Leisurely with the eight places of interest on the stage before the war will stay together.

"Cluck, the rule of the second round is very simple, we don't look at the process, just the result. It's still a scuffle. You can fight alone or attack in groups until there are only eight people left on the platform! " Yunluan fairy face smile more Sheng, in front of the presence of a total of 16 large disciples slowly open mouth to know.

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"Brush!" In a flash, the eight men who had won the previous battle on the field all retreated in three directions towards the edge of the rear platform. On the other hand, the eight strong potential candidates, who are located in the center of the eight battle platforms and in eight different positions, are still standing still, waiting for yunluan fairy to announce the beginning of the contest.

At the moment, it seems that every one of the potential list's faces are showing a calm smile, it seems that they are not worried about the competition. On the contrary, the newly born eight players had a bad look and didn't seem to have much confidence in the second round of scuffle.

"Cluck, the eight array platform is open, and the second round is just the beginning!" Yunluan fairy Ying Ying smile, body quickly into a streamer, retreat out of the eight array under the stage.

At the same time, a dazzling light burst into the sky, covering the whole eight battle platforms. The light shield barriers formed by the array's power are connected again, and the whole eight array platform is completely wrapped on the spot.

At the same time, the brick paved ground above the spacious and flat eight battle platform, which was originally in a circular shape, suddenly turned into square bricks and gravel which were cut apart by the road. At the moment, the whole eight array platform was oppressed and spread by an invisible force of terror, and all the square brick and gravel floors were tossing and rolling.

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Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

In a flash, the ground of the eight battle platforms, which had just been intact, was now neatly divided into countless square bricks of the same size. Moreover, with the constant pressure of Xuanli in the eight array platform, the square bricks turned into huge stones and streamed on the eight array platform. At the same time, the upper and lower parts of the eight battle platforms have turned into the abyss of darkness, silence and terror. At the lower end of the battle platform, the endless dark abyss, with the sound of running water, appears quietly. The abyss below seems to be a deep-sea beast with a big mouth, waiting for the 16 young figures fighting on the platform and on the flow of square bricks to fall down at any time.Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

On the eight array platform, sixteen figures floated at the same time, and each figure stepped on a blue brick and square stone. With the pressure of Xuanli in the eight array platform, each figure released the Xuanli in his body without any reservation. On the one hand, he stabilized his body on the square bricks and bluestones under his feet, on the other hand, he kept avoiding the attack of the square bricks and bluestones flying by on both sides, and on the other hand, he was also wary of the other 15 figures in vain.

For a moment, the power of the eight arrays on the stage rose greatly. All the bluestone bricks were like fireballs flying around and smashing wildly. After a long time, the sixteen figures gradually stood on the turbulent void of the eight formations.

Below, the endless dark abyss still has occasional waves of turbulence, and the sound of the water is fluctuating. An invisible suction constantly attacks every piece of flying gravel in the void from the bottom to the top. It seems that it is to drag it all down, so that the crumbling square brick gravel is now under the agitation of the disordered pressure of Xuanli Qi in the eight array platform, One side is slowly falling and moving towards the dark abyss below.

"Damn it, the eight array platform has such a change. I'm afraid that every piece of the flying blue brick and square stone has the full strike power of the strong one in the infant soul realm in the later stage of cultivation!"

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"Cough, it's not only that. Look at the abyss below, it seems that it's the exit to Wanzhong island! If one falls down carelessly, even if he doesn't die, he will be attacked by the terrible momentum. One may be in exile and fall into the hands of the powerful monsters on Wanzhong island. I'm afraid it's hard to save his life! "

"Well, it's good that I'm not qualified to take part in the big competition of the younger generation disciples of each major sect. Otherwise, I'm afraid I don't even know how to die!"

"Gulu, Gulu!" Bursts of tension to suffocate breathing sound, instantly like a chain reaction spread in the eight array platform eight directions above the viewing stand. All the powerful people of the major dynasties took a breath at the same time, and their faces were full of brilliance. They all stared at the eight battle platforms, for fear that they would miss the coming battle.

And the powerful men of the major sects, who are located in the eight directions of the main ceremony platform of the eight array platform, all have an imperceptible wave in their eyes. Even Wuchen and others in tianyunzong's square array are smiling at the moment. Obviously, they are also inspired by the changes of the eight battle platforms< br>

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