Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 812: 812

A quarter of an hour is fleeting.

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Eight square battle arrays on the eight array platform all slowly climb up to a forbidden barrier light shield. And all the disciples of the main sect got up and focused on their opponents to fight.

"The third round of competition, officially started!" With yunluan fairy's command, eight terrible waves of weather rose from the eight battle platforms.

"Hey, boy, let's die!" On the eight main battlefields of the eight battle platforms, there was a surge of evil spirit rushing out. Lampson, the inheritor of the demon sect, took the lead in launching the offensive.

"Hum, I'll fight with you!" Meng Tong, the disciple of Gangsha Road on the opposite side, immediately sacrificed the corpse of his own evil spirit. One left and one right, the two figures evaded the attack of Lampson. At the same time, they constantly changed their positions and moved towards Lampson, who was full of evil spirit blessing.

"Fairy, please!" In another area of the battle platform, Zhuge Gongcheng's Xuanli Qi rises up. His palms are covered with strange white awns, and his eyes are full of determination. He looks at Liuyun fairy, the disciple of Bixia palace.

"Cluck, Mr. Zhuge is really elegant and bold, and the little girl is not polite! My Liuyun sword skill has been handed down by the second palace master of my family. You should be careful, young master! " After that, I saw that there was a bright slender sword in Liuyun fairy's hand. The sword is constantly emitting fierce cold light, and even the temperament of Liuyun fairy who holds the sword becomes inexplicably fierce.

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"Whoosh!" In the blink of an eye, the momentum of Liuyun fairy and his sword were quickly integrated. On the battlefield of this square eight array platform, countless chilly swords were shining at the same time. They turned into flowing clouds. The swords rushed to Zhuge Gongcheng's body and attacked and killed him.

"Suddenly At one end of the battle platform of the eight array platform, Zhuge Gongcheng's body was covered with a misty white mist. Then his whole body began to become unreasonably ethereal, and countless streamers of sword Qi flew over his body at the same time.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

The hazy white mist rose, and dozens of white figures appeared at the same time. Dozens of figures in white step forward at the same time. In the surrounding area of Liuyun fairy, there are more than ten strange figures who are the same as Zhuge.

Above the eight battle platforms, the third area of the regiment.

At this time, Huang guanze, the successor of the sword Pavilion, has controlled and released five dazzling flying swords. In addition to one of the flying swords, which is connected with its own soul, the other dazzling flying swords also release the peak cultivation combat power in the later period of the infant soul realm.

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Five dazzling flying swords, with the power of Xiao Sha's sword spirit, immediately surrounded the disciple Wu Xiao, who came from the secret Buddha sect.

"Amitabha!" The Golden Buddha light on little monk Wu rose in vain, driving away all the sword spirit that invaded his body. The body of little monk Le Wu is gradually exposed to the golden light of the Buddha. His strong and strong body, like a golden arhat with golden light, stands out among the five dazzling flying swords.

"Kill There was a roar from the edge of the platform. Huang guanze's spirit of killing and cutting sword was quickly permeated with the five dazzling flying swords in front of him.

And the five dazzling flying swords all burst out in a flash with a more violent and fierce sword spirit. For a moment, they all rushed out in unison towards the body of little monk Le Wu, who was added by Buddha's light in the field. They all stabbed and killed.

Above the eight battle platforms and within the square array of the last battle area.

It is reported from the animal temple that mieba's body has been completely transformed into a beast, and his whole body has risen several times in vain. Just like an unshakable beast giant, the two bloody eyes flashed, staring at a woman's figure.

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"Go Chen Baozhai's female disciples had a dignified face, and a golden sword in their hands flew out in a flash.

The four horned gold swallowing beast moves extremely fast, and the three leaps and two vertical movements break through mieba's Xuanli defense. And the whole smart and small figure is changing the direction one after another. With one breath of effort, it left dozens of tiny claw marks on mieba's body.

"Hum!" A very angry low roar, suddenly spit out from mieba's mouth. Mieba's big and big figure ran wildly, and ran like a raging beast towards Liu Yiming's delicate body.Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

The heavy sound of heavy footfalls, which is very depressing, makes the boundary of the area on one side of the eight battle platforms, which is imprisoned, tremble restlessly. And a terrible and dreary Xuanli's air suddenly put pressure on Liu Yiming. In an instant, Liu Yiming's whole body was covered with death and locked down on the spot.

"Brush!" Mieba's huge posture flashed forward in vain, and a fist power like destroying the sky and the earth suddenly fell on Liu Yiming's body.

"Bang!" There was only a loud explosion in the eardrum, which rang over the last area of the Taiwan regiment. The power of mieba's fist, the endless and violent Xuanli's power, is rolling down the pressure like an avalanche. In a flash, Liu Yiming's mysterious Qi of protecting his body, which was always covered with blessing, turned into pieces and splashed everywhere.

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"Wow!" Mieba's fist is still going forward in a frenzy, hitting Liu Yiming's delicate body. Subtle cracks and marks burst out on Liu Yiming's body, and a powerful weapon burst out in front of mieba's body.

"Suddenly A breeze blows, and a little golden light flies out of the void. The four horned gold gobbler's body keeps growing and expanding in the void. Finally, it turns into an adult tiger with a terrifying mouth, and runs to the neck of mieba, the successor of the beast temple.

"Brush!" At the moment, on the other side of mieba's body, a delicate and delicate figure suddenly appeared. Not only that, the figure also flew out rapidly, and sent out the power of Taoist magic weapons from the side, and was imprisoned on mieba's body by repeatedly blessing.

Gulu, Gulu

Around the battle platform on both sides of the eight array platform, the powerful men of the major sects and the forces of the major dynasties all took a breath of cool air. They all looked at the four completely different battlefields on the eight array platform, and their eyes were full of shock, excitement and fanaticism< br>

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